Social - Premium Responsive Admin Template

Social - Premium Responsive Admin Template

Bootstrap 3 and RTL Support

Social is a responsive admin & frontend template compatible with Bootstrap v3 and latest jQuery versions. Social was developed for your backend (admin) and frontend applications. This template comes with easy to use components and a huge collection of plugins to custom some stuffs like dropdown menus, forms, buttons, tables, modal boxes, advanced charts and more, supported by all major browsers, tablets (IPads & others) and mobiles devices such as IPhone and Androids Phones.

Please, if you found any bugs or have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know, I’ll do my best to fix them as soon as possible.

Enjoy and stay tuned.

IMPORTANT: This template doesn’t support Internet Explorer 7 (and lower) and Firefox 3.x.

Features List


Version 2.1.3 January 31, 2015

  • Updated Bootstrap to v3.3.2
  • Updated Font Awesome to v4.3.0
  • Updated some plugins
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.1.2

  • Updated Bootstrap to v3.2.0
  • Updated Font Awesome
  • Updated some plugins:
    • HTML5 Shiv
    • jQuery
    • Bootstrap
    • Bootstrap Colorpicker
    • Date Range Picker
    • Bootstrap Hover Dropdown
    • Bootstrap Markdown
    • Bootstrap Switch
    • Dropzone.js
    • GMaps.js
    • Isotope
    • Jasny Bootstrap
    • jQuery Validation Plugin
    • PNotify
    • Select2
    • Selectize.js
  • Bug fixes and improvements

Version 2.1.0 April 30, 2014

  • New: RTL Support
  • New: jQuery UI Compatibility
  • Bug fixes and some code improvements
  • Cleaner code and more comments

Version 2.0.0 March 31, 2014

The template is now compatible with Bootstrap v3.1.1 and it’s not backward compatible with Social v1.x.

  • IMPROVED: The Sidebar has been optimized and now it’s a jQuery plugin
  • NEW: Frontend Design in now included
  • Removed: The colored icons in the sidebar have been removed.
  • New: A jQuery plugin is included for managing the basics behavior of panels (collapse, detention).
  • New Styles for buttons: Social Buttons, Group buttons and Buttons lists
  • Fixed: Some outdated plugins are been removed/changed
  • New Pages layouts
  • New: LESS files are included just for theme generation, it’s not included the LESS files of the whole project
  • New panel widget is included: Tasks
  • New Breadcrumbs design
  • New markdown editor
  • New plugin for forms: Selectize.js
  • New plugin for checkboxes: iCheck

Version 1.5.1 August 11, 2013

  • New: Navbar Mega Menu now you can have any content in any dropdown menu inside a navbar
  • Moved: The folder ./rtl/ was moved to ./demo/rtl/
  • Fixed Some minor bugs

Version 1.5.0 August 05, 2013

  • New:
    • Responsive table solution
    • Checkbox & Radio buttons style
    • Form Wizard examples of use
  • New Pages:
    • Historical Timeline
    • Email Inbox with Preview Pane
  • Improved:
    • Sidebar Script
    • Some CSS files
    • Others JS Scripts
  • Fixed Important bugs
  • Updated jQuery
  • Updated Glyphicons Pro to v1.8
  • Updated some plugins:
    • Chosen
    • HTML5Shiv
    • jQuery Sparklines
    • jQuery Raty
    • jQuery.LocalScroll
    • FullCalendar
    • Gritter for jQuery
    • jQuery File Upload
    • Ease Pie Chart
    • DropZone
    • jQuery Colorbox
    • jQuery Avgrund Popin Plugin
    • jQuery twitter bootstrap wizard plugin
    • CKEditor
    • bootstrapSwitch
    • Fuel UX
    • Bootstrap DateTime Picker
    • Bootstrap Date Range Picker
    • Google Code Prettify

Version 1.4.0 June 27, 2013

  • Important: Sidebar Animation feature was removed, performance has prevailed over the visual aspects
  • New:
    • RTL version
    • Sidebar Font Icons Support
    • Tabs Designs
    • Pricing Table design
    • 4 Level Sidebar Menu
  • New Layout:
    • Font Icon Sidebar
  • Updated Font Awesome to v3.2.1
  • Replaced:
    • Date/Time Plugin
  • Improved:
    • Current User Profile Page
    • Some CSS codes
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.3.1 June 13, 2013

  • Important: Animation effects of the Sidebar are disabled by default
  • New:
    • 3 new colors for the icons-buttons
    • New styles for the Social Boxes
    • New Colored Borders Styles for tabs
    • New layout: Auto-Hide Sidebar
    • New support for Colored Icons inside buttons
  • Improved:
    • Switch sidebar size button
    • Themes
  • Updated Font Awesome to v3.2.0
  • Updated some plugins:
    • Bootstrap ColorPicker
    • Fuel-UX
    • BootstrapSwitch
    • Twitter Bootstrap Wizard
    • bootstrap-wysihtml5
    • CKEditor
    • JavaScript Load Image
    • Avgrund
    • Chosen
    • jQuery Colorbox
    • Dropzone
    • easy pie chart
    • jQuery File Upload
    • Gritter for jQuery
    • GMaps.js
    • jQVmap
    • jQuery Mouse Wheel
    • Very simple jQuery color picker
    • jQuery-slimScroll
    • jQuery UI Bootstrap
    • jQuery UI Chatbox Plugin
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.3.0 June 3, 2013

  • New: UI-Pro - Simple Metro Style Navigation Bar (Value 15 USD) Reselling of this item is prohibited and the license is non transferable. If you would like to use it as a part of your own (another) product, you have to buy your own license.
  • New Pages:
    • Email Templates
    • Search Results
    • FAQ
    • User Profile
    • Pricing Tables
    • Contac Us
    • Features Page
    • Blog
    • Shop
  • New Layouts:
    • Expanded Sidebar
    • Sticky footer
  • Updated:
    • Twitter Bootstrap to v2.3.2
  • Improved:
    • Style
    • JavaScript Codes
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.2.0 May 19, 2013

  • New: +420 Glyphicons PRO Icons Set (Value 59 USD) You can only use this icons with this template, reselling of this icons is prohibited and the license is non transferable. If you would like to use GLYPHICONS as a part of your own (another) product, you have to buy your own license.
  • New: Themes Support
  • New: Sidebar Auto-Hide Feature
  • New: Sidebar Resize Chat Section Feature
  • New: CKEditor with two extra themes
  • New: Touch Support for jQueryUI
  • New: Social Boxes (Portlets) Extra Features
  • New: Rating Systems
  • New: Responsive Tables
  • New: More commented code
  • Updated:
    • FontAwesome Icons to v3.1.0
    • Bootstrap DateRangePicker
  • Improved:
    • Social Sidebar
    • Dynamic Tables Examples
    • Code Improvements
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.1.0 May 7, 2013

  • New: 4 more colors for the navbar
  • New: Mini Chat Version
  • New: jQuery UI Support (jQuery UI ChatBox)
  • New: File Unloaders (jQuery Dropzone & jQuery File Upload)
  • New: Date Range Picker
  • New: Auto fit tabs (Tab drop for Bootstrap)
  • New: Nestable List (jQueryPulsate)
  • New: Simple Color Picker (jQuery SimpleColorPicker)
  • New Layouts:
    – Blank Page
    – Full Width Page
  • Improved:
    – Social Sidebar
    – Chat window (big version)
    – Social Timeline Page
    – Chat Inbox Page
    – Email Inbox Page
    – Code Improvements
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs

Version 1.0.0 May 2, 2013

  • Initial release


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