Life - Simple WordPress Blog Theme

Life - Simple WordPress Blog Theme

Life is a simple yet bold WordPress blog theme that leaves a modern impression by focusing on images and white space. It’s recommended not just for male users, but female users as well.

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Responsive Design: Life was built with mobile-first responsive design in mind, so it offers a pleasant reading experience on both smartphones and tablets.Customizer: Life allows you to modify various theme options including fonts, colors, title, logo, posts, category colors, and footer through the Customizer.

7 Widget Areas: Life supports 7 widget areas: Sidebar, Sticky Sidebar, Footer 1, Footer 2, Footer 3, Footer 4, and Instagram Widget.3 Custom Widgets: Life supports 3 custom widgets: Life Profile, Life Recent Posts, and Life Featured Posts.

4 Menus: Life supports 4 menus: Navigation Bar, Header, Footer, and Footer Social Links. You can choose which menus to use or not use.3 Page Templates: Life supports 3 page templates: a Normal Page, a No Sidebar Page, and a Full Width Page, allowing you to create flexible pages.

Multilingual Support: Life supports multiple languages. Currently supported languages are Japanese and English, and typography has been appropriately adjusted with CSS for Japanese.Clean Code: Life is made with people who want to customize its code in mind and adheres to WordPress standards while maintaining clear, readable code.


The Life theme offers the following customization options.

Fonts & Colors

From “Customize > Fonts” you can set the header and body text to a variety of fonts.

From “Customize > Colors” you can set link colors.

Site Title & Tagline

From “Customize > Site Identity” you can set the site title and tagline. You can also hide the tagline.

From “Customize > Title” you can set the title font.

From “Customize > Logo” you can set the logo.

From “Appearance > Menus” or “Customize > Menus” you can configure the menus.

No text is displayed, only icons. If this is unset, the icons will not appear.

Main Navigation

From “Appearance > Menus” or “Customize > Menus” you can configure the menus.

The page list appears by default if you do not set this.

If you want to hide the main navigation, you can set this from “Customize > Navigation”.

After you install Jetpack, “Customize > Featured Content” will appear. From here you can configure the posts you want to be displayed.

First Post Display & Post Display

From “Customize > Posts” you can set how posts are displayed on the blog posts index page. You can also hide elements such as categories, date, author name, comments number, featured image, author profile, and post navigation.

From “Customize > Category Colors” you can set the colors for various categories.


From “Appearance > Widgets” or “Customize > Widgets” you can configure widgets.

This is the normal sidebar. If you do not use this sidebar or Sticky Sidebar, the page will be a one-column design.

Sticky Sidebar

From “Appearance > Widgets” or “Customize > Widgets” you can configure widgets.

Displays while following the PC’s scrolling.

From “Appearance > Widgets” or “Customize > Widgets” you can configure widgets.

From left to right there are 4 sequential footer widget areas, and the width is auto-adjusted based on how many you use. If you do not use a footer widget, nothing will be displayed.

Instagram Widget

From “Appearance > Widgets” or “Customize > Widgets” you can configure the “Instagram” widget.

After you install the WP Instagram Widget, the “Instagram” widget is added. You can add to the Instagram Widget area, which you should configure in the manner shown in the image below.

From “Appearance > Menus” or “Customize > Menus” you can configure the menus.

No text is displayed, only icons. If this is unset, the icons will not appear.

From “Appearance > Menus” or “Customize > Menus” you can configure the menus.

If unset, it will not appear.

From “Customize > Footer” you can set the footer text. You can also hide the theme credits from here.

Custom CSS & Custom Google Fonts

From “Customize > Custom CSS” you can set custom CSS or Google Fonts.

Any Questions?

Please see the documentation for more information. If there is something you don't understand even after reading the documentation, please feel free to contact support.


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