JM Bookshop-Responsive Magento theme for bookshop

JM Bookshop-Responsive Magento theme for bookshop

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Responsive Magento theme Bookshop is our veryfirst theme dedicated for online bookstores. Bookshop theme iscompatible with both Magento 1.7 and the latest Magento 1.9 version too.

At the first glance, our Bookshop presents the trending flat designwith a professional block layout. To dig out more, the theme is armedwith 9 Magento extensions including Mega Menu, Basetheme, Slideshow 2, Masshead, Product Slider, Tabs, Product, Quickview and especially Product Deal. Not to mention this Magentotheme is fully responsive and features Off-canvas navigation.

Browse through the features of our latest magento theme Bookshop and you would want to launch a bookstore of your own.

1. Do your product promotion with Product Deal

JM Product Deal in Magento theme  Bookshop

Product Deal extension as Deals of the Week block in Bookshop

Mega Menu in Magento theme  Bookshop

Magento extension Mega Menu is built-in Bookshop

Magento extension Mega Menu helps you to organize and present your resourcefulproduct categories in a single dropdown menu. User-friendly anddynamic, this extension is exactly what you need if you have a hugenumber of contents to show off. Also the Featured Product box and thebanner position are available so that you can promote your productsright from the start.

3. Responsive design with Off-canvas layout

Responsive layout in Magento theme  Bookshop

Bookshop is fully responsive and ready to rock on all devices

Comfortable for the go-mode, Bookshop supports responsive design. Thetheme can win you the shoppers’ attention even when they are away fromtheir PCs – our Magento theme can be displayed perfectly in anycollapsed screen devices like smartphones or tablets. So why limit yoursite on desktop view when Bookshop is fully responsive?

Off-canvas layout in responsive Magento theme JM Bookshop

Off-canvas layout for better navigation in Bookshop

Along with the responsive layout, Magento theme Bookshop supportsoff-canvas navigation. With a glide of finger, shoppers can navigatewithin your store freely without loosing track. How convenient it is asless lost track means less lost sales.

4. Color enrichment with Magento Basetheme

JM Basethem in Magento theme JM Bookshop

JM Basetheme as Bookshop customization tool

Basetheme extension knows how to give you the bestexperience of theme customization. With this handy Magento extension,you can personalize Bookshop at ease to suit your own taste. Plus,with Basetheme, you can label your products as Hot, Sales, New and soon. Practical and professional, this Magento extension is worth yourclick for more details.

5. Give viewers the best reach of product details

JM Quickvier in Magento theme JM Bookshop

Quickview for the comfort of viewers

Featuring Quickview extension, responsive Magento theme JM Bookshopallows you to give shoppers the most convenient accessibly way toproduct details. There will be no more loading new pages while browsingthe product page; just a click to each item and the pop-up window fordetails will appear.

6. Sidebar product filter

Sidebar filter in Magento theme JM Bookshop

Sidebar filter in Bookshop

This is the second time we have Homepage sidebar filter for our Magentoecommerce themes; the first time was for the lovely theme Siotis.With the sidebar filter, shoppers can easily reach out the specificitems that suit their needs and wants most. The ranges of filter can bedefined in the backend of JM Bookshop.

7. Selective alternatives with sticky top panel and social sharing

Sticky panel in JM Bookshop

Sticky top panel in Magento theme JM Bookshop

The Social sharing buttons are sticky, and placed on the left side ofyour e-stores for your customers to connect with you at ease. Sticky toppanel allows your viewers to swatch around some essential settings theymight need. On the right of the top panel, shoppers can find theshopping cart to check what they have chosen so far. There are alsoalternatives in languages, currencies or skin colors. Besides, customerscan have quick access to their accounts, profiles, wish lists and cart.

8. Christmas theme

Christmas theme skin of responsive Magento theme JM Bookshop

Winter feeling in Christmas theme of JM Bookshop

Isn’t it time for you to breeze some Christmas feel into your e-store?Among 6 different theme skins, responsive Magento theme JM Bookshopoffers a built-in Xmas theme. With the textured backgroundand lots of details referring to winter and Christmas gifts, the themeskin can grab attention of any visitor. It is also a smart idea as thewrapped paper gift may remind our shoppers that time for buying gifts iscoming.

8. Full Features

  • Custom Background, Colors via BaseTheme
  • Create Multi-Store easily
  • Fully Responsive
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Compatible with all types of products attributes
  • Add to cart easily with QuickBuy extension
  • Support Shop by on Side bar
  • “Hot” label for products with new arrival products
  • “New” label for products
  • Two kind of Product View Layout: Grid and List
  • Compatible with all types of product attributes
  • Fully compatible with Magento 1.8 and 1.7
  • Cross Browser support (IE8+, Safari, Firefox,Chrome, Opera)
  • Valid XHTML and Css Markup
  • Tutorial and userguide for installation and using
  • User guide Documentation .html file
  • PSD files included

9. Version and Changelog

Head over to our Changelog and Version for more details.

10. Support support

DISCLAIMER: We support through UberTheme system ONLY. Comments in this thread barely reach our Technical Support team. Should you have any technical issue, kindly follow these steps to contact us:

  • Step 1: Submit your question to UberTheme
    1. Go to Fill in the question information3. Provide ticket details with your email address (don’t worry, we’ll NEVER spam!)
  • Step 2: Leave your Question link under Comment tab in this thread (highly recommended)
Please note:
  • Support time: Monday – Friday 8AM to 5PM GMT +7
  • Response Time: Within 24 hours (1 business day)
  • Support is not available on Saturday & Sunday due to our weekend break
Items support includes:
  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
  • Fixing bugs and reported issues
  • Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions
Items support does not include:
  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins
Installation Services:
  • Quickstart installation services cost $40, how to purchase: 1. Go to
    2. Select “Installation Services” Category
    3. Provide credentials to install your website



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