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The SHOT, which using completely Ajax and bootstrap as responsive developed.It designed suitable to use as portfolio or blog sites.
It has creative, innovator and unique design.
It has a suitable design for somebody who want to present their portfolio esthetic and elegantly, photographer, blog authors etc..
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Logo problem for mobile version has been fixed.Background pattern's image path problem has been fixed.Page title problem has been fixed.Multiple gallery feature has been added.
- WordPress 3.5 Ready.
- Fully Ajax Powered.
- Excellent page transitions.
- Responsive design which developed with Bootsrap.
- 3 different background alternatives (Vide, Image, Slider)
- Unlimited color alternative.
- Pattern alternatives.
- HTML5 music player.
- Enriched animations with CSS3.
- Easy to use page builder.
- Pattern alternatives.
- Different map options on contact page.(Google, Stamen)
- E-Mail control and field validation in the contact and comment forms.
- Google Web Fonts.
- 5 Page Templates.
- Alternatively internal page designs with shortcodes.
Requirements and recommendations
Required enabled PHP Server (v.5+) to run E-Mail Form