Dining Restaurant - WordPress Theme For Chefs

Dining Restaurant - WordPress Theme For Chefs

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Dining Restaurant is a premium WordPress Theme for any kind of restaurant, chefs and similar businesses in food & drink industry. It is very easy to setup and use.

Responsive And Retina ReadyIntuitive Page BuilderOne Click demo import dataDining Restaurant comes translated to 7 languages by defaultWpml CompatibleWoocommerce CompatibleReal Time Wordpress CustomizerWidgets And SidebarsLots Of Theme OptionsPopular Wordpress Plugins SupportedSupport And Video TutorialsEvents Maker PluginRestaurant Reservation PluginFood And Drink PluginPremium Revolution Slider ($18) for free

ProteusThemes professional customization

Our Customers Say

This is a fantastic looking theme and I love how versatile it is.

By smeagol22
I just have a very very little knowledge in html and i am completely new in wordpress. I was already happy to get the installation of WordPress done…but with capress I could manage to create a completely awesome website for my brothers company www.fahrzeugtechnik-fritz.de. All the theme options word very intuitive…Another wonderful thing is the live customizer … you see directly what part changes when you change it. So if you are also very new in wordpress and html you will also just need some days to create an awesome website ( i also created the content in that time; images and texts). So buy capress and do something awesome!

By chefkoch89
Very good theme! Thank you!

By Forgebit
People that made this theme have outstanding and super fast feedback! Keep up the good work guys you made a lovely theme!

By mundosam
Well put together, and fun to use!

By boycook07
One of the best on the market! Easily configurable and is suitable for every type of sites. Very good support in the shortest time responding to all requests. There is documentation available video and text. Thanks to the developers! Happy to recommend this company and its product to a friend!

This my website http://www.strojmaterial.by/

By Yauhen Luhouski
Love the theme. Think it works well and was very easy to get looking like your demo, which is good because some themes have an amazing demo but its impossible to get it looking anything like it!!

By jojoregan
Absolutely recommended theme! A++ customer support, answered all my questions in timely measure. Highly recommended for custom designs!

By noulou92
Hi , I would just like to say thanks to all your team, a great user friendly theme, but the great service post purchase is first class, don’t think i will be looking anywhere else for future themes and content.

Thanks again
Visin hairdressing, Gee Cross
THANKS! I really appreciate the FAST service of Proteus! Really Really Happy with the theme and support! Thanks again.

By Timonvkl
Absolutely stunning theme, highly recommended; 5* – with generosity of help like no other. Coded really well, & would like to see more from this user in the near future – keep supporting!!

By thenewlayout

Do you enjoy our theme? We would be glad to publish what you have to say to others. Just drop us a message from our profile.

Main Features

Responsive & Retina-Ready

Dining Restaurant looks great on any device, from mobile to desktop and beyond. Clean responsive design fits to any screen and we ensured it loads fast too!

WPML Compatible

WordPress multilingual plugin can be configured in the Dining Restaurant in matter of minutes. All our themes are 100% translation-ready.

WooCommerce Compatible

Need an online shop? We’ve got you covered! Popular WooCommerce plugin plays nicely with the Dining Restaurant, you can start selling right away.

Widgets And Sidebars

Dining Restaurant comes with many custom widgets and sidebars, so creating a totally unique layout is easy and fun!

Lots of Theme Options

It has never been easier to setup and run a website. Almost any aspect of the website can be changed in the advanced administration panel.

Real-time WP Customizer

Change the look and feel of the Dining Restaurant with the real-time preview WordPress customizer. You can see your changes instantly and see what works the best.

Popular WordPress Plugins Supported

There are many fantastic WordPress plugins out there and Dining Restaurant supports them by default. Jetpack, Contact Form 7, Custom Sidebars and FancyBox for WordPress to name just a few.

Support & Video Tutorials

We have screencasted and published many video tutorials how to get started with our themes. In case anything still goes wrong or you need help, we offer timely support for our items for free!

Intuitive Page Builder

Is default way of building pages too complex for you? Don’t worry, Dining Restaurant has integrated Page Builder which does all the heavy lifting for you. With its intuitive drag & drop interface building pages becomes a pleasure.

Events Maker Plugin

Events Maker is an all-in-one events manager plugin for WordPress that was created and implemented in Dining Restaurant with usability and flexibility in mind. Its main features are easy events management, multiple tickets & pricing and built-in Ajax Calendar.

Restaurant Reservation Plugin

Accept restaurant reservations and table bookings online. Quickly confirm or reject bookings, send email notifications, set booking times and more, right in your WordPress administration.

Food And Drink Plugin

Creating and managing menu cards has never been simpler. Food and Drink Menu plugin was created and implemented in Dining Restaurant for the easiest food menu creation possible.

Page Layouts

Dining Restaurant WP Theme includes many different page layouts, all customizable via administration:

  • Front Page layout
  • Blog Layout
  • Single Blogpost
  • Search Results
  • Galleries
  • Services
  • Contact Us
  • Book online
  • and many more

Fonts Used

These two fonts are used in the template from the Google Fonts

  • Raleway – for headings and navbars
  • Open Sans – for the content

Images Used

The images shown in the demo page are copyrighted and can be bought at the links above.

Contact / Support

We are available for questions / suggestions / help at ProteusThemes Support

NOTE: IE9 and IE10 browsers are fully supported, but there is a bug with the theme slider in IE9 and IE10 – the slider changes the height with every transition. We are not able to fix that bug as the bug is actually in the jQuery script.

Translation credits:


v1.6.1 (2016-02-01)@ improved: TGMPA update
v1.6.0 (2015-10-02)@ improved: Spanish (es_ES) translation (by Francesc Bosch)+ added: Catalan (ca) translation (by Francesc Bosch)# fixed: Setting for the static/sticky navbar was hidden in customizer.Files:M    assets/sass/components/_food-menu.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    inc/theme-customizer.phpA    languages/ca.moC090    languages/es_ES.po    languages/ca.poM    languages/es_ES.moM    languages/es_ES.poM    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    style.css
v1.5.3 (2015-09-10)# fixed: Food and drinks menu on mobile (iphone6 vertical) Files:M  style.css
v1.5.2 (2015-07-01)@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.92)@ improved: compatibility with the Restaurant Reservations addon - Custom Fields for Restaurant Reservations@ improved: new XML export file# fixed: BCN_SETTINGS_USE_LOCAL constant checked before definedFiles:M    assets/sass/components/_sidebars.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    bundled-plugins/revslider.zipM    functions.phpM    inc/filters.phpM    languages/de_DE.poM    languages/es_ES.poM    languages/fr_FR.poM    languages/nl_NL.poM    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    languages/ru_RU.poM    languages/sl_SI.poM    style.cssM    utils/radium-one-click-demo-install/demo-files/content.xml
v1.5.1 (2015-04-28)@ improved: Added gettext functions to some texts. Generated new languages files (.pot, .po)@ improved: new version of Revolution Slider (v4.6.9)# fixed: OT (updated to 2.5.4) and TGM (updated to 2.4.2) vulnerabilityFiles:M    Gruntfile.jsM    bundled-plugins/revslider.zipM    composer.jsonM    composer.lockM    header.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    inc/theme-options.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-home-services.phpM    languages/de_DE.moM    languages/de_DE.poM    languages/es_ES.moM    languages/es_ES.poM    languages/fr_FR.moM    languages/fr_FR.poM    languages/nl_NL.moM    languages/nl_NL.poM    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    languages/ru_RU.moM    languages/ru_RU.poM    languages/sl_SI.moM    languages/sl_SI.poM    package.jsonM    style.css
v1.5.0 (2015-04-15)+ added: new separator for the breadcrumbs plugin NavXT+ added: automatically set `.boxed-container` in Settings > Page Builder > Layout > Full Width Container# fixed: WooCommerce template compatibility changes@ improved: new demo page content XML file exportedFiles:M    assets/sass/components/_breadcrumbs.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    inc/filters.phpM    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    style.cssM    utils/radium-one-click-demo-install/demo-files/content.xml
v1.4.1 (2015-03-06)# fixed: favicon check in customizerFiles:M    content-single-event.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    style.css
v1.4.0 (2015-03-03)+ added: shortcode for the theme-styled button (similar to the Featured Page in nav)+ added: Yelp to social icons# fixed: better implementation of the plugin Restaurant Reservations# fixed: support for WooCommerce v2.3.0# fixed: favicon set in customize section was ignored.# fixed: event category, locations, organizer and tag page template error# fixed: issue with the same named free WP theme: changed name from `restaurant` to `restaurant-pt`Files:M    assets/js/main.min.jsM    assets/sass/_vars.scssM    assets/sass/components/_food-menu.scssM    assets/sass/components/_navigation.scssM    assets/sass/components/_woocommerce.scssM    assets/sass/main.scssM    assets/stylesheets/main.cssM    functions.phpM    inc/filters.phpM    inc/shortcodes.phpM    inc/theme-customizer.phpM    languages/restaurant.pot    languages/restaurant-pt.potM    languages/sl_SI.moM    languages/sl_SI.poM    social-icons.phpM    style.cssM    taxonomy-event-category.phpM    taxonomy-event-location.phpM    taxonomy-event-organizer.phpM    taxonomy-event-tag.phpM    woocommerce/archive-product.phpD    woocommerce/cart/cart-totals.phpM    woocommerce/global/sidebar.php
v1.3.0 (2014-11-07)+ added: video tutorial to the documentation how to install the theme# fixed: alternative gallery widget - order of the images displayed@ improved: new demo content XML fileFiles:M    functions.phpA    inc/pt-admin-notice.phpM    inc/widgets/widget-latest-galleries-alt.phpM    languages/restaurant.potM    style.cssM    utils/radium-one-click-demo-install/demo-files/content.xml
v1.2.1 (2014-10-03)# fixed: menu crashing on some iOS devices# fixed: translation issues because of the wrong text domain (changes all text domains from `event-manager` to `restaurant_wp`)
v1.2.0 (2014-09-26)+ added: one click demo content installer in wp-admin@ improved: updated all theme dependencies in bower.json file to latest version@ improved: ported dependent PHP libraries to Composer instead of Bower (more correct)# fixed: booking reservation form style
v1.1.0 (2014-09-22)+ added: German translation+ added: Spanish translation+ added: French translation+ added: Dutch translation+ added: Russian translation# fixed: revslider bullets over navbar# fixed: mobile navigation on older Android phones@ improved: support for WooCommerce 2.2.x@ improved: translation to Slovenian language (frontend fully translated)
v1.0.0 (2014-09-05)# first release

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