Altair is a professional HTML5/CSS3 Material Design template based on UIkit Framework and jQuery Library. This template has been built with Bower (package manager), Gulp (streaming build tool) and Handlebars.js (templating system).
v2.6.0 (16.05.2016)
[new] Landing Page [bug] IE9 compatibility [bug] custom scrollbar position when mini sidebar is active
For full changelog scroll to the bottom of the page.

Features List
- Material Design
- Based on UIkit
- Easily customizable (less files)
- Responsive layout
- High Resolution
- Custom pages: Invoices, User Profile, User Edit, Mailbox and more
- Custom components
- Accordions
- Dropdowns
- Dynamic Grid
- Lightbox/Modal
- Nestable
- Sortable
- Notifications
- Preloaders
- Tabs
- Integrated KendoUI components
- Integrated charting libraries: c3.js and MetricsGraphics.js
- Integrated plugins: Datatbles, Full Calendar, Maplace (Google Maps), Mapael (Vector Maps) and more
- Integrated form components:
- Sliders
- Advanced select
- Datepicker
- Timepicker
- Masked inputs
- Html Editor
- File uploader
Your Voice
I’m open to any suggestions regarding Altair Material Design Premium Template, if you have an idea/suggestion/request please let me know. I’ll try to add it to Altair. Thanks.
// v2.5.1 (27.04.2016) [new] textual links in navbar (.navbar_link) [bug] wizard page not working (AngularJS version) [bug] selectize z-index issue (AngularJS version) [bug] buttons (RTL version) [bug] gulp serve task (RTL version) [bug] CRUD table dialog (RTL version) [bug] missing uikit in login and error pages (AngularJS version) [bug] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.5.0 (16.04.2016) [new] Search Page (pages/search_results) [new] Session Timeout Plugin (plugins/idle_timeout) [new] Autocomplete Plugin [new] Tablesorter widgets (plugins/tablesorter) [new] Switcher Component (components/switcher) [new] Mailbox action buttons (mailbox) [new] Fancytree Plugin (replaced tree plugin; plugins/tree) [new] Added header/footer to Invoices (invoices) [new] Fixed width for inputs (forms/regular) [new] Collapsed card on page load (components/panels) [new] Gulp build task [update] Rebuilded gulp tasks (./gulp-tasks) [update] Top menu mobile friendly (layout/top_menu) [update] Datepicker in modal (no need to use extra class anymore) [update] Material Design Icons (2.2.0) [update] Updated NPM modules to latest versions (./package.json) [update] Separated Themes (assets/css/themes/) [update] angular (1.5.3) [update] angular-breadcrumb (0.4.1) [update] angular-cookies (1.5.3) [update] angular-datatables (0.5.4) [update] angular-dragula (1.2.6) [update] angular-resource (1.5.3) [update] angular-sanitize (1.5.3) [update] angular-ui-router (0.2.18) [update] autosize (3.0.15) [update] c3-angular (1.2.0) [update] chartist (0.9.7) [update] ckeditor (4.5.8) [update] clndr (1.4.1) [update] codemirror (5.13.4) [update] countUp.js (1.7.0) [update] d3 (3.5.16) [update] datatables (1.10.11) [update] fullcalendar (2.6.1) [update] jquery (2.2.3) [update] jquery.actual (1.0.18) [update] jquery.dotdotdot (1.8.1) [update] jquery.fancytree (2.17.0) [update] jquery.inputmask (3.3.0) [update] jsdiff (2.2.2) [update] kendo-ui (2016.1.406) [update] maplace-js (0.2.7) [update] matchMedia (0.3.0) [update] metrics-graphics (2.9.0) [update] moment (2.12.0) [update] ng-idle (1.2.0) [update] ngmap (1.17.3) [update] parsleyjs (2.3.7) [update] tablesorter (2.25.0) [update] tinymce (4.3.8) [update] uikit (2.26.2) [update] velocity (1.2.3) [bugs] angularjs version performance issues [bugs] Tooltips in modal [bugs] Sidebar tooltips (mini sidebar) [bugs] Metrics Graphics tooltips (plugins/charts) [bugs] fixed issue with '_md_precompiled_colors.less' when compiling less to css [bugs] close FAB speed dial when small FAB is clicked [bugs] jumping top menu [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.4.0 (12.02.2016) [new] RTL version [new] Breadcrumbs [new] Footer [new] Progress bar in cards [new] Inline text editor [new] Social media buttons [new] Fullscreen cards fixed header [new] Selectize tooltip [update] No-autosize textareas [bugs] File input mobile view [bugs] [app] Titles in wizard [bugs] [app] Gant chart show/hide [bugs] Chartist update on sidebar close [bugs] Issues when printing invoices [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.3.0 (08.01.2016) [new] Tree plugin (easyTree) [new] Slideshow plugin [new] File input plugin (dropify) [new] 2 new themes [new] Main menu accordion mode [new] Main menu submenu [new] Wave effect for buttons [updated] Material Design Icons [updated][app] CountUp new options [updated][app] Fixed issues with [updated][app] added 'momentDate' filter [updated] Fixed issues with Datepicker position [updated] Fixed issues with form elements in card-fullscreen [updated] Fixed issues with modal (boxed layout) [updated] Updated select element styles [updated][bower] chartist (0.9.5) [updated][bower] ckeditor (4.5.6) [updated][bower] codemirror (5.10.0) [updated][bower] d3 (3.5.12) [updated][bower] datatables (1.10.10) [updated][bower] dragula.js (3.6.2) [updated][bower] fullcalendar (2.5.0) [updated][bower] hammerjs (2.0.6) [updated][bower] jquery.inputmask (3.2.5) [updated][bower] jquery.scrollbar (0.2.10) [updated][bower] kendo-ui (2015.3.1214) [updated][bower] uikit (2.24.3) [updated][bower] screenfull (3.0.0) [updated][bower] tinymce (4.3.2) [updated][bower] jsdiff (2.2.1) [updated][bower] maplace.js (0.2.5) [updated][bower] angular-animate (1.4.8) [updated][bower] angular-datatables (0.5.2) [updated][bower] angular-dragula (1.1.9) [updated][bower] angular-metrics-graphics (0.1.2) [updated][bower] angular-resource (1.4.8) [updated][bower] angular-sanitize (1.4.8) [updated][bower] angular-wizard (0.6.1) [updated][bower] ngmap (1.16.3) [updated][bower] oclazyload (1.0.9) [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.2.0 (13.11.2015) [new] Issues List/Details page [new] CRUD Table [updated] Sidebar Chat [updated] Top Menu Layout [updated] Cards Example [updated] Dropdowns example [updated] Added "_" prefix to LESS files [updated] Added lightbox components from uikit [updated][APP] Page preloader [updated][bower] angular-dragula (1.1.6) [updated][bower] angular-utils-pagination (0.9.2) [updated][bower] autosize (3.0.14) [updated][bower] clndr (1.3.14) [updated][bower] codemirror (5.8.0) [updated][bower] countUP.js (1.6.0) [updated][bower] dragula.js (3.5.4) [updated][bower] dragula.js (3.5.4) [updated][bower] jsdiff (2.2.0) [updated][bower] kendo-ui (2015.3.1111) [removed][bower] magnific-popup [updated][bower] metrics-graphics (2.7.0) [updated][bower] ngmap (1.14.9) [updated][bower] tablesorter (2.23.5) [updated][bower] uikit (2.23.0) [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.1.0 (21.10.2015) [new] Blog List page [new] Blog Article page [new] Gallery page [new] Pricing Tables page [new] FAB Buttons page (transitions) [new] Collapsible Panels page [new] tinyMCE plugin [new] jsdiff plugin [new] Fullscreen plugin [new] Full Header layout [new] Boxed layout [new] Top menu [new] Color bars for cards [new] Right side icons on lists [updated][HTML] Dragula.js (3.5.2) [updated][APP] angualar-dragula(1.1.3) [updated] Added small tooltip [updated] Added warning color to FAB [updated] Added tooltips to FAB [updated] Added option to reinitailize selects (wizard example) [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v2.0.0 (29.09.2015) [new] AngularJS version [new] Long text in tooltips [updated] autosize (3.0.12) [updated] ckeditor (4.5.3) [updated] clndr (1.2.16) [updated] codemirror (5.7.0) [updated] datatables (1.10.9) [updated] handlebars (4.0.3) [updated] handlebars (4.0.3) [updated] ion.rangeslider (2.1.1) [updated] jquery-mapael (1.1.0) [updated] jquery.actual (1.0.17) [updated] jquery.inputmask (3.2.0) [updated] kendo-ui (2015.2.902) [updated] tablesorter (2.23.4) [updated] uikit (2.22.0) [updated] waypoints (4.0.0) [updated] weather-icons (2.0.10) [bugs] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v1.3.0 (18.08.2015) [new] WYSIWYG Editor (forms_wysiwyg.html) [new] Tablesorter plugin (plugins_tablesorter.html) [new] Sortable plugin Dragula.js (components_sortable.html,page_scrum_board.html) [new] Tables Examples (components_tables_examples.html) [new] Tabable secondary sidebar (index.html) [updated] Changed kendoUI concentated js name (kendoui_custom.js;kendoui_custom.min.js) [updated] Added example with multiline tolltip (components_tooltips.html) [updated] chartist (0.9.4) [updated] datatables (1.10.8) [updated] fullcalendar (2.4.0) [updated] kendo-ui-core (2015.2.805+SP1) [updated] marked (0.3.5) [updated] parsleyjs (2.1.3) [updated] weather-icons (2.0.1) [bug] Fixed hierarhical animation when there is only one element [bug] Fixed nestable handle component [bug] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v1.2.0 (08.08.2015) [new] code editor with file editing (php) (page_code_editor.html) [new] chartist chart (plugins_charts.html) [new] style switcher with predefined themes [new] top menu [new] mini sidebar [new] material design colors (components_colors.html) [new] typography example page (components_typography.php) [updated] main sidebar visual changes (material design) [updated] main scrollable area changed from #page_content to html (fixed some issues with mobile devices and plugins) [bug] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v1.1.0 (28.07.2015) [new] chat page (page_chat.html) [new] scrum board page (page_scrum_board.html) [new] todo page (page_todo.html) [new] form wizard (forms_wizard.html) [new] register form (login.html) [new] 'swipe to open' gesture added (main sidebar, touch devices, 2 fingers, left edge) [bug] fixed issue with custom scrollbars on mac os x [firefox] [bug] fixed focus error/success state for text inputs (focus) (forms_validation.html) [bug] added missing kendoUI images (kendoui_*.html) [new] added alert info style (components_common.html) [updated] moment (2.10.6) [updated] kendo-ui-core (2015.2.727) [updated] jquery.scrollbar (0.2.8) [updated] jquery.dotdotdot (1.7.4) [updated] ionrangeslider (2.0.12) [updated] clndr (1.2.15) [updated] FAB button animation when showing options (components_buttons.html) [updated] gulp tasks (cleanup and minor changes) [updateed] Minor improvements and fixes (css/js)// v1.0.0 (24.07.2015) Initial Release
- UIkit Framework –
- jQuery –
- jQuery Plugins – listed here
- Google Fonts (Roboto,Source Code Pro) –
- Google Material Design Icons –
- Flags Icons –
- Images:
- * Avatars:
- * Ecommerce images (Samsung Galaxy S6):