Premium Responsive Magazine Theme for WordPress

This Demo has a distinct, modern lifestyle feel that would be perfect for any magazine thatwants to stand out from the crowd. Full page sliders & Mega Menus that are intuitive to createand a pleasure to use? integrated Social sharing and View counters built into the packagemeans you can be up and running with a full featured modern magazine website in no time.
GoodTech has been maximised for that current tech feel of a big site like The Verge orMashable. Dynamic image sizing makes best use of all page real estate and gives you fullcontrol with a stunning information packed homepage that will have your visitors hanging forme.
Our Sport demo has a full width beautiful carousel that gives your homepage a stunningmasonry grid look with fluid boxed content. With this Menu structure you can cover everythingfrom Baseball to GrandPrix all with total professionalism.
Gamers want it all on show and it has to look amazing. That’s why we have included it all withGoodGame. From the interactive Header down, GoodGame has all of the goods including mindblowing full screen video that integrates so seamlessly to fully capture your audience’s attention.
Focussed on looking good (pardon the pun!) the GoodLook demo has a very clean, minimalistand modern feel that has been styled to have a distinctly feminine feel. You’ll never lose a visitoragain with the Infinite page loading feature capturing their attention.
A whole new layout, familiar feel, target your inner Muso with GoodMusic. This page has beenoptimised for ad placement as well as being packed with all the other features you would expectincluding Ratings, Full Page content sliders, Events, Reviews and social media sharing a part ofits core.
Save big bucks with bundled Plugins
Some Themes need extra Plugins to unlock their full potential, GoodLife comes bundled withindustry standard best practise Plugins at no extra cost.Best of all, they are all fully tested and integrated into GoodLife’s DNA so that you don’t have toworry about any compatibility issues. It’s Plug ‘n Play baby!Performance at a fraction of the normal cost
High Performance, SEO set to Next Level with GoodLife? we designed, developed and testedGoodLife to the highest standards, so that your website will be blazingly fast and structured sothat Google can index your content with ease.Changelog
Update 1.6.2 – 05.05.2016
Improved fixed sidebar issues on mobile devicesNew version of JavaScript libraries
Fixes to social network counts
PHP7 compatibility fixes
Improvements to infinite loading
Changed files:- Gruntfile.js- admin/- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/js/vendor.min.js- assets/js/vendor/_0TweenMax.min.js- assets/js/vendor/lazyload.min.js- assets/js/vendor/lodash.min.js- assets/js/vendor/mobile-detect.min.js- inc/misc.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/post-social.php- inc/posts-social-shares-count/posts-share-count.php- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php- style.css
Update 1.6.1 – 23.04.2016
This is a minor update fixing demo content import for some users and includes the latest version of Visual Composer.Changed files:- inc/ot-functions.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/inc/class-ocdi-helpers.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/one-click-demo-import.php- inc/plugins/ inc/widgets/social-counters.php- style.css
Update 1.6.0 – 14.04.2016
WordPress 4.5 fixes (Please update Visual Composer)Fixed Reading bar when not using infinite scroll
Faster and More Optimized Demo Content Import
Fixed an issue with Ajax load more
Changed files:- assets/css/admin.css- assets/js/admin-meta.min.js- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/admin-meta.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- functions.php- inc/ajax.php- (deleted) inc/democontent/- inc/import.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/assets/css/main.css- inc/one-click-demo-import/assets/js/main.js- inc/one-click-demo-import/inc/class-ocdi-helpers.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/inc/class-ocdi-importer.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/inc/class-ocdi-logger.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/inc/class-ocdi-widget-importer.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/one-click-demo-import.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/readme.txt- inc/one-click-demo-import/vendor/humanmade/WordPress-Importer/class-logger-cli.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/vendor/humanmade/WordPress-Importer/class-logger.php- inc/one-click-demo-import/vendor/humanmade/WordPress-Importer/class-wxr-importer.php- inc/ot-radioimages.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/plugins/js_composer.php- inc/script-calls.php- inc/visualcomposer.php- (deleted) inc/wordpress-importer/parsers.php- (deleted) inc/wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php- style.css- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php
Update 1.5.2 – 28.03.2016
Visual Composer compatibility fixesVideo playlist improvements
Misc fixes
Changed files:- assets/css/app.css- assets/sass/_shortcodes.scss- inc/ajax.php- inc/widgets/latest-posts-images.php- style.css- vc_templates/vc_video.php
Update 1.5.1 – 08.03.2016
Added Support for Category Top GridsAdded an option to disable theme added OG: tags
Updated Plugins
Updated Language Files
Fixed an issue with WPML language switcher
Misc fixes
Changed files:- Gruntfile.js- assets/css/app.css- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/sass/_categorypage.scss- assets/sass/_posts.scss- assets/sass/_structure.scss- assets/sass/app.scss- category.php- inc/category-settings.php- inc/excerpts.php- inc/header/category-grid-style1.php- inc/header/category-grid-style2.php- inc/header/category-grid-style3.php- inc/header/style1.php- inc/languages/ inc/languages/en_US.pot- inc/misc.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/plugins/ inc/post-detail-styles/style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style5.php- inc/post-social.php- inc/selection.php- inc/visualcomposer.php- inc/wpml.php- style.css
Update 1.4.0 – 06.02.2016
Added Support for Infinite Article LoadingSmoother Parallax animations
Misc fixes
Changed files:- Gruntfile.js- assets/css/app.css- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/js/vendor.min.js- assets/js/vendor/skrollr.min.js- assets/sass/_posts.scss- assets/sass/_subheader.scss- inc/ajax.php- inc/header/fixed.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style5.php- inc/post-detail-styles/video-style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/video-style2.php- inc/selection.php- single.php- style.css
Update 1.3.1 – 01.02.2016
Minor CSS fixesUpdated Plugins
Lazy Load improvements
Performance improvements
Changed files:- assets/css/app.css- assets/sass/_404.scss- assets/sass/_posts.scss- assets/sass/_utilities.scss- functions.php- inc/languages/ inc/languages/en_US.pot- inc/misc.php- inc/plugins/ inc/visualcomposer-extend.php- style.css
Update 1.3.0 – 27.01.2016
Added YouTube and Vimeo Counters for Social Counter WidgetAdded Image Credit Option for the featured images in Standard Formats
Updated Language Files
Misc fixes
Changed files:- assets/css/app.css- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/sass/_comments.scss- assets/sass/_posts.scss- assets/sass/app.scss- inc/languages/ inc/languages/en_US.pot- inc/ot-metaboxes.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style5.php- inc/post-social.php- inc/selection.php- inc/widgets/social-counters.php- style.css
Update 1.2.0 – 22.01.2016
Added a new demo (Technology)Added a dark menu style menu for Header Style 1
Added new overlay style for Post Grid Carousel
Added option to toggle pagination and navigation of Post Grid Carousel
Added reading indicator to Article pages
Added padding option for widgets in Theme Options
Added different VC settings to various Post elements
Added a new style for Social Counters widget
Added no-thumbnail option to Category Posts widget
Added option to turn off Category Siblings
Fix: Fixed Header not turning off
Fix: Speed improvements to Appearance > Menus
Fix: Video size not accurate in Firefox
Misc fixes
Changed files:- assets/img/demo_img (folder)- assets/js/admin-meta.min.js- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/js/vendor.min.js- category.php- footer.php- inc/democontent (folder)- inc/header (folder)- inc/misc.php- inc/ot-fonts.php- inc/ot-functions.php- inc/ot-radioimages.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/poststyles (folder)- inc/post-detail-styles (folder)- inc/selection.php- inc/visualcomposer-extend.php- inc/visualcomposer.php- inc/widgets/category-posts.php- inc/widgets/latest-posts-images.php- inc/widgets/social-counters.php- inc/wp3menu.php- style.css- vc_templates/thb_postgrid.php- vc_templates/thb_postgrid_carousel.php- vc_templates/thb_postslider.php
Update 1.1.0 – 15.01.2016
Added a TRUE lazy loading feature.Added option to exclude tags from VC Post Category element
Misc fixes
Changed files:- assets/css/app.css- assets/js/admin-meta.min.js- assets/js/app.min.js- assets/js/plugins/app.js- assets/js/vendor.min.js- assets/sass/_comments.scss- assets/sass/_posts.scss- inc/misc.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/gallery-style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style2.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style3.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style4.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style5.php- inc/post-detail-styles/video-style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/video-style2.php
Update 1.0.3 – 08.01.2016
Added option to add background to category header backgroundAdded option to toggle featured image of Standard Post type, style 1
Added a second category listing style
Post views now use abbreviation (ex 23k instead of 23000)
Misc fixes
Changed files:- assets/css/app.css- assets/sass/_categorypage.scss- assets/sass/_posts.scss- category.php- functions.php- inc/category-settings.php- inc/excerpts.php- inc/misc.php- inc/ot-metaboxes.php- inc/ot-themeoptions.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style1.php- inc/post-detail-styles/style2.php- inc/post-views.php- inc/script-calls.php- inc/selection.php- inc/widgets/discussed-posts-images.php- inc/widgets/latest-posts-images.php- style.css