Parasponsive HTML5 / CSS3

Parasponsive HTML5 / CSS3

Buy WordPress Parasponsive Theme

Update 25-05-2013Update 15-05-2013Update 8-05-2013

Parasponsive is perfect for companies, studios, private photographers, designers, blogs, and other web-projects.Adaptive layout for all mobile and tablet devices. A huge number of effects, including parallax are already inside.Often updated.


Template Features:

  • Responsive layout
  • CSS3 & HTML5
  • Paralax Effect
  • A lot of effects and animations
  • Flex Slider mobile friendly finger wipe
  • jCarousel mobile friendly finger wipe
  • Font Awasome, Zocial & Linecons Font Icons sets
  • Pricing table
  • Google MAPs as Iframe and Google Font feel free to edit.
  • Slider Support Video’s iframe
  • Video pop-up can be called by slider button
  • New! Pro version lightbox plugin attached (you save 49$ for pro version)
  • Portfolio now support Video items and new pop_up gallary already there!
  • Contact form now sends your messages!

This theme imports Javascript files.

  • jQuery
  • My custom scripts
  • Bootstrap tooltips plugin
  • jCarousel Plugin
  • ToughtWipe Plugin
  • Isotope Plugin
  • Twitter Plugin
  • Waypoints Plugin
  • Knob Plugin
  • PLaceholder Plugin
  • ScrollTo Plugin
  • One Page Nav Plugin
  • Responsive Plugin
  • Modernizer Plugin

N.B. Images used in preview are NOT included in theme files.

Update 25-05-2013

Blog Update:
  • +Sidebar
  • +Comments
  • +Share buttons
Site Updated:
  • Styles updated
  • JS modified
  • Forms styles modified
  • Site’s loading speed optimized
  • Siteloading Animation changed
  • FontAwesome Icons up to date NOW!

Update 15-05-2013

  • Paralax now working on Ipad!
  • Paralax images works on Iphones!
  • Site loading speed Optimized!
  • Small Issues fixed

Update 08-05-2013

  • Slider Support Video’s iframe
  • Video pop-up can be called by slider button
  • New! Pro version lightbox plugin attached (you save 49$ for pro version)
  • Portfolio now support Video items and new pop_up gallary already there!
  • Contact form now sends your messages!

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