Olymp2014 - Metro Style, Responsive Ghost Theme

Olymp2014 - Metro Style, Responsive Ghost Theme

Olymp2014 is a content focused responsive theme for the Ghost blogging platform in modern Metro style. It makes your blog site look great on all devices or screen resolutions. We did a thematic theme for Winter Olympic Games and standard style is great for smaller update posts and short articles about this event. Also Olymp2014 has 2 additional color schemes which would be great for news, personal and companies posts and articles. Supports the latest features added in the latest Ghost 0.4.0 release and includes compatibility support for future versions.


We try to give our customers the best support possible. If you have any question or you need support , please email us at theme.support@lodossteam.com

Support does not include:

  • Customization and installation services
  • Support for third party software and plug-ins


v.1.02 - 09/14/2014+ Fixed bugs+ Improved styles+ support Ghost v0.5.1v1.0 - 27/03/2014+ fixed issues+ added widgets+ updated documentaionv1.0 - 07/02/2014+ Released


You can see online documentation here

What’s Next?

We tread on the heels of Ghost. If you need any extra or feature just email us and we will include it in the next update.

In the next release we are planning:

  • – custom 404 page
  • – add widgets(Flickr, Twitter and other)

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