A touch optimized theme for writers with a focus on responsive design optimized for today’stouch and swipe mobile devices, includes 6 months support.
Careful attention to detail has been paid to every aspect of GraceUnderPressure, and as thename implies this beautiful WordPress theme has been designed from the ground up withtoday’s mobile user generation.
Optimized for Tablets, everything about it, the interface, the typography and overall design hasbeen researched thoroughly and the outcome is a theme that is both easy to work with andaesthetically pleasing for the end user.
Some of GraceUnderPressure’s Features
- Responsive Layout – With a true mobile-first layout, the theme’s design offers a minimalist and distraction free experience on mobile devices while expanding to a full website on large desktops.
- Optimized for Tablets – The theme’s interface, typography and contrast have been carefully researched to offer a pleasant reading experience on tablet devices.
- Beautiful Cover Photos – Cover photos expand full screen on mobile devices overlay the article’s title and description in a manner that reminds of quality vintage books.
- Touch-swipe Gestures – The theme’s navigation menu is hidden on mobile devices so it doesn’t distract from your content but can be toggled with a simple swipe gesture.
- Screenplay Format – A unique feature of this theme is the styling of preformatted text in the screenplay standard, so you can just display some snippets or write full screenplays.
- Custom Typography – The font families of headings, body copy text and contextual elements can be changed from the customizer and you can select any font from the Google Directory.
- Beautiful Author Profiles – Author post pages show you avatar and your biographical info next to your posts so you can showcase your works like a true writer.
- Customizer Friendly – The customizer has been carefully built so that every simple customization can be previewed instantly without the need to refresh the page.
People LOVE GraceUnderPressure

Scope of support
We can help you with:
- Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
- Fixing bugs and reported issues
- Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions
We can’t help you with:
- Move the element “X” or change the color of the element “Y”
- WordPress general how to’s (please, use wordpress.org for that)
- Customization and installation services
- Support for third party software and plug-ins
- Individual server issues
You can read more about item support policy here.
Credits: One Designs for helping us designing and coding this theme.