InGRID - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

InGRID - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

This responsive WordPress theme is perfectly suitable for both business and personal type of websites!

Current version: 1.9.2 (Sep 28, 2015)



Version 1.9.2 – September 28, 2015.
  • Update: Revolution Slider
  • Update: RevSlider documentation update
  • Fix: Masonry bug in startup.js file
  • Fix: WP_widget() is deprecated notice problem solved in debug mode
Version 1.9.1 – June 25, 2015.
  • PrettyPhoto plugin update
Version 1.9 – May 11, 2015.
  • Android reload issue fix in startup.js
  • TGMPA plugin activation update
  • Revolution slider update
  • Custom gallery fix
  • Custom widget area fix in
Version 1.8 – February 12, 2015.
  • Full posts page error fix
  • Carousel fixes
  • Site now reloads in responsive mode on window resize
Version 1.7 – January 13, 2015.
  • RevSlider update to 4.6.5
  • Better logo handling
  • Added fontAwesome icons, use them with the [icon] shortcode or <i class=”fa fa-icon”></i> tag
  • Request: added option to turn off responsivity and retina support
  • Request: added new page template to display full posts
  • Theme is now retina ready
  • Added a new 1-click demo importer
  • Updated documentation
Version 1.6 – September 8, 2014.
  • Revolution Slider update
  • Get_post_meta and strict error fixes
  • Now you can add more than one google map shortcode to your page
  • Comment form hidden if disabled //test it
  • Button shortcode parameter fixes
  • Google font import fix
  • Button shortcode now works in footer widgets
  • Fix post carousel hover
  • Disabled revslider activation message in admin to avoid misunderstandings
  • Documentation updated: new Troubleshoot & Customization and theme upload section
Version 1.5 – December 17, 2013.
  • WordPress 3.8 admin UI fixes
  • Post carousel image hover fix for Safari
  • Revolution Slider update (4.1.3)
  • Documentation update
Version 1.4 – November 27, 2013.
  • Shortcode Generator’s Google Map fix
  • Custom gallery viewer description fix
  • Full Width slider now allows one image
  • Revolution Slider update
  • Documentation update
Version 1.3 – July 16, 2013.
  • pullqoute right alignment fix
  • now you can add multiple tabs on one page
  • favicon now works
  • Chrome hover bug in carousel
  • shortcodes in tabs are now allowed
  • pullqoute shortcode is now working
  • audio player shortcode is now working properly
  • Full Width Slider options are now working properly
  • Revolution Slider update (3.0.5)
Version 1.2 – May 23, 2013.
  • on some pages footer widget area didn’t appear
  • primary menu and mobile menu issues
  • documentation update about how to create a menu in WP 3.6
  • FW slider semicolon issue
Version 1.1 – May 8, 2013.
  • demo styling panel was removed
  • implode issue fix in index.php
  • gallery issue fix