Nuevo is an elegant and clean theme for Ghost, focused in the content with a responsive design can support all kind of resolution.
Customer Reviews
- Constantly updated.
- HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
- Ghost 0.7 compatible
- Disqus Support.
- Timeline Style.
- Syntax Highlighter.
- Fully responsive.
- Video Support (Vimeo, Youtube, etc).
- Custom 404 Page see here.
- Unlimited Colors, fully documented how to change the main color.
- Retina Display Ready.
- Font Awesome icons.
- Nice CSS3 Animations (you can disable only removing a class).
- Native Google Maps v3 Integration, similar to a Wordpress Shortcode.
- Works on Android, Ipad and Iphone.
- Documentation included.
- Clean Design.
- Well Coded.
- * New Feature: Gallery Support.
- * New Feature: Archives page.
- * New Feature: Navigation Menu.
v2.0 - 14 September 2015------------------------- Updated to support Ghost 0.7.- Important CSS 3 effects improvements.- Fixed sticky menu when scrolling.- Fixed footer social links rollover.- Fontawesome icons updated to 4.4.- Some jQuery plugins has been updated.v1.6 - 09 March 2015------------------------- Updated to support Ghost 0.5.9.- Minor structure and partials improvements.- Added: Admin Navigation menu.- Documentation updated.v1.5 - 08 January 2015------------------------- Important fix: now if the thumbnail image is empty you can use an iframe at home, tags or author pages.v1.4 - 17 December 2014------------------------- Now Ghost 0.5.3 or greater is required.- Important changes, now thumbnail will use post image instead of image with alt attribute "thumb-image".- Documentation updated.v1.3 - 08 September 2014------------------------ Updated to support Ghost 0.5.- Now Nuevo supports author page (multiuser).- Minor fix: fancybox lightbox will not scroll to the top of the page.v1.2 - 09 April 2014------------------------ Updated to support Ghost 0.4.2- Now Nuevo supports archives page.- Minor change: now the main menu will show a link to the gallery page by default.v1.1 - 07 March 2014 ------------------------ - Added gallery support with lightbox.
Images by: unsplash
- Open Sans –
- Pacifico – custom free font
Fonts icons by: Fonts Awesome
- jQuery –
- jQuery appear .
- Google Code Prettify:
- Responsive videos
- Sticky menu
- Fancybox