Enews is news or portofolio HTML/CSS template that built with very cool responsive template, cool design, professional concept and a slew of features. This site template completed with 2 web layouts (stretched & boxed) and 3 colors option (orange, green, blue) that you can choose your own.
- Bulit with bootstrap
- Responsive design
- Use 1200 grid system
- Magazine and portofolio template
- 3 colors option (orange, green and blue)
- 2 web layouts (boxed and stretched)
- HTML5 valid
- JavaScript validation with JSHint
- 23 PSDs include
- 29 HTMLs include
- 4 homepage sliders
- Pricing tables
- Review & rating post
- Photo, video, music post
- Pretty photo
- Image preloader
- jQuery isotope for filtering content
- Clean template and code
- Twitter integration
- Contact form element with AJAX (send direct to your email)
- Cross browser also in IE7
- SEO friendly
- Well documented
- Easy to customizable
Note: This is only site template (HTML/CSS template), not wordpress theme.
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