What can you do with it?
Samsara is a Multiple Purpose Responsive WordPress Theme with fully customizable and unlimited style. You can not only use it to create a unique website with business style for your company service or product, but also create your personal blog or creative portfolios site easily. The important is that Samsara is compatible with WooCommerce plugin that allow you to append an online shop on your website conveniently.So, what’s the surprises or difference it brings you?
We include two powerful & popular premium plugins “Revolution Slider(save $19)” and “Visual Composer(save $30)” that allow you to customize the animated slider or complex page layout with convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs.If you wanna learn more about the advanced features of this theme, please continue to looking at the following descriptions.
The Most Important is…
We provide responsible and fast support service for our buyers, if you have any questions or doubts, please don’t worry, we will always nearby
General Features
- Retina Ready
- Fully Responsive
- Fully Customizable
- Unlimited Color&Styles
- Page Header Image Support
- Visual Page Builder(Visual Composer)
- Fullscreen Slider(Revolution Slider)
- Fullscreen YouTube/Vimeo Video
- Parallax Background Section
- Color Background Section
- Tons of Shortcodes
- Shortcode Generator Included
- Two,Three,Four Columns Layout for Portfolios Archive Page
- Three layouts for Blog, Standard,Without Sidebar and Masonry
- Custom Widgets (Twitter, Video, Flickr)
- WPML Ready
- Compatible With Woocommerce
- Translation Ready
- Demo Files Included (XML)
- Detailed Documentation Included
- Twitter Plugin
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Fast Support
- and much more…
- jQuery
- Isotope
- Fonts by Google Webfonts
- HTML5 Shiv
- Flexslider
- jQuery Masonry
- jflickrfeed
- Nicescroll
- colorbox
- hoverIntent
- Easing
- WordPress
All pictures in the demo site is from Flickr.com, view the picture credits.
The preview picture materials are from picjumbo.com
All images used in the demo are not included in the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner.
Additionally, Thanks @xiexie55 assist me on the designing work and his calliraphy font
Change logs
V1.21 – 2016-04-25- Fixed the one page scroll feature doesn’t work.
- Fixed the custom code incorrectly output.
- Updated Visual Composer to V4.11.2.1
- Updated Revolution Slider to V5.2.5
V1.20 – 2016-03-16
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to V5.2.2
- Updated Visual Composer to V4.11.
- Rewrote the custom widget code for php strict issues.
- Fixed Some CSS issues.
- Updated the outed date of WooCommerce template files.
V1.19- 2015-10-06
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to V5.0.9
- Updated Visual Composer to V4.7.4 for XSS vulnerability issue.
V1.18- 2015-06-18
- Fixed the tool icons are not working very well on the safari.
- Fixed the slide down layer is not working fine on the iOS8 safari.
- Updated TGM Plugin Activation class and visual composer for XSS vulnerability.
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version.
V1.17- 2015-02-01
- Fixed some php strict errors.
- Fixed the fullscreen portfolio video bug.
- Added One page scroll feature.
- Upgraded the version of Visual Composer and Revolution Slider plugin.
V1.16- 2014-11-25 – Changed files
- Improved some SEO issues
- Improved the animation of navigation bar
- Upated Revolution slider to 4.6.3
V1.15- 2014-09-27 – Changed files
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to 4.3.4 version.
- Added a new block “Post Slideshow” into Visual Composer.
- Fixed a small javascript error.
V1.14- 2014-09-10 – Changed files
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to 4.3.2 version.
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version – 4.6.
- Fixed the back to top button doesn’t work.
- Fixed the tag archive page doesn’t work.
- Fixed an php error in default homepage.
- Fixed the parallax effect doesn’t work after update the visual composer to the latest version.
V1.13- 2014-08-11 – Changed files
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to 4.3.2 version
- Improved the responsive layout for new version of visual composer
V1.12- 2014-07-30 – Changed files
- Updated to V1.12 – Updated Revolution Slider plugin to 4.5.95 version.
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to 4.3 version
- Fixed the other small CSS issues for customizer.
V1.11- 2014-07-09 – Changed files
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version – 4.5.9
- Fixed the masonry layout doesn’t work
- Fixed the other small CSS issues.
V1.1- 2014-06-19 – Changed files
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version.
- Keep to improved the parallax effect.
- Fixed the contact heading text can’t be hidden.
- Improved the customize feature and some little CSS issues.
V1.09- 2014-06-18 – Changed files
- Updated Visual Composer plugin to the latest version.
- Fixed the parallax effect doesn’t work after upgrade Visual Composer.
- Improved the contact page template when it’s without google map inserted.
V1.08- 2014-04-30 – Changed files
- Updated the Revolution Slider and Visual Composer plugin to the latest version.
- Updated the documentation.
- Fixed Masonry layout doesn’t work under WP3.9
- Fixed the shortcode generator doesn’t work under WP3.9
- Improved some responsive CSS issue after upgraded Visual Composer to V4.1
V1.07- 2014-04-16 – Changed files
- Improved responsive layout of the portfolios page.
- Improved responsive layout of the shop pages.
- Added an option for remove the search button from the menu.
- Added navigation active link color option in customize panel.
- Updated the woocommerce templates.
- Updated the language file.
V1.06- 2014-04-04 – Changed files
- Improved inline CSS for customize color.
- Improve some small CSS issues.
- Fixed a bug in the archive page.
- Added an new option for change the portfolio type slug.
- Update Revelution Slider plugin to the latest version.
V1.05- 2014-03-18 – Changed files
- Improved some small CSS issues about portfolio slider.
- Added an new option into “Samsara options” and “Customize Page Style” for adjust the opacity value of navigation bar.
- Added email icon and option into [van_social_icon] shortcode.
- Update Revelution Slider plugin to the latest version.
V1.04- 2014-03-14 – Changed files
- Imported CSS Framework and theme CSS files into the style.css to instead of wp_enqueue_style() output
- Included a Child Theme Example in the main package that user can create own child theme on the basis of it.
- Improved some small CSS issues.
V1.03- 2014-03-11 – Changed files
- Repaired Shop page style
- Added a theme option for disable the navigation bar shrinked effect.
- Update Revelution Slider plugin to the latest version.
V1.02- 2014-03-11 – Changed files
- Added social network share icons into single portfolio page.
- Improved some small issues in the php file.
- Update Language files.
- Update Revelution Slider plugin to the latest version.
V1.01 – 2014-03-10 – Changed files
- Fixed an error on checkout page and Make the theme compatible with the latest version of Woocommerce.
- Fixed the custom LOGO is cropped when user customize the LOGO size.
- Fixed some firefox compatible issues.
- Fixed the portfolio thumbnail is not zoom in when add it into the normal page content.
- Improved the cart layout in the slide down layer.
- Improved functions.php codes.
- Added Instagram icon and option into shortcode.