Prima - Responsive Magento Theme

Prima - Responsive Magento Theme

Prima is multipurpose responsive Magento theme suitable for different online stores. Fully responsive, Prima includes many new features as unified AJAX controller, LESS preprocessor, 7 new widgets and fully customizable colors and fonts and many more! Prima includes the latest Magento

Why should you buy Prima?

Prima is incredibly fast!

Check here the test With time for the first bite at ~160 milliseconds and full page load time at ~600 milliseconds, Prima is faster than any other Magento theme on ThemeForest! Nobody loves slow websites, especially when it comes to e-commerce.

  • CSS and JS files are combined and minified automatically.
  • Backend control for the compression level of all images
  • Backend control for retina images (removing retina features doubles the speed)
  • Advanced caching features with minification of the HTML and inline code

Prima includes 2 separate skins with multiple variations each.

An Electronics skin and Fashion skin. These are not just variations of the same skin but a completely separate skins with different layout and features.

  • Prima Electronics – electronics, computers, smartphones, tools, sports, gadgets, cameras, furniture
  • Prima Fashion – fashion, wedding, jewelry, rings, luxury goods

Then, each skin have its own variations of the header, main menu, footer or product page. You can also choose to switch on and off the sidebars and whether to have a fluid layout or not on any page. The ultimate freedom to customize the look of your store.

With Prima you can control all colors, fonts, backgrounds, shadows and borders directly from the backend!

With Prima you can change any color, font or other feature of the skin directly from the backend in just few seconds! You don’t like the default blue color? Change it to fit your brand’s colors!

Prima includes

  • Blog with pinterest style interface and automatic feed import on schedule
  • AJAX catalog, filter, subscribe, promo codes, shipping estimation, registration and many more
  • Customizable MegaMenu with different style for each menu item
  • Advanced mobile menu and features
  • Product widget to show latest, sale, most wanted products from any category on any page
  • Blog post widget to show blog posts on the home page, category pages, or on the product page (to display the product review directly on the conversion page)
  • Popup widget to show a popup on any page when the customer enters or leaves. Use that for marketing.
  • Custom menu editor. You can include or edit custom menus directly from the backend. No more hand written HTML code!
  • YouTube widget that allows you to upload videos to YouTube directly from your Magento backend! Building a video blog was never easier before!
  • Color swatches on product page and on category page
  • Countdown timer
  • QR codes

Prima is written in LESS and Bootstrap 3

The perfect starting point for any custom project. Just use the framework features and build your own custom design!

SharkSkin Framework Features

Complete Magento Framework

Extremely fast development, great features, base for any Magento project

SharkSkin includes code and design that extend crucial parts of Magento, both in frontend and backend, improving some of the original features and adding more, where the open source code lacks functionality. SharkSkin is a base for any type of Magento project, no matter the size, reducing greatly the time for development.

Bootstrap 3 and LESS

Speed up the development process even more and control everything from the backend

SharkSkin includes a default skin, based on Bootstrap 3 and LESS.

  • Using Bootstrap 3 and the “mobile first” development approach, the mobile and desktop versions are created simultaneously, with automatically added responsive features, easy to extend base classes (buttons, links, colors, etc.).
  • Using LESS reduces the time for development even more, separate blocks of the website are included in different LESS files, the base properties (colors, fonts, etc.) are exported to variables. Extending and modification is extremely fast and easy.
  • SharkSkin includes integrated PHP LESS preprocessor (compilator) with two modes of caching and control of any type of variables from the backend. This gives ultimate freedom for customer modification directly from the backend, speed and independence of development and optimized CSS code.

Outstanding Speed

SharkSkin is speed optimized to the maximum

SharkSkin uses various techniques to optimize the speed of page generation, transportation and rendering, extending the original Magento features. Minification and combination of CSS and JS, extensive caching and minificaton of the cached HTML, ready to use with CDN, extended resizing and caching of the images. With proper server setup you’ll be able to achieve unmatched speed.

LESS Preprocessor (compilator)

Edit directly the less files, control everything from the backend

SharkSkin includes an integrated PHP LESS preprocessor, which compiles all .less files into one big minified CSS file on the fly. You can edit the .less files directly via FTP and you don’t need a LESS JS. Evenmore, the LESS preprocessor takes variables from the Magento backend allowing modification of the original parameters by the user (colors, fonts, etc.). The modified parameters are then replaced in the original CSS instead of an inline CSS, which increases greatly the page load speed and reduces the time for development. The LESS preprocessor have two modes of caching – normal and aggressive which then reduces greatly the server load and increases the page load speed even more.

Full AJAX frontend

Unified controller allowing adding AJAX anywhere

SharkSkin includes a unified AJAX controller allowing any frontend feature to be working via AJAX. From the standard AJAX Cart, AJAX Whishlist, AJAX Compare and AJAX product Filter to unique features as AJAX estimation of shipping tax, AJAX promo codes, and many more. Adding more AJAX features is as easy as adding few classes and parameters to the HTML element.

Outstanding usability and features for mobile

Mobile is half the web already. We put a special effort there.

ShopShark includes a feature rich mobile menu, collapsible elements, automatically generated retina images, vector icons, swipe control and many more features for ultimate mobile experience.

Google Fonts and Unlimited Colors

Choose from more than 600 fonts and unlimited colors

With SharkSkin more than 600 Google Fonts and unlimited colors can be controlled via the backend and compiled directly in the CSS. When more than one Google Font is used, the fonts are conbined in a single query for increased speed. Virtually any design element can be controlled via the backend and compiled directly in the CSS by the LESS preprocessor.

Megamenu customizable via templates

Different templates for different categories for the megamenu

SharkSkin includes unique MegaMenu module that allows customization of any menu item separately with unlimited number of templates. Adding new template is as easy as writing few lines of HTML. Create virtually any megamenu design as you want. More than 10 templates are already included in the default skin.

Integrated BLOG with YouTube and Twitter integration

Create and manage a fully featured BLOG, automatically take videos and tweets

SharkSkin includes an integrated BLOG with YouTube and Twitter integration. No need for a separate WordPress installation or tacky WordPress integration plugins. Control, post content and manage the BLOG directly in the Magento backend. The blog also includes automatic rendering of videos via YouTube, automatic YouTube video feed publishing and automatic publishing of Tweets. Create a unique review/commentary BLOG with automatic content publishing from YouTube and Twitter.

Image/Custom Swatches

Unique visual selectors to let customers to choose colors, sizes, etc.

Add an image or custom HTML to any attribute to be displayed together with configurable products to let your customers to choose the color, size, design, or any other option of your products visually.

SEO ready

Fully optimized for SEO

SharkSkin includes rich snippets, right use of “nofollow”, extended HEAD parameters and all recommended on-page SEO attributes. You just need to add a unique products descriptions to achieve great SEO ranking.

YouTube widget

Upload videos to YouTube directly from your Magento backend

Using the YouTube widget you can publish easily any YouTube video, or even upload a new video directly from your Magento backend, that will go in your own YouTube channel. You need to set-up API credentials in your YouTube account, then the SharkSkin YouTube widget will use that to connect to your YouTube account. Using this you can easily shoot review videos and publish them in the product descriptions or in the Blog saving tons of time as the rendering and publishing of the video will be automatic.

Unified Product Widget

Publish virtually any product listing anywhere

The unified product widget allows you to publish collections of products anywhere in your pages or static blocks. The widget have the following options:

  • Category – Choose the category from which you wish to show products. You can omit it which will select all the products from the current store view
  • Include Subcategories – yes/no
  • Product Type – All/New/Sale/Custom/Grouped/Bundle
  • Products – in case of product type custom
  • Sort By – Price/Date/Name
  • Sort direction – Ascending/Descending
  • Maximum Displayed Items – limit the collection to reduce the page size
  • Template – Choose between various templates – Carousel/Full info/Short Info/Mosaic/List

You can put a product collection everywhere – in the MegaMenu, in a popup, in a blog post, in a custom page (describing a promotion). Create a rich sales content with the product widget.

Unified Blog Widget

Publish latest blog posts anywhere

Using the blog widget you can publish latest post/reviews from any blog category to a category page, a megamenu dropdown. Remember that the Blog can automatically import feeds? Use that to strengthen your sales.

Revolution Slider Widget

Publish beautiful sliders anywhere

With the revolutions slider widget you can publish any slider on any category page, blog post, product page, megamenu item or custom page (landing or promo page).

Custom Popup Widget

Add a popup message to any page

Using the popup widget you can create a popup message that will appear on any page you like when the user arrives, after some delay or when the user tries to leave. Use that to announce promotions and sales. Remember that you can publish product collections anywhere, including inside the popup? Use that to show your users what’s on sale. Or show them a video or the latest reviews.

Choose the variant that fits your brand the most

Choose between various variations of the header and footer inside the same theme. For example – choose between logo on the left or in the center. This feature allows you to uniquely fine tune the website to your brand.

Layout variations for the product page

Choose between few layout variant for the product page

You can choose between standard/wide/fluid variants of the product page for each category separately. This allows you to uniquely tune the product page to the product.

Unlimited Scrolling

Both the category pages and the blog have the unlimited scrolling feature

Get rid of the endless clicking on “next”. Using AJAX, more products or blog posts will load when you reach the end of the page, or when you click on “load more”. You know how important it is to remove the hassle and pain for the potential buyers.

Link for downloading the media folder (the full set of demo pictures): here


Version 1.2.15

  • Fixed translation issue in footer
  • Fixed Facebook box show faces
  • Fixed Blog post date format for different languages

Version 1.2.14

  • Fixed JS localization

Version 1.2.13

  • Added Blog email template for “Comment submitted” and fix path in config file
  • Fixed doubling of the SliderRevolution

Version 1.2.12

  • Fixed localization
  • Fixed add to cart for the related products

Version 1.2.11

  • Fixed Javascript / Cookies notices box mobile view
  • Fixed configuration settings for different scopes
  • Update Magento to version
  • Update Revolution Slider to version 1.2.7

Version 1.2.10

  • Various fixes on the frontend
  • Quick Start updated to Magento

Version 1.2.9

  • Fixed issue with double products when unlimited scrolling is turned on
  • Fixed issue with WYSIWYG editor not working when JS files combine is turned off
  • Various CSS fixes

Version 1.2.8

  • Fixed subcategories widget on anchor categories showing wrong order
  • Fixed AJAX toolbar not working on sitemap and order history

Version 1.2.7

  • Confirmed compatibility with Magento
  • Quickstart updated to MAgento
  • Added option to enable/disable cloudzoom
  • Added option to change logo size
  • Fixed category list not showing SKU

Version 1.2.6

  • Added static block and pages import for the normal installation
  • Fixed new/sale labels not working correctly on category, product page and carousels

Version 1.2.5

  • Fixed issue with quick install
  • Added WordPress posts import option to the BLOG extension

Version 1.2.4

  • Fixed WYSIWYG editor not working in Manage Categories and Manage Products

Version 1.2.3

  • Fixed SKU not showing on list view
  • Various fixes on the frontend

Version 1.2.2

  • Added bestsellers option to the product widget – now the widget can show the most sold products for a period for a category (including the subcategories)
  • Fixed issue with the number of the products when AJAX unlimited scrolling is fixed

Version 1.2.1

  • Prima Fashion Skin introduced
  • Fixed issue with page titles in the catalog
  • Fixed issue with the color swatches on the category pages

Version 1.2.0

  • Prima Fashion Skin introduced
  • Color swatches on the category pages introdused

Version 1.1.9

  • Fixed issue with countdown timer backend option not working
  • Minor CSS fixes

Version 1.1.8

  • Added “Amazon style” collapsibe main menu
  • Added left column main menu
  • Added custom buttons and crossales to the “add to cart” AJAX popup

Version 1.1.7

  • Fixed issue with Slider Revolution not showing
  • Fixed AJAX not working in advanced search
  • Fixed “what is this” link in log-in page

Version 1.1.6

  • Fixed issue with cached form_key which prevents “add to cart” on home page widgets to work
  • Fixed issue with product and blog carousels on home page
  • Added lazy load on carousels

Version 1.1.5

  • Fixed AJAX on blocks for coupon codes and shipping estimation on the cart page
  • Changed the mobile breakpoint to md size (992px) – now tablets show the mobile menu and features
  • Fixed AJAX not working on the search result page
  • Fixed language selector flags

Version 1.1.4

  • Fixed bug with grouped product not showing details when “add to cart” is clicked on category page
  • Fixed bug media block not reloading depending on the options for configurable products
  • Minor CSS fix

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