Rating: 5 stars
Buyer: officialroxijewelry
Reason: Flexibility
Comment: Thanks you Done great Support ever the best theme worth to buy.
Rating: 5 stars
Buyer: davepando
Reason: Availability
Comment: Perfect supprt! Nailed it.

- Fully responsive 100%.
- Retina Ready. Optimizied images, icon font
- Html5, CSS3
- 10 predefined skins
- Revolution slider Save $18!
- Unlimited colours, backgrounds, textures, fonts etc.
- Fluid grid system base on Bootstrap framework
- Included psd and html version
- Ajax Infinite Scroll Module
- Lookbook Page
- Lazy Loading
- Product Reviews
- Newsletter
- One click install
- Catalogue mode (without prices, buy now buttons, registration etc.)
- Google fonts
- SEO Friendly Design and Layout Structure.
- Cross browser compatibility ((Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 9 +))
- Quick view option
- Special price count down option
- Discount labels on sale products on/off
- Mega menu
- Sticky header
- 4 header variants
- hidable footer
- Custom html pages – Checkout, Gallery, 404, Contact Us, Typograpgy etc.
- Product listing Isotope
- Colour swatch module
- Collapsed left category menu
- 4 product page layouts
- Cloudzoom
- Video tutorials – installation, customization
- Premium ticket support via support forum
May 10, version 1.6.4
Fix - Translation VariablesFix - Search Pagination
April 20, version 1.6.3
- update: search, cart, customer menu in sticky header
February 5, version 1.6.2
- delete spaces when create mega menu in code
January 29, version 1.6.1
- categories module in home page
January 18, version 1.6.0
January 15, version 1.5.0
- add RTL feature
January 13, version 1.4.5
- product page: fix "sold out" message
January 11, version 1.4.4
- breadcrumb full screen mode place;- the ability to change the author name of the blog article;- number of article comments on the blog page;- changed documentation.- fix join mega menu to vertical menu in admin panel- icon 'new' join to vertical item with space in admin panel
January 04, version 1.4.1
- New Quick View Work and Design, how update see in package- Currency picker error, not update cart currency in header after update cart
December 23, version 1.3.2
- fix popup on moblie view
December 22, version 1.3.1
- minor fixes
December 19, version 1.3.0
- initial release
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.