DW Focus - Modern Lightweight News Magazine theme

DW Focus - Modern Lightweight News Magazine theme

DW Focus is a perfect fit for any modern News site. In addition to the neat and clean design, DW Focus is well-equipped with many features like HTML5, Grid Based design, LESS & Bootstrap, News Slider, Quick Tabs and so on.



1. Features

A premium responsive WordPress news theme for online news and magazine sites. DW Focus is perfect with its modern design, neat and clean layout & fonts, fully responsive and functional.

Responsive layout

The theme layout adapts to different screensizes and makes sure your site look good on all devices either mobile or desktop.

Built-in Megamenu

Mega Menu helps your customers navigate your site quickly. You can add any HTML, shortcode, widget you like to the menu.

Smart Container Widgets

Serve as a container, enabling to display different widgets. Support three types: DW Tabs Widget, DW Accordion, DW Column

Custom Category Colors & Logos

You can easily personalize each category with color codes and custom logos. It’s awesome.

SEO base built in

DW Focus’s article markup has been optimised in accordance with Google Richsnippets Articles to be rendered with the best Google-friendly search results. Breadcrumb setting is supported as well.

Social Sharing

We integrate new social counting by DW Social Share plugin, a lightweight plugin that will enable the social sharing for your WordPress Site

Design for news portals

Every block and font are all well-designed to bring you the best layout for news and magazine websites.

Intuitive Theme Options

Easily to customize the appearance of the theme: logo, font, color, background and so on.

Custom Widgets specific for News site

News Ticker (presents news in form of scrolling), News List (Display the news from category), News Slider (Carousel or Slideshow), News Grid (Extend up to 5 different layout variants)

Content Layout Setting

A simple grid/list view toggle allows to switch between expanded list-style or grid layout for a neat and clean look.

One click demo content install

Easy setup with pre-built sample data files, helping you set up as per our demo quickly.

A detailed typography page

You can explore a variety of pre-defined typography options to control over how the basic content elements on your site shows up.


2. Page Speed Optimization

The latest DW Focus 1.3.1 gets a complete overhaul compared to older versions released on Designwall.com. This major update comes with the whole code-based fine-tuned, optimized database queries that help to avoid repeated queries on all pages as well as take advantage of WordPress object cache.

You can try testing the theme yourself. Here is the GTmetrix result we analyzed our DW Focus demo: GTMetric test.

DW Focus GTMetric test


3. Documentation



4. Support

We have dedicated support forum for DW Focus theme. In case you do not find answers in our documentation or have technical question, please visit our support forum.

5. Updates

1.3.1==== - Fix: Divide the typo page into the smaller pages - Fix: Restyle the transition of the mega menu - Fix: Add more content blocks on the Homepage - Add: Add the slide section on the top of the Category archive page.1.3.0==== - Add: Install Demo Content feature - Add: Built-in Theme Option (Option Framework plugin no longer needed)1.2.8===== - Intergrate with DW Social Share plugin - Fix apply style color for widget1.2.7===== - Remove Twitter share count1.2.6===== - New: Megamenu - New: Theme Setting Panel - Tweak: Update Style Constructors of PHP 5 for Container Widgets1.2.5===== - New: Adding swipe support to Carousel & Slider - New: Add `dw-focus-slider` image size (710x400px) in the inc/init.php and inc/widgets/dw-focus-news-slider.php files - Tweak: Change image size of the DW Focus: News Grid widget from "medium" to "dw-focus-archive" (width 230px) in the inc/widgets/dw-focus-news-grid.php file - Tweak: Post Thumbnails style in Archive Page when displaying as List in the assets/css/dw-focus.min.css file1.2.4===== - New: Add content-none.php to display message when content not found - Fix: Text issues on comments.php1.2.3===== - New: Add "dw-focus-archive" image size (width 230px) - Fix: Broken style on Archive pages - Fix: Broken style on widget "DW Focus: News Slider" 1.2.2===== - New: Add "Single Post Sidebar" and "Archive Sidebar” positions - Fix: Widgets display issue when the site is cached - Fix: Update a few phrases of Text domains - Fix: Container Widgets issue when drag an empty Text widget1.2.1===== - New: Performance optimization - New: Revamped DW: Tabs widget - New: Revamped DW: Accordion widget - New: Add new DW:Column widget - New: Replace DW Focus: Headlines with DW Focus: News Ticker widget - New: Replace DW Focus: Category with DW Focus: News List widget - New: Revamped DW Focus: News Slider widget - New: Add new DW Focus: News Grid widget to replace all four old widgets (DW Focus: Featured News / Popular News / Recent News / News Carousel) - Removed: DW Focus: Recent Comments widget - New: Change the social sharing add-on. Integrate new social counting by http://sharrre.com instead of old custom script. - New: optimize SEO in accordance with Google Rich snippets Articles. - New: Update to the latest Bootstrap and FontAwesome - Removed: front-assets like jQuery Mouse Move, jQuery Swipe, jQuery Infinitescroll which are no longer needed. - New: Update POT file for language localisation. - New: adapt Javascript to JShint standard; HTML, CSS, PHP to the WordPress Coding Standard - New: Apply NodeJS, Grunt, Bower to compile LESS to CSS, combine and compress files - New: Replace “Related post” feature with default WordPress “Next/Previous post” - New: Inserting Header/Footer code snippet via Customizer is disabled due to security risks. - For more details on this major update, you can check out this post http://bit.ly/1Kej8Qq1.1.0===== - Fix: Twitter share link does not reflect symbols. - Fix: Facebook share do not show Featured Image. - Fix: Pagination of category page. - Fix: Blog page can’t show loading navigation technique as settings in Customize. - Fix: Performance issue on “Must Read Articles” - New: Add Tag choice to DW Focus News slider.1.0.9===== - Fix: Deactivate uploading Avatar - Fix: Bugs in Sidebar's carousel style - Fix: Reset customization settings when save general settings - Fix: DW Carousel widget doesn't start when interval time is set - Fix: Can not choose category for blog in customizer - Tweak: Set default layout for the archive pages - Tweak: Option to set meta info for DW Latest News widget - Tweak: Option for uploading 404 page logo1.0.8===== - Fix: The images of the posts are stretched in full width when printing it out - Fix: Broken avatar when uploading through backend. - Fix: Can't choose the meta information of post of the following widgets from Customize section: DW Focus: Popular News, DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Category"  - Fix: Can't choose meta information of post of DW Focus: Category widget when adding it to DW Focus: Tabs widget - Fix: Automatically display 3 blocks for category when choosing full-width style.1.0.7===== - Fix: Disable / enable RSS, Login - Fix: Break layout when the tag is “span” - Fix: Overlap title in Headline widget - Fix: Minor bugs in style - New: Custom fonts Supported - New: Ready for translation - New: Support DW focus: latest news widget - New: Plugin “co-authors plus” supported1.0.6===== - Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Recent News, DW Focus: Category. - Fix: Timestamp on DW Focus: Recent Comments widget displays incorrectly. - New: Add Style Selector settings to the Customize section in the back-end.1.0.5===== - Fix: Widgets do not work properly in WordPress 3.8. - Fix: Show the author info and category info of the following widgets: DW Focus: Featured News, DW Focus: Popular News. - New: Hire/ Display the top news in navigation settings - New: Layout full-width page template.1.0.4===== - Fix: Posting time in headline, single post, widgets, comment is not correct. - New: Feature: Add favicon setting to Customize function. - New: Restyle to be compatible with DW Question & Answer plugin.1.0.3===== - Replace Theme Options with Customizer - Add missing context domains - Fix bugs of Social Share function - Fix bugs of Comment Date & Time - Fix bug of Print function - Fix bug of Small logo image1.0.1===== - Initial Release


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