Anivia - News, Magazine, Blog Wordpress Templates

Anivia - News, Magazine, Blog Wordpress Templates









Anivia – News, Magazine, Blog, Business, Shop Wordpress Template

5 Completely Different Layouts + SHOP
Anivia Wordpress template consists of: News Wordpress Template, Magazine Wordpress Template, Blog Wordpress Template, Business Wordpress Template, Creative Wordpress Template and you can easily switch between them in the Theme Options panel

Frontend Builder for Wordpress
You can design pages in minutes by using our Frontend Builder. Everything is done by drag & drop system and all elements have their own options that you can set. The options are unlimited

SEO Optimized
Anivia Template supports some of the major SEO plugins for wordpress. the H tags are sorted out perfectly as well as other important SEO elements

Responsive Layout
Anivia is fully responsive. All of the elements, widgets and plugins are designed so that they provide as much information as they can on all resolutions.

Retina Ready
The elements on the wordpress template are ready for Retina displays.

Translation Ready – WPML Supported
News Template, Blog Template and Magazine Template are all ready for translations. Wordpress Multilingual Plugin (WPML) is supported

Responsive Google Ads
All Google ads and ad spaces are responsive so you wont have any problems with displaying ads on different resolutions

Responsive Swipe Mobile Menu
We have included a responsive menu that works with swipe for mobile devices.

Ajax Load
Pagination elements on Wordpress News Template, Wordpress Magazine Template and Wordpress Blog Template are loaded via Ajax.

Cross Browser
Anivia looks perfect an all major browsers and in all responsive resolutions.

List of custom Frontend Builder Elements for Anivia

Anivia Categories element displays posts from categories in a unique, interesting and functional way.

Contact Form
Contact Form element inserts the contact form for a predefined team member.

Magazine Fluid Post
Magazine Fluid Posts creates an infinite load of posts in the Anivia Magazine design.

Insert Posts
Anivia Insert Posts has 9 types of designs. Other options are common for all types.

Link List
Link List creates a Anivia News fashioned post list. Set the number of rows and tons of other stuff.

Link List Related
This element is the same as Link List element except it displays its reference post and its related posts.

Magazine Link List
This element creates an Anivia Magazine fashioned post list. Set the number of rows and tons of other stuff.

Magazine Link List Related
This element is the same as Magazine Link List element except it displays its reference post and its related posts.

Related Posts
Is the same as Category element except that it works with the post and posts query is altered to display related posts.

Team element displays predefined team members. Select the team member from the dropdown to show the info.

Full list of features

  • Five layouts – News, Magazine, Blog, Business, Shop
  • Responsive design
  • Frontend Builder included +20$ value
  • Revolution Slider included +15$ value
  • WooCommerce integrated
  • Responsive swipe menu
  • Paralax elements!
  • Tons of theme options
  • Unlimited Colors – Style all the colors!
  • Anivia Frontend Builder extensions – 20+ News elements added
  • Custom unlimited sidebars
  • Anivia Widgets – Including Twitter and Social Widget
  • Newsletter plugin support
  • Polls plugin support
  • Contact forms
  • Ajax Posts load, infinite load
  • 15+ Variations of blog inserts with multiple column options
  • 650+ Google fonts
  • Intuitive content assembling with build in Frontend Builder
  • Excellent documentation
  • All platforms are supported – Deskotp, mobile, tablet, laptop
  • Cross browser support
  • Great support!
  • Translation and wpml ready
  • All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes and not included with the theme package. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.

Customer Reviews




If you’re updating Anivia Theme please read !!! UPDATING ANIVIA – IMPORTANT.txt
This file will always hold the newest information on how to update, bugs that are fixed, Anivia Theme and the Frontend Builder changes.

Change log

Update: 24.08.2015
- Updated Revolution Slider
Update: 05.07.2015
+Anivia Theme 2.4- Revolution Slider 4.6.9- Fixed XSS vulnerability- TGM Plugin Activation 2.5.0- Support WooCommerce v2.3.8
Update: 09.01.2015
+Anivia Theme 2.3- Revolution Slider 4.6.5- Fixed initial scale for mobile devices- Fixed responsive to mobile devices- Fixed widget Anivia Categories- Added text link- Fixed Link List shortcode- Fixed responsive menu- Fixed three categories shortcode
Update: 09.09.2014
+ Anivia Theme 2.2- Added smooth scroll for Chrome+ Content Timeline plugin added to the package (you can find it in /full_plugins/ folder+ Revolution Slider 4.5.95+ Frontend Builder 2.7.0- Re-worked save template and load template interface- Added option to delete template- Added option to export page template in the save template menu- Added option to import the page in the load page menu- Added option to save the imported template to the template list- Included column specific background options to the row controls- Fixed elements not showing on touch devices sometimes- Fixed scale parallax image size- Several minor adjustments+ Frontend Builder 2.6.5- Major optimization of stylesheet includes- Fixed refresh of the shortcode when an item is cloned in the sortable control- Fixed creative post slider image centering- Fixed bottom space inconsistency on image shortcode- Fixed image shortcode hover appearing when it shouldn't- Fixed default style bugs for accordion shortcode- Fixed several translation issues- Included option to remove meta tags of recent post and featured post shortcodes- Included option to merge lightboxes in gallery shortcode, making a single gallery- Included parallax fade option as a background mode for rows- Included parallax scale option as a background mode for rows- Included parallax scale and fade as a background mode for rows+ Frontend Builder 2.6.0- Implemented masonry gallery shortcode- Fixed accordion font selection problem- Fixed add media control- Fixed on screen animation for gauge shortcode- Fixed graph shortcode height calculation errors on displays with greater pixel density- Reordered some controls for graph shortcode- Adjusted hover effects for featured post shortcode- Adjusted hover effects for recent post shortcode- Minor css tweaks for audio shortcode- Minor adjustments to functionality of creative post slider shortcode+ Frontend Builder 2.5.2- W3C revalidated- Fixed rare issue with contact form mailing- Fixed some minor bugs with button shortcode- Several minor fixes- Minor adaptation for the new frontend page builder woo-commerce extension available on the market+ Frontend Builder 2.5.0- Optimized ajax requests- Implemented gauge chart shortcode- Implemented recent post shortcode- Implemented graph shortcode label control- Fixed some issues with item clone- Multiple fixes and performance tweaks for slider shortcode- Minor adjustments to contact form shortcode- Minor adjustments to tour shortcode- Minor adjustments to toggle shortcode- Minor interface adjustments- Added font subsets- Several core functions updated+ Frontend Builder 2.4.0- Implemented audio shortcode- Implemented few additional controls for image shortcode hover- Implemented zoom toggle - Implemented failsafe that prompts user when link that navigates away from the page is clicked- Implemented "preview page" that acts as a shortcut for "view page" in backend- Fixed shortcode menu close button animation when item being edited gets deleted- Fixed contact form text area background problem- Fixed image shortcode border controls- Fixed image shortcode hover icon animation- Video, features and contact form shortcodes moved from "Basic" section to "Content" + Frontend Builder 2.3.0- Fixed WP Editor- Reworked drag and drop system- Implemented popup descriptions- Implemented add new row button in control bar- Implemented 'animation' speed control for shortcode entry animations- Implemented 'order by' control for creative post slider shortcode- Implemented clone options for sortable controls- Implemented close button for the shortcode control menu- Implemented 'icon spacing' control for icon menu shortcode- Implemented tour shortcode- Implemented toggle shortcode- Fixed few issues with accordion shortcode+ Frontend Builder 2.2- Fixed few minor bugs- Implemented failsafe for creative post slider when post has no image- Implemented updated versions of icons (central aligned)- Implemented code that prevents lightbox from triggering while sliders are dragged- Fixed font-awesome not showing icons in some cases- Included responsive mode for slider shortcode- Included option for featured post shortcode that allows image link to be switched to lightbox type+ Frontend Builder 2.17- Optimized for Wordpress 3.9- Optimized number of requests to server, especially while editing text- Included progress bars shortcode- Included date-picker variant for the optional field in contact form shortcode- Implemented new add media interface- Implemented add media control type- Fixed issue when some search fields fail to work due to cap. chars- Fixed image shortcode image size issue- Fixed a rare scrolling bug- Fixed multiple issues with percentage chart shortcode- Fixed issue with pretty-photo links- Fixed column drag visual glitch- Fixed interface glitch when there is no data received by the controls- Backend controls now fetch data from the site root, instead of domain root- Adjusted z-index of wp-editor in frontend- Minor tweaks on parallax elements- Several minor fixes
Update: 19.04.2014
+ Anivia Theme 2.1 - SMOF 1.5.1 update - new media library added - better options panel - languages bug fixed - responsive overflow fixed+ Frontend Builder 2.1 - wordpress 3.9 support - new media library support - included contact form shortcode - included creative post slider shortcode - fixed "Open in WP Editor" not displaying content properly - fixed video loop control on row video background - fixed image repeat control on row image background - fixed issues with add shortcode pop-up not displaying sometimes - fixed some pricing table responsive bugs - fixed number control interface bug - fixed visual bugs on testimonials shortcode - addressed the issue of google fonts not loading in some rare cases - fixed class and ID controls not showing in some shortcodes - fixed some accordion animation glitches - add shortcode button now reappears when the last item in the row is deleted - fixed shortcode popup not appearing on add shortcode after page load - fixed search shortcode visual bug - added custom width and height controls for image shortcode - added some fixes to address the problem of html structure of the page breaking when there's invalid html structure inside text/html field - added excerpt length control to the featured post shortcode - optimized for WordPress 3.8.2 - multiple minor interface tweaks - multiple minor performance improvements
Update: 31.03.2014
+ Anivia Theme 2.0+ Frontend Builder 2.0 - New elements / Counters, Charts, Graph - New modern design - Element animations - Full parallax backgrounds - Full width rows - New row layouts - Speed fixes - Frontend fixes+ Revolution Slider 4.3.3+ WooCommerce 2.1+ supported - Widgetized areas for shop and products added - Sidebar is now split for products and shop - Ajax cart update added+ Smart Header added+ Smart Footer added+ Featured images size controls added+ socialbr0 widget added+ Full child theme support - All functions wrapped in functions_exsists calls - Child theme included+ Fixes - Anivia Mega Menu fixed - UberMenu or other support added - Excerpt lenght 0 fix - Translation fixes - Fixed all responsive issues - ID and Class controls added to all elements Frontend Builder elements - Retina ready fixes - Automatic related posts with related elements on single posts - Logo size option added

Change log

Update: 7.1.2014
- Anivia Theme v1.4- Mega menu / Widgetized menus- French, German and Turkish language files added- Bugs fixed
Update: 20.12.2013
- Anivia Theme v1.3- Frontend Builder v1.51- Revolution Slider 4.1.3- widgetized areas before and after blog archives and single posts (Check your Appearance>Theme Options>Sidebars for new options and set them to none if you don't want to use them. Save your options. (check the preview @ creative layout is added (check the preview @ categories element now has colored categories feature (category colors are set in Posts>Categories, Edit category)- ajax load fixed on insert posts elements. Now works without ajax as well.- fixed strange behaviour on date archives- fixed search archives when no posts- child theme support added- anivia child theme is included in the archive- bug on magazine layout when not using the default archive template- woocommerce elements fixed
Update: 7.12.2013
- Important update. All users are advised to update their systems.- Anivia Theme v1.22- Frontend Builder v1.43
Update: 6.12.2013
- Frontend Builder 1.42 new standards issues fixed- Magazine archives fixed
Update: 5.12.2013
- Frontend Builder 1.42 - Fixed issues on get_the_excerpt() fatal error- Responsive bug fixed- Anivia Theme sync with new Builder standards
Update: 29.11.2013
- Frontend Builder 1.4 - Now with full support for Paralax Backgrounds in your rows!- Added Sticky Tagline- Post Tabs Widget bug fixed- Revolution Slider bug fixed
Update: 24.11.2013
- Frontend Builder 1.35 - Optimized and faster than ever- Shop demo is added. Check the Shop preview http:/
Update: 23.11.2013
- Revolution slider bug fixed- Latest Revolution Slider included 4.0.6
Update: 22.11.2013
- Comment issues- Frontend Builder 1.33 fixed small issues with the columns- WooCommerce design improved- Few bugs fixed along the way
Update: 21.11.2013
- Comment issues- Frontend Builder 1.32 now with more columns!- WooCommerce product design improved
Update: 19.11.2013
- !! NOTICE !! Please check your Frontend Builder general settings. !!! UPDATING ANIVIA - IMPORTANT.txt file included in archive contains more information on this bug. If you think you're Anivia isn't running properly please contact us @ to resolve your issues.- Added bottom margins to all elements- Frontend Builder 1.31, now a LOT faster
Update: 16.11.2013
- Added Business Layout- Frontend Builder 1.3
Update: 09.11.2013
- Fixed some minor bugs
Update: 08.11.2013
- WooCommerce implemented- Added a logo in sticky menu- Fixed some minor bugs


All images used in the preview are only for demo purposes. All the images are copyrighted and licensed to their respective authors and owners.







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