LYON HTML5 is absolutely one of our most gorgeous and professional template ever which is specially designed for hotel booking and room reservation. Besides its luxurious look, Lyon also comes with a user-friendly datepicker & booking forms as well as outstanding room listing layouts. This HTML5 template is fully responsive and retina-ready.
Thank you to all of our valued customers because of your trust and love to us; We appreciate your great ratings. It is really a very big motivation for our team. We will always improve to give you excellent customer service and high quality products. Hope that you will always go together with us in the next time
The most outstanding feature that comes with Lyon HTML5 Template is 03 amazing homepages with luxury design for multi-branch hotels. It is also ready to premade booking process layout. Just grab our template and you will have a perfect booking function integrated. You can manage room booking, check room’s availability, manage reservation dates and select the best deals for booking and much more.
Backup link when you can not go to our main demo

Let’s go discover a hotel that defines a new dimension of luxury!
Light up your website with Lyon Hotel Booking HTML5 Template! Check out its core features:
Template Features:
- Luxury and elegant design which is suitable for all kinds of hotel related websites
- Well-organized, commented and clean code
- Using jQuery 1.11.3
- Using Font Awesome and Material Iconic for Icons
- Cross-Browser Compatibility: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE 10, 11, Opera
- 100% Responsive Theme: Iphone 4 – 6, Ipad, Androids, Kindle tested
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design
- Flawless navigation system
- Full control over site width; content areas, sidebar and title bar
- 05+ Amazing Room Detail and Listing Layouts
- Unlimited Hotels and Branches: LYON Hotel HTML5 Template is best suited for multiple hotel branches. We provide page layouts for single booking and reservation system for all branches of hotel.
- SEO Friendly: Fully compatible with SEO latest techniques.
- Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience
- Pages:
- Multipurpose Homes (03 versions)
- Beautiful blog grid, masonry, medium left sidebar, medium right sidebar, medium full width
- Minimal blog single audio, video, gallery, image, small thumbnail post/ portfolio formats.
- All files are well documented.
- And many more…
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Any media – Images, icons or logos used in previews are not included in this item and you need to contact authors to get permission in case you want to use them in your commercial or non-commercial projects. Read help file for more details after you purchase the design.
Version 1.1Released date: 12-26-2015*Fix: some minor css stylesVersion 1.1Released date: 12-08-2015*Fix: Revolution slider imagesVersion 1.0Released date: 11-12-2015Initial release