Scooter - One Page Multi-Purpose Theme

Scooter - One Page Multi-Purpose Theme



Unlimited Purpose
Business? Fashion? Vintage? Sport? Travel? Restaurant? Agency? One page? Multi Page? or anything else? It doesn’t matter which website you want to create with this theme! Robust control panel and sleek design gives you an incredible flexibility to build any fabulous website with Scooter! Scooter is a one page WordPress theme with truly multi-purpose functionality. You can use it as a multi page website or enjoy the one page structure. This theme also uses shortcodes to create layouts and add content. Beautiful design with pack of awesome features made this theme one of the bests.Awesome and creative blog, sleek portfolio thumbnail slider and custom intro section with it’s beautiful text rotator are just a few celebrities in Scooter party! Join us and be ready to get impressed with pack of incredible features!

5 Different Sections
In Scooter you can have unlimited sections in your main page and you can organize them in any order you like , we have 5 different sections for different purposes. You an use them in your main page or use them as an external page.
- Blog Section: a modern looking accordion that shows most recent posts of your website. It can also be shown as classic blog in external page.
- Video Section: play full width video with overlay effects in 3 different formats. ( mp4 , webm , ogg )
- Custom Section: this section can be anything you like, full support of shortcodes make it easy for you to create various custom parts for different purposes. You can also use this section to create external pages for different uses.
- Parallax section : with this section you can create stunning parallax background images with overlay and animation effect that makes your website so beautiful.

Fully Customizable ( Admin Panel Area )
With our admin panel you have the ability to customize every inch of website , here are some examples of options that Scooter provides you:
- Favorite Icon
- Special intro slider including Map, Slider and video background with text rotator
- Theme Colors , Text Colors , Link Colors
- Pre Loader Customization
- Logo and menu appearance
- Fonts
- Sidebar ( Unlimited Sidebar Support )
- Full Customization of footer section ( Map and 3 different widget area )
- Social Icons
- Additional Script and styles section for customization

Super Responsive Design
From largest screen to smallest ones! With the responsive design of Scooter you can be sure your website shows perfectly on every device, so every user have a great time visiting your website from their different devices

Shortcode Base
Most of Scooter core abilities are accessible from our user friendly Shortcode generator, you can use more than 40 shortcodes that let you build your pages in most creative ways you can imagine.

Google Fonts
Easily change your website fonts using admin control panel. You can choose from more than 620 Google fonts and have different fonts for headings, navigation and content text.

Modern Portfolio
With our brand new portfolio you can customize each portfolio item with every small detail, with 4 different portfolio item sizes and 3 feature images, your portfolio will shine inside your website! Also the portfolio comes with 5 different types:
Standard : for simple content with images
Gallery : for image slideshow in your detail page
Video : for video display that supports Vimeo and YouTube videos
Audio : to add SoundCloud audios in portfolio items
Link : to redirect users to any URL you want

With our awesome icon fonts you can have creative and stunning icon boxs in your website, icon fonts usage will increase the website load time and your pages will be faster than web pages which use image icons.

Free Plugin
When you buy Scooter, you will get a free Layer Slider which can be used for creating awesome slideshows, it means that $15 value is included in Scooter package.

Powerful Intro Slider
Using this feature, you can create a jaw dropping first look for your website! You can have full width Slideshow, full width layer slider or full width video player as the background. Also you can have a full width google map in intro section of your website. All those features will work as the background of a beautiful text rotator and with a little creativity you will make users to love your website in their first visit.

Easy To Use
We tried our best to build a user friendly theme for you, with our easy to use admin panel and extra section you will find the answer to every need with no difficulty at all.

Demo Content
With 12 predefined template Scooter let you to have a website in less than an hour , you just have to select the template you like and import it’s content in a few seconds, then you replace our content with yours and it’s done!

Animation Effects
Every part of your website will appear to users by different animation effects that have chosen before! This will gives your website a modern look and it become fun to surf!

Translate Ready
Having a multi-language website with Scooter is piece of cake! Full compatibility with most used translation plugins like WPML let you translate every small part of your website in an easy way.

SEO Optimized
Best SEO practices in Scooter will rank your website correctly in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

Different Layout
Scooter is a one page fully customizable theme, but what about extra pages? You don’t need to worry about that, you can have external pages that works completly with our Shortcodes. These pages come with 3 different layouts: right sidebar, left sidebar and no sidebar.

Powerful Blog
Scooter blogging system comes with 5 different post types: Slide show, Video, Audio, Video Slide show and Audio Slide show. Enjoy having powerful and variant blog pages with these types. The video type blog support video links from YouTube and Vimeo and the sound post types support soundcloud.

Retina Ready
Sharp and crafty looking website on every device! This theme is retina ready.

Great Support
With our dedicated support forum and support team, we will answer all of your questions in less than 24 hours, you can visit our support forum or our profile page in themeforest to see what others say about our support services.

Clean CodesWe did not forget the experts, If you are a programmer or web developer you can easily read Scooter codes, because we used comments on each part and that makes you able to understand the structure of our theme, so you can customize the theme for yourself.

Facebook widgetYou can use our custom facebook widget in widget areas, it gives you the option to get more likes for your facebook page in a cool box.

Social sharing buttonsYour blog posts have the social sharing functionality, simply enable them for each post and enjoy this useful feature.

Woo Commerce ready + custom Woo Commerce dropdown cart widgetSimply run your online store with Scooter Woo Commerce dropdown widget. This theme is compatible with Woo Commerce.

Scooter One Page Multi-Purpose Theme Features:

  • Responsive and Retina Ready
  • Woo Commerce Ready
  • Custom Woo Commerce drop down widget
  • Beautifuly animated elements
  • Powerful admin panel with Translation ready feature
  • User-friendly theme options
  • Modern and unique design
  • Tons of Shortcodes with awesome shortcode generator
  • Unlimited theme color
  • Special intro section
  • Google Fonts
  • 28 animated social icons
  • Translation and WPML ready
  • SEO optimized
  • + 620 Icon Fonts
  • Multi portfolio ready
  • Portfolio thumbnail slider with 4 different thumbnail sizes
  • Custom text rotator with 8 styles
  • 1 click demo import
  • One page or Multi page
  • Fullscreen Slider
  • Fullscreen Video
  • Fullscreen Google Map (with 2 styles)
  • Parallax support
  • Unlimited header styles
  • Video Background section
  • Unlimited shortcode colors
  • Multiple sidebars
  • Smooth scroll
  • Custom widgets for Facebook, Skills, Video, Flickr


05/17/2014 – Version 1.5
Changes:-- Secured against add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() vulnerability-- Plugin updated
09/22/2014 – Version 1.4
Changes:-- Adding alt attribute for image box shortcode-- Icon box bug fixedFiles that changed:--lib/shortcodes/shortcodes.php (changed)--scooter/lib/admin/scripts.js (changed)
08/27/2014 – Version 1.3
Changes:-- Woo Commerce support added-- Woo Commerce dropdown cart widget added-- Post saving error is fixed-- Resturant demo content addedFiles that changed:-- woocomerce.php ( added ) -- woocomerce/content-product.php ( added ) -- woocomerce/content-single-product.php ( added )-- woocomerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php ( added ) -- woocomerce/single-product/product-image.php ( added ) -- assets/css/wocomerce.css ( added )-- templates/shop-head.php ( added ) -- lib/sidebars.php (changed) -- lib/frameworks.php ( changed )-- lib/utilities.php ( changed ) -- lib/admin/form-setting.php ( changed )-- assets/css/theme-styles.css  ( changed ) -- templates/section-nav.php ( changed ) -- assets/image/wc-dropdown-cart.png   ( added )-- lib/widget/widget-woocomerce-dropdown-cart.php ( added )-- lib/post-types/blog.php ( changed ) -- lib/admin/DummyData/resturant.xml ( added )-- style.css ( changed )
07/28/2014 – Version 1.2
Changes:-- Facebook widget added-- Social networks share and like button added to blog posts-- Instagram social icon added to footer socials-- Instagram social icon added to social shortcodesFiles that changed:-- lib/framework.php -- lib/shortcodes/settings.php-- templates/section-footer.php-- lib/widgets/widget-facebook.php ( add ) -- templates/social-share.php ( add ) -- templates/single-post-video-gallery.php-- templates/single-post-video.php-- templates/single-post-gallery.php-- templates/single-post-audio.php-- templates/single-post-audio-gallery.php-- assets/custom.php-- lib/scripts.php-- lib/admin/admin.js-- lib/admin/form-settings.php-- assets/theme-styles.css-- lib/admin/styles.css
07/16/2014 – Version 1.1
Changes:-- Improved Scooter intro slider-- Improved responsive functionalityFiles that changed:-- assets/css/responcive.css-- assets/css/theme-styles.css-- assets/css/custom.js-- language/en.po-- language/ wpml-config.xml-- lib/admin/form-settings.php-- lib/admin/scripts/admin.js-- lib/admin/css/style.css-- templates/text-rotator.php-- templates/loop-page-video.php-- lib/post-types/js/portfolio.js
07/14/2014 – Version 1.0
-- Release

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