Meet Daytona, a fine theme for story-tellers. Easily create beautiful photography-driver stories with images, galleries, video, audio and more. The 10 different blog layouts/grids allow you to offer your visitors are truly memorable experience. Use Daytona as a photoblog, a portfolio for your work, a food blog, a fashion blog or a magazine. The clean and minimal look & feel is a perfect match for any type of content.
- Easy & fun to install and use
- Clean, minimal & distraction free design for an optimal reading experience
- Build responsive: desktop, tablet and mobile friendly
- Beautiful full with headers
- 10 different blog layouts/grids
- Multiple grid/image overlay options
- Endless scrolling with infinite scroll for a seamless reading experience
- Easy & fun to customize with the WordPress native Customizer
- Highly customizable typography (choose from handpicked fonts that best match the theme
- Live searching from the search drawer
- Hidden widgetized sidebar keeping the focus on your main content
- Custom social icon links
- Jetpack compatible
- Translation ready
- W3 Validated as valid HTML5
- Much more…

06-02-2016 - Version 1.1.4 - Update: updated documentation - Update: updated child-theme stylesheet - Update: updated readme.txt - Fix: fixed issue with customizer not outputting fonts correctly - Update: added daytona.pot file for proper translations - Update: updated ACF Pro to version - Version 1.1.3 - Update: added Google Analytics tab to Customizer (easily add your GA tracking code/ID) - Update: mobile view shows title + meta by default (since mobile views know no hover) - Update: separated singular template into separate page and single templates - Fix: fixed call to TGM Plugin Activation script28-12-2015 - Version 1.1.2 - Fix: fixed small issue with font-selector 11-12-2015 - Version 1.1.1 - Fixed: removed call to unused css file causing a 404-error in child-theme 10-12-2015 - Version 1.1.0 - Fixed: fixed a bunch of development left-over code and bugs - Fixed: fixed an issue with the child theme - Update: added full-width inline images - Update: added “Hero Settings” to posts & pages, allowing full height hero areas and video backgrounds - Update: replaced jPreloader pre-loader to pace.js04-12-2015 - Version 1.0.0 - First Release