Main Features
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design (Foundation 3 Framework – 960px Grid)
- Touch, Swipe and Tap support for all elements
- Unlimited Colors ( just change color code in 4 places and you are ready with a new color)
- Different Style Color for a specific page(s)
- Over 20 backgrounds patterns
- Over 220 icons
- 3 Responsive Sliders ( Slider Revolution, Camera Slider, Flexislider) with full touch support
- Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin – 12$ value
- Titan Lightbox – responsive lightbox with touch swipe support 14$ value
- 30 HTML Pages (25 HTML Pages and 8 HTML Shortcodes Pages) – W3C Valid HTML5
- Under Construction and 404 pages
- Responsive Pricing Table
- Responsive Filterable portfolio – Isotope
- Over 500 fonts – Google fonts
- Detailed Documentation
- Working contact form
- Working twitter feed
- Supports all major browsers
Please remember to rate it if you like it!

bybe (Purchased)Awesome Template Design -I purchased this a few weeks back and the design is superb but more importantly the designer is quick to support his/her product!
5 Star Service all the way!
misaelcadena (Purchased)I bought this theme after watch many other, you know, looking for the best visual and coded work but my suprise was tremendous when I got not only what I was looking for but also the best help and human support!! You really have to test it to see what I’m talking about…I definitely will continue buying your themes!
manuelritter (Purchased)Hi, I would like to thank you for this great theme and much more for the excellent support. I never got such a quick and professional response to my issues.I can recommend this theme, the author and the support.
simonbeat (Purchased)I just buy it….... amazing template….thanks a lot and cheer from Colombia…...I wish you reach the million dollar sales with this great work…....
Sommer79 (Purchased)Just purchased this tonight. Had a few teething problems from my side but they replied to my email with in 15 minutes and fixed everything. Amazing service, assistance and help. Thank you so much for a great product and EXCELLENT service.
11.20.2012 – Version 1.4.1 Available – Functional Twitter Feed and IE8 fix
IE8 Main Menu Fix: HERE
Recent Work Overlay Fix: HERE
11.18.2012 – Version 1.3.4
- New Portfolio page with sidebar navigation
- New Registration page
- Documentation added for Slider Revolution and Titan Lightbox
- Added Registration Page
- Add New Boxed Layout
- New animation added for the main navigation.
- Titan Lightbox – Touch Swipe Support added
- Pricing tables fixed
Please join our dedicated forum to receive fast support
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/kylelane66
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/kopaz/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/formatbrain_
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/bpedro/3221926043/sizes/m/in/photostream/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/cedwardbrice/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/theilluminated/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/gordontarpley/
- http://www.flickr.com/photos/f_mafra/