Fully Compatible with WordPress 4.4, 4.5+ and WooCommerce 2.5+

Customer Reviews

- One Page and Multi Page Demos
- 38+ Different Demos
- Lots of premade pages
- 37 Portfolio Pages
- 5 Single Project Pages
- Light, Dark and Transparent Menu Bars
- Revolution Slider: you save $18.00
- Easy to customize: backgrounds, color schemes, content
- Fully responsive
- Retina ready
- Font Awesome 400+ icons
- Et-line 100+ icons
- Powered with Bootstrap
- Parallax sections
- Smooth animation
- 9 Blog layouts
- 5 Posts variants (Text post, Image, Gallery, Video, Quote)
- Powerful shortcodes
- Responsive video (YouTube, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Viddler, Kickstarter)
- Browser compatibility (IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera)
- Well documented
- Clear & Neat design
- Accurate code
- Layered PSD files included
- FAQ Included
Version 2.1.1 – May 10, 2016Fixed: link attribute on social icons functionEnhancement: plugin text domainEnhancement: POT template for pluginEnhancement: feature box with counterUpdate: rhythm-addons plugin
Version 2.1.0 – April 27, 2016New: finance skinNew: restaurant skinNew: banner style New: split section shortcodeNew: styles for subscribe form footerNew: feature box style 7 New: feature box style 6New: option for banner with image and text New: admin label to title New: one port preview shortcode New: counter shortcode style 6Enhancement: button size option to banner Enhancement: remove bg image if block is not activated Enhancement: improved url validation on button in the headerEnhancement: background settings to title wrapperEnhancement: sidebar option for search pages Fixed: portfolio out of screen when sidemenu is on Fixed: contact form shortcodeFixed: contact details shortcodeFixed: header button issueFixed: title with link Fixed: link variables Update: visual composerUpdate: revolution sliderUpdate: rhythm addons plugin
Version 2.0.9 – April 15, 2016Update: visual composer pluginUpdate: rhythm addons plugin
Version 2.0.8 – April 6, 2016New: title wrapper styleNew: reservation form style New: pricing list style New: footer style New: header button style New: banner style Enhancement: added WPML categories support to blog and portfolio shortcodesEnhancement: settings order Enhancement: showing logo light on page options for all templatesEnhancement: tgm pluginEnhancement: removed redundant classesEnhancement: updated gallery columnsEnhancement: margin settings for big headings Enhancement: opacity option to vc_rowEnhancement: added margin bottom to cta Enhancement: added selecting icon to el-icons shortcodeEnhancement: sticky menu changesEnhancement: scaled down logo sizes Enhancement: portfolio glutter style Fixed: shop layout to support latest version of woocommerceFixed: woo commerce columns issueFixed: menu on mobile issueFixed: image shortcodeFixed: slider contents shortcode settings Fixed: el-line iconsFixed: product sorting options not working on frontedFixed: latvian letters look bad on some browsers Fixed: parent menu class not working properly Update: language filesUpdate: updated rhythm addons plugin Update: visual composer pluginUpdate: revolution slider plugin
Version 2.0.7 – March 5, 2016New: high speed optimization New: scaled down logo sizes Enhancement: portfolio gutter changes Enhancement: added rev slider to tgmFixed: css issue with parent menu itemFixed: offset issueUpdate: updated revolution slider to the latest version Update: updated rhythm addons plugin
Version 2.0.6 – February 26, 2016New: RTL support Fixed: single portfolio link issue with wpmlFixed: testimonials, blog carousel, latest works shortcodes are fixed for wpml Fixed: pagination issue support for the latest wordpress version Enhancement: latest news, blog magazine shortcodes Update: visual composer and rhythm addons plugins
Version 2.0.5 – February 12, 2016Fixed: woocommerce default shortcodes column issue Fixed: content option for single blog postFixed: polylang plugin conflict Update: rhythm addons pluginUpdate: visual composer plugin
Version 2.0.4 – January 27, 2016Fixed: top menu on mobile and tabletFixed: latest posts shortcode issueEnhancement: flexibility new options on author, data, category Enhancement: sidebar option for search and archive pages Enhancement: fixed sidebar after scrollingUpdate: updated woocommerce filesUpdate: rhythm addons plugin
Version 2.0.3 – January 13, 2016Fixed: parallax issue on iPhone Fixed: menu issue on opera browserFixed: header menu content overflow Fixed: large letter alignment issueFixed: page options default margin options Enhancement: background image quality on mobile Update: visual composer to latest versionUpdate: revolution slider to latest version
Version 2.0.2 – December 24th, 2015Fixed: portfolio filter on wordpress version 4.4Fixed: visual composer overriding bootstrap cssFixed: theme customizerFixed: sticky headerFixed: blog magazine title wrapperImproved: navigationUpdate: multi columns menuUpdate: visual composer to latest versionUpdate: revolution slider to latest version
Version 2.0.1 – October 9th, 2015- Update: visual composer plugin
Version 1.8 – July 30th, 2015- New: caption for images in gallery element- New: pagination for banner slider - Update: rhythm addons plugin - Update: visual composer plugin- Fixed: missing linebreak in contact details element- Fixed: google map element ignoring configuration- Fixed: missing extra class with some banner styles
Version 1.7 – July 15th, 2015- New: construction demo 1- New: construction demo 2- New: construction demo 3- New: header style alternative version- New: header style alternative version centered - New: title wrapper style- New: promo elements - New: latest work elements - New: product page vc suppport- Update: rhythm addons plugin - Update: visual composer plugin- Fixed: menu issue on parent items- Fixed: tabs with non-alphanumeric characters issue- Fixed: hide team social links if none are supplied
Version 1.6 – June 26th, 2015- New: SEO enhancements with SEOexperts.com - New: side photographer demo- New: header style side navigation- New: menu style- New: side photographer white demo - New: exclude option to blog carousel element- New: disallowing image cropping option- Update: rhythm addons plugin - Fixed: grid issue for the photographer layout- Added: vc front end support- Enhancement: gallery 2 element dimension- Enhancement: error message style for newsletter- Enhancement: footer logo on/off
Version 1.5 – June 11th, 2015- Fixed: safari and firefox issue
Version 1.4 – June 9th, 2015- New: photographer demo - New: header style - New: menu style- New: special landing demo 2 - New: header style - New: link option to feature box- New: preheader option - Update: rhythm addons plugin - Fixed: wp follow us widget linked in issue- Fixed: footer vimeo icon - Added: child theme- Enhancement: image block shortcode link option- Enhancement: banner unlimited overlay color option - Enhancement: importer to prevent duplicated import
Version 1.3 – June 1st, 2015- New: magazine demo 1 - New: magazine demo 2 - New: special landing demo 1 - New: special landing demo 2 - New: header style - New: footer logo on/off option
Version 1.2 – May 27th, 2015- New: banner options- New: social icons option to header- New: row html shortcode- New: child theme- New: psd files included- New: one click install now working as ajax- Fixed: portfolio and post items visual composer issue- Fixed: titlewrapper duplicated option- Update: visual composer plugin