Robin is a cute & colorful blog theme for the creative ones who interested in handmade items, cooking, illustration or any other hobbies. Besides, it’s a quite unique theme especially in the name of color usage.
It’s the second member of our sweet themes family.
Wondered about the first one? See Frida.
Don’t hesitate to drop a comment. We’re keen to improve Robin with your thoughts!
Top Features
- Mobile Friendly & Responsive Design
- Robin Slider: A sweet slider that can be used with lots of options and in 3 different positions: Fullwidth, Cover and Among the Posts.
- WooCommerce Support
- 5 Different Layout Options: 1 Column, 1 Column + Sidebar, 2 Columns, 2 Columns + Sidebar and 3 Columns. Fullwidth versions of them are also available.
- Unlimited Header Views with settings like paddings, logo size, sticky header trigger time etc.
- Leaderboard Banner Management System: Excluding the widgetized areas, you can place up to 5 different banners into 14 different positions. It’s as flexible as a visual composer!
- Separated Sidebars: You can use different sidebars for Home, Archive Pages, Pages and Post Pages.
- Post Format Based Sidebar: Hide the sidebar on gallery posts for example.
- Fixed Sidebar (Q2W3 Fixed Widget Support)
- Post Format Based Colors: You want to display video posts in different colors maybe? Just do it!
- 7 Widget Areas: Sidebar-Home, Sidebar-Archive, Sidebar-Page, Sidebar-Post, Upper Widgets, Home Widgets and Footer Widgets.
- 12 Custom Widgets:
- Image Widget:
Go ahead and place a nice image with a title. You can link it to anywhere too. - Post Widget:
Maybe you want some special attention for one of your posts. Use this! - Popular Posts Widget:
Some posts are crowded ha? This widget will find and display them. - Recent Posts Widget:
Display a couple or two of your latest posts. - Selected Posts Widget:
Display the posts you’ve selected. Very useful for the posts you want to put forward. - Category/Tag Posts Widget:
Display the posts belong to a specific category or tag. - Recent Comments Widget:
Display the latest comments your visitors have dropped. - Ads Widget:
A widget for your Ads. Just place your code and you’re done. - Search Widget:
You can search for anything on your site. Can you believe it? - Social Widget:
Place your social account icons in a cute list. - Facebook Widget:
Show your Facebook page’s lovers. - Empty Space Widget:
Just place an empty space between your widgets if you wish. It’s very handy!
- Image Widget:
- Font Options: You can use 3 different fonts at the same time those chosen from carefully selected Google Fonts. What’s more, we’ll be helping you with adding other Google Fonts you want to use.
- Translation via Customizer: Don’t need to get drowned in strange language files. But if you wish, you can still use the included .pot file for your translations.
- Very Well Organized Customizer
- Show/Hide/Change Almost Everything
- Change Almost Every Single Element’s Color
- Super Light Structure and High Performance on Any Platform
- Easy Usage
- No Coding Knowledge Required
Other Features
- Demo Content Instructions
- Fullwidth Layout Option
- Featured Image Settings
- 5 Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Video, Aside and Link
- Sticky Header
- Column Options for Widgetized Areas
- Unlimited Color Options
- Background Image is Available
- 19 Social Accounts Available including VK
- Contact Form 7 Support
- Instagram Slider Widget Support
- Google Maps
- SEO Optimized
- W3C Validated
Customer Reviews
Have You Seen Frida?

Need Support?
Please don’t hesitate to ask anything. We’re ready to help you on our comments page! For further assistance, head over to and open a ticket.
Release Notes
*** v.1.6 / May 12, 2016 ***+ Now you can display "Upper Widgets" on Posts, Pages and Archives too.+ Minor bug fixes.