Showcase - Ajax / HTML Responsive Portfolio Theme for Freelancers, Studios and Agencies

Showcase - Ajax / HTML Responsive Portfolio Theme for Freelancers, Studios and Agencies





Showcase – HTML Responsive Ajax Portfolio Theme

Swhocase is a modern portfolio template for displaying your work. There are 10 different home page versions which you can populate with your work making it a unique one. There are 2 different types of navigation. The creative and the regular. Depending on your future website users you can introduce the bold modern navigation or you can go more conventional with the regular one. One of the best features of Showcase – HTML portfolio theme is the ajax loading unlimited blog. Make sure to check out this part of the website.

Features of Showcase

- 2 types of navigation
- 10 different home pages
- Horizontal scroll sub-menu
- Audio, video, image and quotes(texts)
- 4 different single item pages
- Blog post with unlimited loading
- Ajax loaded content
- Fully responsive
- SEO Optimized
- Portfolio filter
- W3C Validated HTML

10 Home Page Variations:

- Modern Navigation on gray-scale background
- Regular Navigation on colored background
- Modern Navigation on gray-scale masonry background
- Regular Navigation on colored masonry background
- Modern Navigation on video background
- Regular Navigation on video background
- Modern Navigation on gray-scale image background
- Regular Navigation on colored image background
- Modern Navigation on Revolution Slider background
- Regular Navigation on Revolution Slider background


Added – 1.5 – 23/09/2014
- Resolved issues: - responsive menu opening - custom scroller not showing all of the content - initial loading not showing properly
Added – v1.0 – 23/09/2014
- New markups: - contact form script and html formatting - JS markups - CSS markups and table of content


All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.







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