Born Again - A Responsive One Page Portfolio

Born Again - A Responsive One Page Portfolio

Create a Unique Portfolio

Build a portfolio that grabs peoples attention with this unique design. Born Again is a stylish, creative portfolio template that is fully responsive and retina ready. Its easy-to-edit CSS files make changing the colours, fonts, background images and pattern overlays a doddle!


Retina Design – Born Again has been optimized to take advantage of retina displays like those found on iOs devices like the iPhone5.

Responsive Layout – View on your phone, tablet or desktop, this theme looks great on all. Scan the QR code above and see for yourself!

Custom Design – Have your own custom colours in each section along with image and pattern overlays to really make it stand out.

Conact Form – A Fully Working Ajax contact form is included with client side validation.

Cross Browser Friendly – Works on all major web browsers including IE8.

Support – Support is always available and I’d be happy to help in any way I can. Simply leave a message in the comments section (this is best because everyone can benefit) or if you require more specific help and/or modifications then contact me via my profile page.

Sources & Credits



  • Please note that all images in the live preview are from and are NOT included in the download package.




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