Francoise - Personal WordPress Blog Theme

Francoise - Personal WordPress Blog Theme

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Francoise is beautiful and clean WordPress blog theme for people who tell stories. Francoise theme was designed with great attention to details. You can choose from 6 homepage layouts and find the best one to share your stories.

If you like Francoise WordPress blog theme, please don’t forget rate it 12345. It really helps us a lot, thank you very much!

Feedback from our beloved customers

Francoise WP theme reviews


Demo content is included in the theme.

Plugins are used and bundled with the theme!


Josefin Sans


Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and are NOT included in the final purchase files.


Version 1.3.2- Fixed: broken share buttonsVersion 1.3.1- Fixed: page navigation links positions- Updated: translation filesVersion 1.3.0- Fixed: small bugs in css- Updated: bundled plugins- Added: support of WP 4.4.1Version 1.2.8- Fixed: small issue in responsive versionVersion 1.2.7- Updated: the documentation- Fixed: bug related to logos- Changed: support from 'AccessPress Social Pro' plugin to 'Advanced Social Status'Version 1.2.6- Fixed: small issue in responsive version- Fixed: bug related to logosVersion 1.2.5- Updated: Uni User Avatar 1.6.4- Improved: code of the themeVersion 1.2.4- Fixed: finally Uni User Avatar 1.6.3 is added Version 1.2.3- Fixed: an issue with TGMPA scriptVersion 1.2.2- Added: more settings for logos (custom width etc)- Updated: Uni Avatar Manager 1.6.3- Updated: the documentationVersion 1.2.1- Updated: theme's translationVersion 1.2.0- Updated: 'AccessPress Social Pro' plugin to 1.2.1- Improved: the code has been revised and updated- Added: .xml file with a demo content- Added: several new optionsPlease, review your website after updating! Some content may be hidden after that.Version 1.1.2- Fixed: some minor bugs in styles- Changed: social links now open new windows/tabs in browser- Added: global option "without sidebar" that removes sidebar from single/archive templatesVersion 1.1.1- Fixed: some minor bugs in styles- Improved: widget "About Me" Version 1.1.0- Added: possibility to define custom content instead of placeholder on 5 page templates- Added: styles for widget with latest tweets (via free plugin)- Added: possibility to add icon 'email' to 'socials' block- Changed: switched to FontAwesome version 4.4- Added: custom google fonts can be added via theme options- Changed: switched to MailChimp API 3.0- Added: 'Envato WordPress Toolkit' now bundled with the theme- Updated: tested and ready for WP 4.3!Version 1.0.6- Fixed: not showing proper dates for posts on 'Home Page List' templateVersion 1.0.5- Fixed: some minor bugs- Added: 'scheme-custom.css' file into a child theme folder where you can create your own colour schemeVersion 1.0.4- Fixed: css bug with footer when there is no a menu and social counters- Improved: shortcodes are now stripped from excerpts- Added: info box on the theme options page; it shows an important information about hosting environment- Updated: TGM script updated to 2.5.2- Updated: OptionTree script updated to 2.5.5- Fixed: error when trying to activate bundled plugins from a child themeVersion 1.0.3- Fixed: bug with subscription form in Mailchimp widgetVersion 1.0.2- Fixed: minor bugs in responsive version of the themeVersion 1.0.1- Fixed: bug on contact pageVersion 1.0.0- Release

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