Gorgeous, user friendly theme, with awesome support. Thanks guys!elinick
A really beautiful, clean looking theme with lots of options, easy to use and has come with great customer support. Many thanks!Candydesign
Support is AMAZING… they answer questions very quickly (within a day) and they address any bugs with updates often.ipeccoaching
Altea | One page wordPress theme
Enhance the potential of your ideas, make a impact, impress your customers with a modern, professional looking website!
Altea is a paralax “one page” wordPress theme, base on our successful Altea website template. Built with modern technologies like HTML5 and CSS3, ALTEA comply with WordPress development best practices.
- 9 demos
- Quick demos install
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap
- Advanced customizer
- Child Theme Compatible
- Revolution Premium Slider (18$ value)
- Free plugins included
- Portfolio Neko plugin
- Carousel Neko plugin
- Pricing table Neko plugin
- Team Neko plugin
- Parallax support
- Retina ready UI
- Google fonts
- Shortcodes Generator
- Post Formats
- Fast and accurate support
- and more…
Demo images (NOT included in the package)
v1.7.2 – 2016/02/24
- Fixed auto update of owl-carousel plugin from WordPress repository
- Fixed menu toggle on mobile when anchor button is used
- Added WPML compatibility
- Fixed logo resizing on mobile
– Added skin and dummy content in package for standard wordpress importer and neko skin importer
– Updated Revolution Slider
- Fixed portfolio popins on iOS
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin
- update to portfolio plugin
- update to team plugin
- fixed slidespeed issue in owlcarousel plugin
- update to revolution slider plugin (for 4.3 compatibility)
- Removed unused prettyphoto folder
- Updated Yt player for new youtube API
- Updated TGM plugin activation class
- Updated Revolution Slider plugin
- Security update secured add_query_arg, remove_query_arg
- Fixed a bug with Prev next link in single post
- Updated plugin portfolio
- Fixed a bug with analytics customizer options
- Added custom network name in neko contact widgets
- Removed unused custom-icons-ie7.css
- Added prefix on icons code to avoid incompatibility with some third party plugins
- Added support of 1 or 2 menbers in neko team plugin
- Optimized mosaic display on tablette for neko portfolio plugin
- Added support for http and https like detection
- Optimized responsiveness for logo and header
- Update isotope neko portfolio plugin
- Update masonry wp core blog grid layout
- Update dummy content lastest demos
- Update skins import latest demos
- Added compatibility WP bakery Visual Composer latest version
- Font-icons list modification within the Child Theme
- Fixed sidebar in blog
- fixed import demo content for revolution slider
More from the Nekos

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