Cacoon is a Joomla Template with HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive behavior. Cacoon’s layout is also liquid, this means it can fit any other screen like low resolutions 800×600 or 1024×768. Cacoon responds to tablets and phones.
Unlimited color scheme! You choose which color style you need
Page creation with Cacoon is so easy, you just need to configure Last Works modules to display your Articles with the available multiple layouts from Events, Gallery, Portfolio, Slideshow.Joomla 3.x support! Use the quickstart package for an easy installation.
- Responsive design
- Circle Contact module with Map display
- Unlimited Color Schemes Styles
- Support for +500 Google Fonts
- Last Works with module with multiple layouts to fit your needs. Easy to configure it!
- Vimeo in your articles. Display Vimeo video in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Youtube in your articles. Display Youtube video in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Google Maps in your articles. Display Google Maps in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Soundcloud in your articles. Display Soundcloud embeds easily in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- MP3 and MP4 files in your articles. Display audio and video file embeds in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- Slideshow in your articles. Display an Slideshow in your articles with our exclusive shortcode system.
- RokCandy component for Shortcodes functionality
- Detailed documentation and dedicated support team
- ...and more features on!
Unique Layout & Cleand Design
Documentation for an Easy configuration!
WordPress version is available
8/05/2014 (ver 1.0.3) Load jQuery in Joomla 3.319/03/2014 (ver. 1.0.2) Updating Last Works module constant (ver. 1.0.7)13/02/2014 Minor CSS fix for carousel in Chrome (ver. 1.0.1)10/01/2014 - Initial release