Glider • Clean & Powerful Flat stylish theme

Glider * Clean & Powerful Flat stylish theme

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Glider is the best choice for people who want to be successful!

Whether you need a large professional corporate site or a small entertaining blog, or want to create an informative magazine – our multi-functional ultra-modern Glider theme will fit all sites purposes!!! It has super stylish design that is fully responsive.

Its multiple easy to use options and features allow you to build and organize your content the way you want it to be as with our theme you have all needed tools for implementing your creative designing ideas!7 splendid layouts will not leave anyone indifferent and you can also create your own unique layout with the help of very easy to use admin panel.

Choose the quality and style – choose Glider!


With developing of mobile devices industry it becomes necessary to build sites that will properly look on any screen size. With Glider theme it does not matter what device you use for browsing the site, as it has flexible design so all your content will be displayed perfectly on all screens with different screen resolutions, definitions and orientations. And moreover the theme is Retina ready and it means that your site content will be displayed sharply and clearly even with new developed Retina screens. Mega menu included in our theme is a really tremendous option as it allows you to make clean and modern design with the most functional and comfortable hidden menu that will save your site space for more important content.

It also has 5 icon packs, so you are able to choose the most proper icons for your site widgets and blocks!


Glider provides you with 7 most useful plugins that will help you in creating your uniques site look. The total cost of included plugins is more than 100$ and with our theme you will get them all for free! Visual Composer, Page Builder, 3 sliders, Mega Menu and Pricing tables serve you for customizing the site’s content for your special requirements.

Create stunning design using one of the sliders on your home or any other pages!

Build your unique layouts with the help of Visual Composer or Page Builder plugins!
Crumina Mega menu is the best way to organize your menu content saving lots of your site’s room!
Do a clean and clear price tables for customers with a very easy to use Pricing Tables plugin!


6 stylish ultramodern layouts + Magazine layout will satisfy even the most hard-to-please customer requirements!

You just need to decide which of given layouts mostly fits your site’s purposes: corporate, commercial, magazine or other, and choose it for your site – ready! You can also customize every layout adding your own features or blocks, choosing your own styles for every part of your site!

Multiple theme options are giving you an excellent possibility to create your most beautiful, useful and impressive site design with lots of modern features!


With this awesome plugin it becomes even easier to create and organize your site content. All you need to do is just to drag and drop needed widgets or blocks and you will get your site look the way you want. You can also edit your settings, rearrange the elements order or delete unwanted ones and this is only with a few clicks.

Page Builder allows you to create as many different layouts as you want in the shortest terms. With this powerful tool you can add columns, blocks, sliders, button… whatever you want so to create the most representative, informative and at the same time very stylish and convenient site!


Version 2.3.5., January 23, 2016-Updated Woocommerce templates--Increased image popup widnot on portfolio pages--Fixed gallery on single portfolio pages--New option to add address coordinates for Google Map--Added styles for 4th menu level-Version 2.3.4., October 23, 2015-Fixed layout selection ofr 404 page--Fixed Cart widget, when empty--updated Woocommerce templates--Fixed "Box:Featured block" module--Added search widget placeholder to the translation file--Fixed image popup in Recent Portfolio module-Version 2.3.3., October 8, 2015-Updated Woocommerce templates--Updated plugins bundled with the theme, including Visual-Version 2.3.2., July 1, 2015-prettyPhoto XSS fix--Updated plugins--Fix in mega menu--Small fix in Crumina slider--Fixed icon in Back-to-top button-Version 2.3.1 , April 25, 2015-Security update--Updated Woocommerce templates----February 18, 2015, version 2.3.----Updated Woocommerce templates--Updated plugins bundled with the theme--Added compatibility with Simple social icons plugin--Added category selection option for "Box:Recent from portfolio" module--Fixed featured image option in video portfolio single--Added new update function--Some styling fixes----October 10, 2014, version 2.1.----Fixed option to enable/disable sticky menu--Fixed Woocommerce pages--Fixed sorting in portoflio pages--Added "Menu" words from responsive menu to translation files--Fixed site title issue--Changed description for custom portfolio slug option--Fixed featured image option on single portfolio items--Fixed video on blog pages and single posts--Fixed responsive issues-----July 4, 2014, version 2.0.-------Fully reworked theme installation process to one-click import--Fully reworked menu and mega menu--Improved post gallery in single posts--Added retina logo--Add icons to mobile menu--Added feature to upload custom icon packs--Add feature to buttons shortcode - to open in a new window-----May 8, 2014, version 1.5.1.-------Fixed Styling options and custom css saving issue-----April 26, 2014, version 1.5.-------Updtaed third-party plugins--Changed layer slider import file--Removed license key authentification block--Fixed Price Tables--Changed priority in stunning header options-----April 21, 2014, version 1.4.6.-------Fixed masonry templates of blog and portfolio according Wordpress 3.9. update--Fixed sidebar for "page with large right aside" template--Fixed custom metaboxes------March 24, 2014, version 1.4.1.-Fixed menu icons--Fixed option Color of text in Styling options--Fixed custom sidebar selection------March 19, 2014, version 1.4------Fixed mega menu in mobile view--Added option of category selection and number of items to display on portfolio page--Fixed page builder errors--Fixed "Box:4 posts from category" widget--Removed second Linkedin icon on author box block--Added pagination on shop page--Addded categories selection for all blog templates--Call to action button and footer links linked to main site color--Added option to show title on "Page with large right aside" template--Added option to change "my-product" slug------September 12,2013--Fixed isuue with custom sidebar selection----Fixed pricetable plugin installation----Fixed icons for menu selection----News list category selection fixed-------July 14,2013--Add logo customizationon login page----Add purchase option validation----Fix Css styles----Fix page scroll animation option----Fixed stunning headers colors----Updated embedded plugins----Updated additional plugins-------June 21-June 24,2013--Updated embedded plugins----Twitter php library updated----Added - Icons for social counter widget-------June 20,2013-------Added options for clients/partners block----Added options for menu item width ----Added Gallery page template----Added - Options for thumbnails crop----Added - Support for googlefonts extended fonts----Deleted unused image files----Fixed - Menu icon appear----Fixed Custom color css----Fixed Top search panel----Fixed small css improvements-------June 13, 2013-------Css improvemets made----Added option to enable / disable smooth scroll----JS fix for menu icons animation----Doubled functions of page templates deleted-------June 12, 2013-------Added option for page header----Added option for change page header on every page/post ----Changed style for blog posts----Changed some fonts colors----Small css improvements and fixes done-------June 11, 2013-------Few css bugs fixes----Responsive issues fixed----Changed file with demo slider import data----Added form validation on contacts page----Few page builder blocks issues fixed----Visual composer plugin updated----Added new Theme Preview archive--

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