Proway Plus Multupurpose Business PSD-template suitable for a wide variety of businesses. Its fresh and clean design outstands this template from others! It makes the template applicable for IT-companies, Business, Corporate, Portfolio, Freelancers, Design Agency, E-commerce Sites, Personal blog or any other type of sites.
Key Features:
- Modern, Fresh and Clean design
- Fully customizable
- Five Different Homepage Layouts
- Shop pages included
- 18 PSD file
- Google web font
- All vector shaped
- Free logo usage
List of PSD-files:
- 01_Home_Page_01_Slider.psd
- 01_Home_Page_02_Fullscreen.psd
- 02_Pages_01_About.psd
- 02_Pages_02_Services.psd
- 02_Pages_03_Process.psd
- 02_Pages_04_Our_Team.psd
- 02_Pages_05_Elements.psd
- 02_Pages_06_Typography.psd
- 03_Portfolio_01_Masonry.psd
- 03_Portfolio_01_Single_Item.psd
- 04_Blog_01_Default_Right_Sidebar.psd
- 04_Blog_02_Post_Right_Sidebar.psd
- 05_Shop_01_Grid_Left_Sidebar.psd
- 05_Shop_02_Single_Item_Right_Sidebar.psd
- 06_Contact.psd
- 07_404_page.psd
- 07_Menu.psd
- 07_Page_Coming_Soon.psd
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Please note:Images are NOT included in the download files.
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Sources and Credits
- Roboto Roboto [google font]
- PT Sans PT Sans [google font]</>