Miniature House–HTML Online Shop Template

Miniature House-HTML Online Shop Template

“Miniature House” is an HTML online shop template for small private business selling not huge number of items. It can be used as it is (since it has default PayPal shopping cart) or be worked on further–by building your own custom shopping cart and payment system.

Template includes two standalone folders: either with html files or with php files. You can choose one folder which is more comfortable for you to work with and to trash another one. Each folder contains 10 page templates, css files, js files, image placeholders and a couple of PSD files of elements used in template.

Template was tested on iMac (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera) and Windows (IE8, IE9, Chrome). A couple of CSS3 features (unessential for functionality) work only in webkit browsers. Template in IE8 works as expected but naturally does not provide same look as Chrome does.

Refer to screenshots section to see how it should look (screenshots were taken on latest Opera, iMac).

Template has fixed layout and minimum screen resolution required is 1280px.

Contact form is styled but not working (read more in Help File). Images are not included apart a few template elements like loaders, zoom icons, etc. Icon font is not included as well (read more in Help File).

Thank you!

April 2016: attention! I am working on WordPress version of this template, as soon as it will be ready it will be exposed for sale either here on ThemeForest or on my own website.

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