Plugin incuded:

AppStore app (not included, but you can buy it for 100$, contact in skype:freedeveloperscommunity): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my-city/id1107174056?ls=1&mt=8Google Play app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fdc.freedeveloperscommunity.mycitybulk import from google tables (excel, csv). Video demobulk import from google places . Video demobulk import points from openstreetmap.org. Watch video: Import OSM to Wordpress Membership subscriptions via PayPal and stripe (credit card )The list of 800+ ultra niche search keywords includedDrag & Drop page builderWhite label wordpress loginAutomatic map marker generatorMarketing & SEO toolsUser can follow places in sotial network and reward promo couponsUser can follow places2 design skin: modern & light.BootstrapCordova ( phonegap ) projectGeolocation by google mapsGood for cafe, bar, restaurant guideGood for small business catalog (law , lawyer, dentis, medical cener, etc)Good for small & big citiesTestimonials and review for placesSotial networkSotial functionality (profiles, followers)3 type of Places List: map, grid, simple listOwn login & registration pagesSMS registration (exelent for mobile users!) 200+ country delivered.Sotial login with 20+ soctial networksIPhone & Android apps generator (using cordova project)Marketing tools – users can get discount coupon after share in FB, Twitter or other sotial network.300+ shortcodesGeolocation supportUnlimited color variantsOnce click demo data importDrag and drop page buildeMultilingual support3 header. Small, big, extrabigseo optimized with WP seo yoastTons of shortcodesUnder Construction PageCustom field for itemWP customizer enebledMailchimp enabledAuto-update support Envato Toolkit plugin (theme auto-update plugin)Translation readyVideo backroundCustom fieldsWeather
Custom widgetsLast tweetsUpcoming eventsPlaces categoryBoxed & Wide layoutCustom background & unlimited colorsGallery postsMansonryMailchimp integratedcheckfront booking integratedGoogle fontsGoogle business view 3d panorama inside place Read moreGoogle street viewUber taxi affiliate API integrated! Get $5 for every user Uber ON/OFFMoneyback guaranteeInstagram API enabledMore earning: sell tickets, sell taxi, adsence, Changelog:
April 15 + bulk import from google places + updated plugins + add table price shortcode + WordPress 4.5 supportApril 05 + bulk import from google tables (excel, csv) + updated EventOn to 2.3.20 + Mycity places block add Custom CategoriesMarch 25 + Automatic import points from openstreetmap.orgMarch 17 + add place focus on scroll + updated PluginsMarch 1 + corrected demo import, + add button to show all markers, + added options to the shortcode "The best places weekly" February 08 + update pluginsJanuary 28 + Fixed many bugs + updated demo import + added distance info + added footer backgroundDecember 24: + WordPress 4.4 supportDecember 4:+admin can change place slug +added map with subcategories +added 1000+ Trendy line icon set+added "small descriptions" textarea+bbpress+now section on frontpage can be edit via VC+many bug fixedNovember 21:+Added Dialogs plugin: https://goo.gl/kSROKv+Added Paypal Recurring plugin: https://goo.gl/SD2zflNovember 11:+Added multilanguage+Added boxed style on place page http://city1.vioo.ru/places/mumiytroll-cafe/?showas=boxed
Online documentationInstallation Video Instruction:
For quick tech support add in skype: lernertb . (time zone UTC +4 )

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