I Love Rockband - Music Band Wordpress Theme

I Love Rockband - Music Band Wordpress Theme

I Love Rockband is music wordpress theme for singers, artists, music bands or musical events, its flat, clean and tidy graphics allow you to use it with any kind of music tracks or albums etc. Neat and clean code written to make website loads possible fast. Its very easy to customize design.

I love Rockband

Key Features

  1. Responsive Design
  2. Multi Level Dropdown Menu
  3. PSD files included
  4. Easy to change Color skins with custom graphics
  5. Compatibility with all new browsers
  6. Documentation Included
  7. Quality source Code nicely formatted and commented to make editing easy as possible.

This theme available in white and black color variations, so you can use whatever color scheme you want.

Update version 1.4

1) Compatible with wordpress 3.82) Search form with permalinks was not working (fixed)3) Contact form submit errors/success message style issue (fixed)4) Added HTML5 validation in contact form5) Editing a Page, page builder data lose issue ( fixed )6) Album listing page: Tracks and Listen links are wrong ( fixed )7) Pattern none from theme option still show the pattern on frontend ( fixed )

Update version 1.3

1 ) jPlayer is replaced with MediaElement player used by Wordpress 2 ) Read more link of slider need correction ( fixed ) 3 ) Need social meida icon to open in new window (fixed) 4 ) codebird .pem file inlude error (fixed) 5 ) audio playlist display author name rather than singer name(fixed) 6 ) Import settings getting this error Notice: (fixed)7 ) Background image not displaying (fixed) 8 ) On the home page event listing, google maps is zoom out.(Fixed! added google maps using maps api) 9 )On the singers page, icons to social media show up, even if there is no link (Fixed)

Update version 1.2

1)Theme Options and the Css-system working perfect now.2)The heading color from theme options is effecting now on frontend.3)Twitter feed show WP Twitter account. Fixed now4)Screenshot images in documentation are loading correctly

Update version 1.0.1

1)Twitter widget is updated using codebird PHP Library.2)Captcha is updated using Google recpatcha on contact form and   comment form.3)Add animation to Search and Login Dialog boxes.4)Header Twitter feeds hide / show issue is solved.5)Ucoming events listing issue is solved.6)Playlist Widget issue is solved

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