Pajuh is a stunning, clean and fresh Magento templates. This templates easily fits for any kind of shop demographics. Aside from just looking beautifully polished and clean, it comes packed with features and options, powerful Magento Framework, 4 color options, a slideshow module, easily configured various modules positions, a newsletter extensions, and a lot other best and selected extensions . Pajuh is a responsive templates and optimized for tablet and any others mobile screen. So, If you’re looking for a fresh new Magento templates, than look no further.1. Install the theme : Merge all the folders in your fresh magento in respective folders.2. Flush Magento cache.3. Enable the theme: To enable the theme, go to System > Configuration > Design section. Note:If you have more than one store view (by default there’s only one) in your Magento and you want to enable the theme for the entire site, make sure that you select Default Config under Current Configuration Scope. Otherwise, set the scope according to your needs.In the Current Package Name field enter the name of the design package:Pajuh . Next, go to Themes tab and in the Default field enter the name of the main theme in the package: default. Click Save Config button.4. Activate the theme : If you get 404 not found message when trying to open theme configuration pages in the admin panel after installation, you need to log out and log in again to refresh the access control system.5. Import static blocks and pages provided with this theme.

Major Key Features
Easy to install and configure.
Responsive designs to smaller screen
Fully Support the Latest Magento
4 color options
Amazing Homepage Slider Option
Easy configured Layout and skin option
Well Documented
Cross Browser Support
Layered PSD Included
All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) Included
Retina Display Ready
compatible with magento 1.8.1 (latest version)
3.1 Ajax Cart Extension
3.2 Quick View Extension
3.3 Color Swatch Plus Extension
3.4 Youama Slider Extension

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