Jager is a 3-column, masonry style and fully responsive tumblr theme. Perfect solution for all kinds of blogs starts from artists, designers to musicians.
Other premium tumblr themes

Theme Features
- All post types support
- Infinite Scrolling
- Author Sidebar
- Mobile-first Responsive Web Design
- Twitter, Instagram, Dribbble & Flickr Feed
- Disqus Comments & Google Analytics Integration
- Submissions & Ask Ready
- Cross Browser Support
- Retina-ready
- Online documentation
- Extremely customizable ( over 90 customize options )

If you want to feature any of your posts you only add “featured” tag
(this post will be 2x bigger)
So simple.
October 29, 2015 - 1.1.1Update: - Scripts, Slick SliderFormat Link: - Added: Link thumbnail October 20, 2015 - 1.1.0Fixed: SoundCloudAdded Custom Options: - Header Height - Permalink Header Height - Header Navigation Margin Bottom - Permalink Navigation Margin Bottom - Main Content Top Margin - Permalink Main Content Top MarginAdded: Permalink LinkOctober12, 2015 - 1.0.3New Options: - Hide Reblog Pin On/Off - Subpage custom header height - Social Icons (YouTube, SoundCloud, Bandcamp)Added: - Navigation on the subpageFormat Video ImprovementsSeptember 15, 2015 - 1.0.2 - Minor Bug FixesAugust 22, 2015 - 1.0.1 - Added support for "Answer Posts" August 4, 2015 - 1.0.0 - Released
- jQuery http://jquery.com/
- Unsplash https://unsplash.com/
- Font Awesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
- jribbble http://jribbble.com/
- jQInstaPics http://projects.craftedpixelz.co.uk/jqinstapics/
- Flickr Feeds Reader http://www.zazar.net/developers/jquery/zflickrfeed/