This template is a responsive and retina ready Joomla one-page/multiple pages template with grid system layout. Mobile Touch optimized.
See demo: One Page / Multiple Pages
Joomla 3.3 support! Use the quickstart package for an easy installation.
- Support for +500 Google Fonts
- Las Works module with multiple layouts to fit your needs. Easy to configure it!
- Vimeo in your articles. Display Vimeo video in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Youtube in your articles. Display Youtube video in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Unlimited Module positions to display your content in a custom and professional way.
- Retina Ready (HD)
- Responsive Design
- One Page and Multiple Pages supported
- Manage all content with native Content Component
- ...and more Features!
Unique Layout & Cleand Design

Documentation for an Easy configuration!

02/12/2013 Fixing masonry issue for IE browsers (ver. 1.0.5)13/11/2013 Template (ver. 1.0.4) Fixing jQuery conflict in Circle Contact Module (ver. 1.0.5)10/11/2013 Fixing compatibility issues with Joomla 3.2 (ver. 1.0.3) Fixing send mail funcions in some servers in Circle Contact Module (ver. 1.0.4)09/09/2013 Fixing placeholders in Circle Contact Module (ver. 1.0.3)01/08/2013 Improving jQuery in Circle Contact Module (ver. 1.0.2)14/06/2013 - Initial release