Ultimate Church | Business Template for Churches

Ultimate Church | Business Template for Churches

Ultimate Church is modern professional church related theme. There are three versions of homepages so please choose the best for you. You can also use it for event planner website or conference page. Fully costomizable and organized layers will make your edition easy peasy lemon squeezy. Please don’t forget to rate.

Our page builder based on lot’s of user experience which has 30+ Shortcode based elements. Every page builder item can be easily configurable and stunning powerful options.

If you like our theme and support Please Rate it 5 Stars

= V1.9.2 - 20.04.2016 =        FIXED: Revolution Slider not Found bug        FIXED: jQuery attribute not valid bug= V1.9.1 - 07.01.2016 =        FIXED: Sermon & Event Slug in Theme Option= V1.9 - 30.09.2015 =        FIXED: Widgets        UPDATED: Layerslider & TGM= V1.8 - 19.08.2015 =        FIXED: WP 4.3 Editor Bug        UPDATED: Layerslider 5.5= V1.7 - 17.06.2015 =        FIXED: Version of PrettyPhoto Due to Exploit= V1.6 - 11.06.2015 =        UPDATED: TGM version        UPDATED: Layerslider version        FIXED: Wp Title Supports        FIXED: Open Graph Meta= V1.5 - 24.04.2015 =        UPDATED: WP 4.2 Compatible        FIXED: TGM Class Vulnerability        FIXED: Admin CSS        REMOVED: WP TITLE customize= V1.4 - 13.04.2015 =        ADDED: Container has name option        FIXED: Pagination Problem Solved        FIXED: BG video Mask bug        FIXED: Pagebuilder Admin Modal        FIXED: Theme Options Select Box bug        FIXED: Pagebuilder Admin Expand= V1.3 - 03.04.2015 =        UPDATED : FontAwesome New Version        FIXED: Gravity Form Zindex        FIXED: Pagebuilder Column Element Link BUG        FIXED: MediaLibrary Search        FIXED: One Page Menu Bug= V1.2 - 01.14.2015 =        FIXED : WP 4.1 PBuilder draggable        FIXED: PBuilder sidebar= V1. - 31.10.2014 =        ADDED : Team Element= V1.0 - 10.21.2014 =        Initial Release.

Thank you guys for growing with us. We really appreciate and Enjoy our theme  :)

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