Crush - The Portfolio Theme

Crush - The Portfolio Theme

The portfolio theme to end all portfolio themes. Crush is a super customizable, responsive and highly robust WordPress theme for freelancers, part time bloggers and creative agencies. Our implementation of the WordPress Theme Customizer is second to none. Flip it how you want it, Crush has got you covered.

Online Documentation can be found here.

  • WordPress LIVE Theme Customizer (Updates In Realtime)
  • Responsive
  • Online Documentation
  • Retina Ready
  • Fixed & Fluid Width Layouts
  • Unlimited Portfolio Pages
  • Filterable Portfolio Pages
  • Gallery Post Format – Slider & Stacked Options
  • Audio Post Format – Self Hosted & Embedded
  • Video Post Format – Self Hosted & Embedded
  • Link & Quote Post Formats For Blog Posts
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • 650+ Google Fonts Buil In
  • Extensive Typography Options (h1>h6 font families and sizes)
  • Custom CSS via the Theme Customizer
  • Translatable po & mo files included
  • XML Demo Data Included
  • PLUGIN – Visualkicks Shortcodes
  • PLUGIN – Visualkicks Portfolio post
  • PLUGIN – Visualkicks Widget Tweets
  • PLUGIN – Visualkicks Widget Dribbble Shots
  • PLUGIN – Visualkicks Widget Social Icons

Current Version 2.5

2.6.1 – 28/03/16

- FIXED: Custom backgrounds post version 2.6- FIXED: Enqueue all javascript scripts if ajax is turned on- FIXED: Hide the UI Tools section of the customizer

2.6 – 27/03/16

- FIXED: Tag cloud widget for WordPress 4.4.2- ADDED: Envato Market PHP class for automated updates- ADDED: Smooth page transitions using smoothState.js (Customizer > Body)- ADDED: Progress bar added when using page transitions (Customizer > Body)- FIXED: Customizer logo link- Files changed: style.css, functions.php, header.php, theme-customize-ui.css, theme-functions.php, footer.php, transition.js, custom.js, theme-customize.php, theme-customize-preview.js, theme-customize-ui.js, vk-framework.php

2.5 – 11/10/15

- UPDATED: plugins to support WordPress 4.3+- UPDATED: support for site icon in WordPress 4.3+ and moved to logo section of customiser - UPDATED: tgm plugin actication php class- UPDATED: customiser ui styling- UPDATED: style.css version number- UPDATED: translation files (default.po) - FIXED: thumbnail admin notices- FIXED: customiser tools ui bug- REMOVED: visualkicks core plugin- REMOVED: media player styling- ADDED: tracking code page added to admin > settings > tracking code- Files changed: style.css, framework.css, theme-customise.php, theme-customize-ui.css, theme-customise-ui.js, compressed-styles.css, functions.php, vk-framework.php, class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

2.4 – 09/06/15

- UPDATED: Theme now supports WordPress 4.2- FIXED: Comment form button is now fixed an no longer disappears- Files changed: style.css, comments.php, framework/php/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

2.3 – 11/04/15

- FIXED: Custom links for portfolio items now work on related portfolio items- UPDATED: Better fallbacks for empty customizer options- UPDATED: Customizer UI now waits for 2.5 seconds before firing after load (for stability on slower servers)- FIXED: White space style has been removed for widget list items (no more over hang)- Files changed: style.css, theme-customize-ui.s, vk-create-custom-controls.php, page-portfolio.php, template-related.php

2.2 – 06/01/15

- FIXED: Theme options now have a default fallback if the options don't yet exist. This effects new installations and any future theme updates that might require new options. This was due to WordPress 4.1 removing the default save all customiser functionality.

2.1 – 04/01/15

- FIXED: Customiser custom tools are back to being hidden- FIXED:  Theme activation now has a lower priority after activation (below widgets)- UPDATED: Theme Customizer is now deactivated on theme activation- UPDATED: Removed the theme compatibility file as its no longer needed- UPDATED: Removed the 'Beta' tags from options in the customizer- ADDED: Supported added for 'title-tag' as of WordPress 4.1- Files changed: style.css, functions.php, header.php, /framework/vk-framework.php, /theme/customizer/theme-customize-ui.css, /theme/customizer/theme-customize-ui.js, /theme/customizer/theme-customize.php

2.0 – 25/12/14

- FIXED: The customiser now supports WordPress 4.1- Files changed: style.css, theme/customizer/theme-customizer-ui.js

1.9 – 27/10/14

- UPDATE: Shortcodes plugin update - version 1.4.- FILES CHANGED - style.css, functions.php,

1.8 – 15/09/14

- FIXED: incompatibility with php 5.2 and below in regards to protected meta fields- FIXED: the customiser ui now works properly in WordPress 4.0- FILES CHANGED - style.css - /theme/customizer/theme-customiser-ui.js - /theme/customizer/theme-customiser-ui.css - /framework/vk-create-postmeta.php, - /frame/php/vk-closure-meta.php,

1.7 – 08/09/14

Please update all theme files for version 1.7. Upon installing this version, ensure you go to the theme customiser and save your new customiser options as new options have been added.- ADDED: logo text hover color- ADDED: mobile menu button size- ADDED: filter links active state- ADDED: body border- ADDED: images size options in the customizer (content section)- ADDED: fullsized page & post backgrounds (both customizer and meta)- ADDED: content banner section for titles, meta & content- ADDED: additional options for title position- ADDED: additional options for meta position- ADDED: additional options for content position- ADDED: custom fields now usable in all posts and pages- ADDED: theme fallbacks for large scale updates such as 1.7 (theme/theme-update-compatability.php)- ADDED: vk_archive_meta() now controls archive meta like vk_archive_title()- ADDED: new border rules for image hover- ADDED: link background colors (.no-link class overhaul)- UPDATE: system fonts overhaul (new fonts, better support)- UPDATE: FontAwesome update- UPDATE: mobile menu icon change- UPDATE: icon updates for post pagination- UPDATE: portfolio filters in alphabetical order- UPDATE: post meta admin ui overhaul- UPDATE: all post meta starting with vk_ is now considered protected meta- UPDATE: social icons plugin (1.3) now has links set to _targetblank- UPDATE: wp_mail() is now used in place of the standard php mail() for the contact page- UPDATE: .po and .mo files have now been updated- UPDATE: new democontent.xml- FIXED: submit text for the comments and contact form are now the same- FIXED: borders now load with a small time out to stop "border" flashing- FIXED: text alignment no longer effected by small devices image- FIXED: text link transition effect have been set to border, colour and background to stop "size" changes- FIXED: password protected posts and pages now include the media and meta sections

1.6b – 11/08/14

Small fix to the permalinks on the portfolio page in regards to titles.

1.6 – 30/07/14

- ADDED: Fixed position sidebar has been added (left, right, top & bottom) currently in beta.- ADDED: Custom portfolio post links for external or internal projects direct from portfolio page- ADDED: Related portfolio posts can now be sorted by random or date- ADDED: Opacity for sidebar, content and footer backgrounds- FIXED: Sidebar 100% height stability improved- UPDATE: Theme standard image crop size has been increased to 1600px- UDATED (functions.php, style.css, custom.js, compressed-scripts.js, theme-customizer-preview.js, theme-customizer-ui.js, theme-customize.php, theme-functions.php, theme-postmeta.php, template-related.php, page-portfolio.php)

1.5 – 14/05/14

- FIXED: Visual shortcodes updated for WordPress 3.9 (TinyMCE 4) compatibility- FIXED: Added a divider to the Widgets area of the theme customizer- UDATED (style.css, functions.php, /plugins/, /theme/theme-customize.php)

1.4 – 09/04/14

- ADDED: Isotope fires an additional 2 times to make page loading look nicer- FIXED: css clean up to help older versions of safari render the page properly- FIXED: editor now styles lists correctly in the admin- FIXED: send.php now more reliable with different hosting environments- UPDATE: contact form email styling has been removed and is now text only- FIXED: google fonts in chrome not rendering correctly on load has been fixed- UPDATE: democontent.xml has been updated- UPDATED (functions.php, custom.js, theme-customize.php, framework.css, send.php, compressed-scripts.js, compressed-styles.css)- Please note the theme when installed will still read 1.3 and not 1.3b as this is not a major update.

1.3 – 02/03/14

- ADDED: option to turn the mobile menu into buttons in the customizer- ADDED: portfolio page can now have content placed at the top of it- FIXED: logo scaling on mobile devices should now be more reliable- FIXED: comment meta is now left aligned even when page content is center aligned- FIXED: hide title on the contact page now has it's own option- UPDATED (style.css, functions.php, custom.js, compressed-scripts.js, compressed-styles.js, theme-customize.php, theme-customize-ui.js, theme-customize-preview.js, page-portfolio.php, framework.css, page-contact.php, theme-postmeta.php, theme-postmeta.js)

1.2 – 11/02/14

- Update Plugins to remove install header error messages- Footer sidebar no widget notice typo fixed- In-content footer no longer produces an empty section if switched off- Margin bottom for gallery stacked images is now a slider option in the customiser- Standard format now has a 'do not include featured image' checkbox- BETA - Like option now available for portfolio and blog posts in the customizer

1.1 – 03/02/14

- update the site html compression (so it's stable with inline js comments)- wrap each section with new class names for better css control manipulation- if conditions to hide content sections when no content is available- minor changes to the 'Gallery Settings' wording- related items posts per page set at 0 now disables the related items sections- updates to the theme activation message- commas added to meta terms in titles- portfolio taxonomies now get the term name instead of url friendly term name- caption options in the customizer added (above image, below image)- customizer select defaults now work in 3.8.1 and no longer need to be forced- comment form stability

1.0 – 18/01/14

- Initial Release

A big thank you to all of the amazing people whose artwork we have used in the demos.
  • Gijs Dries
  • Kim Hamlet
  • Alexander Abulelas
  • Marija Tiurina
  • Tyler Hill
  • Ramotion

  • Questions
    Feel free to drop us a line in the comments section if you have any pre-sale questions.We also highly recommend you Test Drive one of the demos and take a quick peak at our documentation before purchasing.

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