CellCV is modern Hexagon flat site template. It is the best choice to use it for own blog or placing resume and portfolio. Template is using Compass Framework and SASS technology; resume page has layout switcher and can be with timeline or base view; on contact page you can find useful QR-code with vCard for easy save contact to phonebook.
- Hexagon Flat Design
- Fully CSS3 hexagons
- SASS + Compass Framework
- Free Google Fonts
- Entypo Icon Font
- Easy to customize
- Filtered Portfolio
- Resume page in timeline and base view
- Working Contact form
- QR-code with vCard on Contacts
- Images:
- Background images
- Images
- Images
- Userpic Fonts:
- Google Fonts
- Fontello Icon Fonts Scripts:
- prettyPhoto
- Isotope filter
- jQuery Cookie
- jQuery Pjax fork
Version 2.0 – May 21, 2014
Added: Pjax version of template (without reloading page)Improved: Documentation