Faculty is a HTML theme and it can be used to build personnal page for academic people. It is special for being:
- designed for an online cv of professors and PHD students
- new and novel page structure and navigation
- and yet responsive
- Fully Responsive
- Uniqe page navigation
- One page
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Masonry Gallery
- Parallax effects
- Mobile nav
- Specific design for publications
- Beautifull carousel
- Dedicated support
- Easy customization
- 6 pre-defined color styles
- even more…
- bootstrap
- carouFredSel jQuery plugin
- dropdownit.js jQuery plugin from codrops.com
- mixitup jQuery plugin
- mousewheel jQuery plugin
- stellar jQuery plugin by Mark Dalgleish
- touchSwipe jQuery plugin
- jQuery
- magnific-popup.js by Dmitry Semenov
- Masonry by David DeSandro
- Perfect scrollbar by HyeonJe Jun
- TweenMax by greensock.com
Version 3.0 – August 2015
-Added "modern demo" to package-Updated all dependencies and libraries-Updated FontAwesome to latest version-Fixed smooth scrolling at mobile-Updated sidebar layout-Updated Documentation
version 2.1
fix: menu highlight fixed
version 2.0
a new version added to the package without in-page navigation
version 1.0
Initial release