The7 — Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

The7 -- Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme


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Put simply, The7 is THE most customizable WordPress theme on the market.

It features 630+ design customization options.

People new to multipurpose WordPress themes will be delighted with The7 Design Wizard. It allows to choose basic settings like branding, colors, header layout, etc. and intelligently calculates all the rest. Voila, your pro-grade site design is ready in mere minutes. Automatically!

Add a seamless integration with Visual Composer page builder, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce, WPML (as well as other most popular plugins), and you get the definitive web-development toolkit.

And, yes, it is mobile friendly (certified by Google) and SEO-ready.

Take a look at some of The7 features:

Design Wizard
This unique feature allows you to select basic theme settings like header layout, branding, colors, background, etc. and it intelligently calculates optimal values for everything else. You get the pro-grade site design in a few minutes/clicks. Automatically!

Design Library
25 versatile designs out of the box. You can use them as ready-made solutions or as a solid foundation for your unique design.

Industry’s most advanced Theme Options
Number says it all: over 630 settings at your disposal. There’s nothing even close to it in competing products!You can use all the options to create truly unique site appearance. Or only some of them to tweak skins / designs built by Wizard.

Visual Composer with Ultimate Addons and The7 Elements
You cannot call a theme truly “multipurpose” if it comes without some sort of visual page builder. The7 integrates seamlessly with Visual Composer and Ultimate Addons. Furthermore we’ve enriched it with the set of our signature shortcodes:
Before / After (the essential tool to showcase retouch work)
Fancy Titles, Fancy Separators, Fancy Quote
Call to Action
Contact Form
Blog Mini
Blog Masonry & Grid
Blog Scroller, Portfolio Scroller
Portfolio Masonry & Grid, Portfolio Justified Grid
Albums Masonry & Grid, Albums Justified Grid
Albums Scroller, Photos Scroller
Photos Justified Grid, Photos Masonry & Grid
Royal Slider
Gap, Fancy Media, Button, Fancy List

Responsive. Fluid. Retina ready.
Your site will always look sharp and utilize 100% of screen estate on every device.
The7 has 3 individually customizable display modes: for desktops/laptops, tablets and phones.

Header layouts
6 header layouts with innumerable variations and setting for each:
Inline (menu on the right of the logo).
Classic (menu below the logo section; “centered” layout option available).
Split-header (new; centered logo with menu on each side).
Side (vertical header on the side of the page).
“Navigation-on-click” with side header (new; side header reveled after click on the “hamburger” icon).
“Navigation-on-click” with overlay navigation (new; modern overlay navigation reveled after click on the “hamburger” icon).
You can also make pages stand out with transparent, overlapping and header-under-slideshow options.

Mobile headers
4 mobile header layouts. Option to select different header for phones and tablets.

Slider Revolution, Layer Slider, Photo Scroller and Porthole slider at you disposal.

Fancy titles
This feature gives you the option to add a background image and page title & breadcrumbs interposition to each page individually.

Add color and style to your site. Contrast stripes of content will make your site eye-catching and memorable.

Sidebar & Footer
Customize the appearance of your Sidebars & Footer. Assign individual Sidebar and Footer to any page/post/project/album/gallery/microsite/etc. you like.

Multiple showcase options for your creative works
There are many ways to showcase your creative works with The7. To name a few:
4 different slideshows
Masonry, justified grid and list portfolios and galleries
Responsive magnific popup lightbox

Dedicated Post Types for:
Photo Albums

Plenty of Blog, Portfolio & Galleries Layouts
You can choose:
Masonry, grid or list view.
Justified grid layout for portfolio, albums and galleries
Infinite scroll / lazy loading option
Any number of columns + min. column width option
Additionally you can specify an appearance of photo album:
Photo Scroller
Simple slider

Convenient Page Templates
Innovative page templates system in The7 allows you to display your content like portfolio projects, blog posts or team members in a couple of clicks. Moreover, you can specify which categories to show on this particular page. Therefore, you can create an unlimited number of different portfolios, galleries, blogs, teams, etc.!
List of page templates:
Default Template
Albums – justified grid
Albums – masonry & grid
Blog – list
Blog – masonry & grid
Gallery – justified grid
Gallery – masonry & grid
Portfolio – justified grid
Portfolio – list
Portfolio – masonry & grid

Unique page template: Microsite
May be used for landing pages, one-page-sites, blank pages,.. even sterling sites-in-site!
Select custom menu
Enable / disable top bar, header, floating menu, bottom bar
Use custom logos, logo links and favicon
Enable / disable beautiful page loading
Choose wide or boxed layout
Custom CSS field
All regular options like header, slideshow, sidebars, etc. settings are also available

Mega Menu
Icon-font icons
Multiple menu rows / columns
Numerous styling options

100% WooCommerce integration. Sell your goods with style.
That’s right – no need to mess with WooCommerce styling to fit your site perfectly. The7 will apply all required highly customized styles based on your design automatically! Specially optimized to sell digital, as well as physical, goods.

$99 worth of premium plugins included
The7 offers more value for money. It includes $99 worth of premium plugins: Slider Revolution, Layer Slider, Royal Slider (JS version), Go – Pricing tables, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer.

Compatible with most popular WordPress Plugins
Enjoy one of the bast in class plugins compatibility. To name a few:
Contact form 7, WPML, All in One Calendar, Events manager Pro, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, SEO by Yoast, All in One Seo Pack, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, JetPack, Luv Comments, Disqus, Geo Post, Ultimate Maintenance Mode, NextGEN Gallery, etc.

Optimized for Search Engines (SEO)
The7’s HTML5 code meets best SEO practices. It is officially “mobile friendly” (confirmeg by google). Theme is 100% compatible with industry-leading SEO plugins like “All on One SEO Pack” and “SEO by Yoast”.

100% translation ready and WPML compatible
The7 is 100% translation ready and fully compatible with WPML.

Extensive documentation. Premium Class Support for free.
Faced a problem? No worries – we have knowledge-base, interactive troubleshooter and our premium-class customer support service is always ready to help you.

Build by pro developers; optimized for SPEEED!
Correctly set up sites build on The7 will yield highest page speed and scores in tests like GTMetrix and Pingdom.

As you see, list of features goes on and on and on. Usage possibilities are truly innumerable.
But a picture paints a thousand words. Head to the The7 demo!

Attention! Photos on the preview are not included and can be purchased from

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Support Portal Knowledgebase Support Policy

Faced a problem? No worries – our premium class customer support service is always ready to help you.

Support requests are being processed on business days from 8:00 to 17:00 (GMT 0.0) [normally] within 24-48h in the order they were received.

Please note that the fastest way to obtain support is to submit a request via our online Help Desk: Requests received via ThemeForest comments and personal messages, email, Twitter or FaceBook will take much longer time to process or can be not addressed at all!

Theme Evolution

v.3.7.0 (May 20, 2016)

1. New: The7 Custom Post Types (PHP, JavaScript and CSS code) were moved to separate plugin. This allows performance optimization for people who do not use custom post types.2. Improvement: Royal Slider is removed from theme core and replaced by standard scroller/slider engine.3. Plugins updated to newest versions.4. Fixed: issue with menu when object cache is enabled.5. Fixed: issue that prevented plugins update when their notifications were disabled.6. Fixed: issue with floating content in Portfolio Projects.7. Fixed: issue with invisible userpics on WooCommerce pages.8. Fixes and improvements to WPML microwidget.9. Fixed: issue with lightbox in FireFox.10. Updates to ru_RU translation files.11. Fixed: Facebook share button returns "Not Found" error.Other minor improvements and bugfixes; JavaScript and CSS optimization.

v.3.6.1 (Apr 26, 2016)

1. New demo: Coffee. 2. Further to The7 Demo Content plugin:   - option to import content by post type was replaced with the option to "import entire content";   - after importing the demo content, homepage settings and menu will be automatically imported as well;  - each demo indicates which plugins are required/missing in order for it to work properly;  - after importing theme options, default logo will be used instead of blank image.3. WPML compatibility improvements.

v. (Apr 21, 2016)

1. Plugins updated to newest versions.2. ES_es lang files updated.3. Old The7 v.2 updated to version 2.3.13 to be compatible with WordPress 4.5.

v.3.6.0 (Apr 15, 2016)

1. Ensured full compatibility with WordPress 4.5.2. Improvements to "The7 Demo Content" plugin:   - added setting to import theme options (including widget areas and homepage);   - demo content will not be importable until you install required plugins;   - added links to corresponding demos on thumbnails.3. Fixed: Portfolio -> post with video in lightbox -> fullscreen does not work in Chrome.4. Fixed: archive albums hover not clickable.5. Plugins updated to newest versions to be compatible with WP 4.5.

v.3.5.1 (Mar 31, 2016)

1. New demo: Dance School.2. Improvements to demo content package.3. Added top and bottom paddings options for menu in classic header layout.  4. Improvements to fancy media shortcode. 5. Minor improvements and fixes for microwidgets.6. Microwidgets will now accept custom code.7. Fixed: issues with responsiveness in admin area. 8. Fixed: issue with menu scrolling on Android devices. 9. Fixed: issue with WC products overlay on touch devices.10. Fixed: "Galelry – masony & grid" + AJAX options + "Private" post setting = JS error.11. Fixed: WooCommerce product has two instances of H1 headers.12. Minor improvements to styling of Contact Form 7.Other minor improvements and fixes. 

v.3.5.0 (Mar 20, 2016)

1. New bundled plugin: ConvertPlug  - WordPress Popups Plugin.2. New: microwidgets now have settings for behaviour on first responsive point (tablet layout). 3. New: added block of setting for site Side Paddings (Theme Options > General > Advanced).4. New: option to disable the bottom bar on the whole site (Theme Options > Bottom Bar).5. Improved: theme usability on devices that have both touch-screen and mouse/trackpad. 6. Plugins updated to newest versions: Slider Devolution, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons.7. fr_FR translation files updated.8. Fixed: issue with last menu item indication on Microsites.Other "under the hood" fixes and improvements.

v.3.4.2 (Mar 11, 2016)

1. New demo "The7 Product" in Apple aesthetics;) Eliminated deprecated fonts embedding in demo sliders.3. New: Bulk actions for Product page sidebars & featured images in Blog posts.4. Improvements to Fancy Separators shortcode.5. Improvements to Contact Form 7 styling.6. Improvement: WPML footer widget area translation.7. Fixed: incorrect mega-menu positioning and menu cut-off in boxed layouts.8. Fixed: WooCommerce subcategory name is not displayed.9. Fixed: Stripe 3 + Fancy Title element + title-color:title does not work.10. The7 v.2 WooCommerce compatibility update.11. Other minor improvements and fixes.12. Slider Revolution updated to newest version. (Ultimate Addons was NOT due to an issue that brakes layouts on mobile devices. We are waiting for new update.)

v.3.4.1 (Mar 2, 2016)

1. Fixed: issue with custom backgrounds in stripes.2. Fixed: incorrect fonts names in Theme Options.3. Fixed: in WooCommerce products, when slideshow selected, product title won't appear.4. Fixed: WooCommerce Active Filters color issue.5. Removed deprecated video-backgrounds settings from rows.6. Fixed: Visual Composer activation message.7. Fixed: when setting accent color to gradient, VC element FAQ has second line disappearing.8. Some social icons updated.9. Go Pricing Tables plugin updated to newest version.10. Other minor fixes.

v.3.4.0 (Feb 25, 2016)

1. New: "Expedition" demo added.2. Significant Wizard improvements. Now it can be used in 2 modes: to create a design from a scratch and to customize existing design.3. Improvement: VC rows and columns are fully functional. Now you can use "equal height columns", etc.4. Improvement: VC Grid and Masonry elements are enabled and fully functional.5. WPML compatibility improvements.6. Other minor improvements and fixes.

v.3.3.2 (Feb 20, 2016)

1. Improvement: "loading" animation added to lazy loading images.2. Improvement: beautiful loading algorithm improved to give the impression of faster pages loading.3. Fixed: dt_highlight stopped reacting to color parameter.4. Fixed: when you use album template + "VC Photos" element together on a page, "VC Photos" does not open in the lightbox.5. Improved compatibility for settings of VC inner rows.6. Updates to es_ES language files.7. Other tiny improvements and fixes.

v.3.3.1 (Feb 15, 2016)

1. New demo: The7 Marketing Agency.2. Visual Composer and Ultimate Addons updated to newest versions.3. Fixed: mobile menu appearance issues.4. Fixed: stripe video background, does not autoplay.5. Fixed: light box does not work in photos justified grid & photo scroller when title and caption is enabled.6. Fixed: a problem with the width when two or more consecutive blocks “Portfolio Scroller” and on desktop computers; note: if you select rows the full width of the screen.7. Fixed: site width is not changing on Android devices on orientation change event.8. Fixed: link to microwidgets editing interface in Theme Options Wizard.9. Minor visual improvements and fixes.

v.3.3.0 (Feb 10, 2016)

1. New Feature: lazy loading option for images in post types (Theme Option > General > Advanced, "Lazy loading").2. Improvement: microwidgets can be edited directly on the "layout" tab. Simply click the edit (pencil) icon on desired widget.3. New demo content: Beauty Studio and The7 App.4. Plugins updated to newest versions.5. Improvement: WooCommerce 2.5.2 compatibility.6. Improvement: High-DPI (retina) images setting removed in favour of SRCSETs.7. Fix: Album page template; 1 image in an album + video link = no video in lightbox.8. Fix: improvements to some translation files.

v.3.2.2 (Jan 22, 2016)

1. Plugins updated.2. WooCommerce 2.5.0 compatibility.3. Fixed: Image title visibility setting is not working for some single album layouts.

v.3.2.1 (Jan 16, 2016)

1. Visual Composer and Slider Revolution plugins updated to newest versions.2. Fixed: comments forms rendering in new WordPress.3. Fixed: issue with social icons opacity in header.4. Fixed: issue with quick edit interface of Portfolio post type.

v.3.2.0 (Dec 28, 2015)

1. New feature: Long awaited "Modules" theme options page for disabling/enabling custom post types!2. New demo content: The7 Landing Page.3. Improved: Top bat menu layout.4. Fix: Gallery jGrid template. If image titles are on, then image click opens this image in a browser tab.5. Fix: If image title is hidden, share buttons are hidden too.6. Fix: Gradient text color causes an issue with menu widget titles.7. Fix: Share buttons do not appear on pages with a template other than Default.8. Fix: When using standard "Categories" widget in a drop-down mode, it shows title two times.9. Fix: VC "Masonry Albums" in a blog post: if you click on an album lightbox, it always displays pictures from the first album.

v.3.1.4 (Dec 19, 2015)

1. Improvement: Update for TGM library.2. Improvement: Update for es_ES translation.3. New feature: Lazy loading option for vc_single_image shortcode.4. Improvement: Migration tool minor enhancements.5. Improvement: Contacts microwidgets input is now wider.6. Improvement: Microwidgets are changing opacity on hover.7. Improvement: Added arrow for WPML flags drop-down.8. Improvement: Image & hover decoration: blur effect is handled with CSS.9. Fix: WPML. Wrong admin-text field name.10. Fix: Portfolio Project. Title does not shown for a single image in a list.11. Fix: Contact information changes when switching a skin.12. Fix: Blog Widget. Post titles do not filter html tags.13. Fix: Microsite. If you disable header&topbar, it disables floating menu too.14. Fix: Too long submenu + side header layout.15. Fix: If an album contains only 1 image, it is being opened in a browser tab.16. Fix: Gallery share buttons are invisible.17. Plugin update: Revolution Slider.18. Old The7 v.2 was updated to v.2.3.9 (minor fixes, plugins updated).

v.3.1.3 (Dec 12, 2015):

1. Improvement: Optimization of accordion widget script.2. Improvement: Blog post titles in widgets do not render HTML.3. Fix: IE 10 menu hover underline.4. Fix: Tooltip does not appear.5. Fix: Side header, navigation is behind a slider.6. Fix: Mega menu is cut off.7. Fix: WP 4.4 compatibility (array_map() notice).8. Fix: DT Contact info, "Mail" - wrong rendering of a link.9. Plugin update: Ultimate Addons.10. Old The7 v.2 was updated to v.2.3.8 (improved WP 4.4 compatibility).

v.3.1.2 (Dec 9, 2015):

1. Improvement: custom header menu settings.2. Improvement: search field is in focus on click.3. Improvement: Basic fr_FR included.4. Fix: Accordion line-height issue.5. Fix: PhotoScroller - Force Fullscreen mode button does not work.6. Fix: Slider Revolution, bulltes background.7. Fix: IE 10,11 - svg issue.8. Fix: Standard WP gallery. Option "link to: none" does not work.

v.3.1.1 (Dec 4, 2015):

Fixed issue with mobile menu not being displayed under certain circumstances.

v. (Dec 3, 2015):

Version of installable file remains 3.1.0. Changes are made to full theme package only.1. Minor changes to Slider Revolution demo content.2. Theme Options for thematic demos added to theme package.3. Old The7.2 was updated to v.2.3.7.

v.3.1.0 (Dec 2, 2015):

New feature: Tool for transferring Theme Options from The7 v.2 (beta) is finally here!Fix: If top_bar_left is empty - top_bar_right moves to the left.Fix: Theme update does not work for The7 3.0.0.Fix: Saving Theme Options causes fatal error if BBPress is active.Fix: "Open Sans Latin-ext" cannot be selected.Fix: IE 10 fixes for flexbox: headers, rollover on images, woocommerce, etc.Fix: Problem with disabled responsiveness (two headers).Fix: Messed up buttons in Default WP player.Fix: Color for mobile menu "hamburger" button.Fix: JS error in 3D slider.Update: "The7 Demo Content" updated to v.1.1.5 with new demo content.Update: Font Awesome 4.5.0Update: Slider Revolution 5.1.4Update: Go Pricing Tables 3.1.2

v.3.0.1 (Nov 21, 2015):

1. Fixed: long main menu is not scrollable on Android devices. 2. Fixed: in IE11 and FF micro-widgets in left side of top bare are being centred (instead of align left).3. Fixed: issue with "Gallery" post format in blog. 4. Fixed: issue with child theme not displaying posts. 5. Fixed: issue with non-disablable "Give credits to Dream-Theme" option in "Theme Options > Wizard".

v.3.0.0 (Nov 18, 2015):

Initial release.

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