cvCard is a responsive ajax enabled vcard theme with Sliding Horizontal Layout.
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery powered
- Responsive Design
- Retina ready
- Cross browser compatible
- CSS3 Sliding Horizontal layout with fallback to classic layout for non-supported browsers.
- Optimized performance for mobile devices
- Filtered portfolio with solid ajax portfolio details and custom styled-mobile optimized lightbox. Both support image and video.
- Blog with post formats
- Self hosted html5 audio/video (one .mp4 file for all browsers!)
- Responsive video embed in various aspect ratios (youtube/vimeo …)
- Cross browser styled form elements
- Optimized for retina screens.
- Easy to customize : 4 predefined styles
- 50+ awesome CSS3 effect for portfolio page in-out animations.
- Working ajax contact form with validation
- 30+ popular social icons
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Custom Settings Panel
- SEO ready
- Google Maps ready
- Google Analytics ready
- Translation ready (.po file included)
- Extensive Documentation & Support Forum
v1.3.3 – 27 April 2016
- improved: overall design- updated: fontawesome- fixed: latest tweets not working
v1.3.2 – 25 January 2016
- improved: blog masonry layout- fixed: rotate-words not rotating issue
v1.3.1 – 24 October 2015
- updated: font-awesome font icons to 4.4.0- fixed: portfolio x2 masonry layout issue- fixed: service column drops on tablets
v1.3 – 21 September 2015
- added: multiple slider support on same page
v1.2.9 – 25 August 2015
- some improvements behind the scenes
v1.2.8 – 20 August 2015
- fixed: disabled page navigating with keyboard keys if any input is focused
v1.2.7 – 15 June 2015
- fixed: tooltip positioning issue
v1.2.6 – 2 March 2015
- improved: contact form
v1.2.5 – 12 February 2015
- fixed: some form elements are not accessible on windows phone
v1.2.4 – 28 January 2015
- improved: portfolio page
v1.2.3 – 22 December 2014
- some improvements behind the scenes
v1.2.2 – 11 December 2014
- updated: font-awesome icons to 4.2.0
v1.2.1 – 8 December 2014
- improved: shortcodes- improved: documentation
v1.2 – 1 December 2014
- fixed: full screen video issue in chrome
v1.1.9 – 27 November 2014
- improved: theme options- improved: documentation
v1.1.8 – 19 November 2014
- fixed: IE11 layout issue
v1.1.7 – 27 October 2014
- fixed: rotate words overflow cut
v1.1.6 – 21 October 2014
- improved: modern layout is activated in IE11
v1.1.5 – 20 September 2014
- improved: rotate words module on older browsers- fixed: clicking portfolio scrolls to the top- fixed: fitRows layout option for latest posts and portfolio page
v1.1.4 – 14 August 2014
- fixed: some portfolio images missing in older IEs
v1.1.3 – 7 August 2014
- improved: related posts
v1.1.2 – 28 July 2014
- fixed: page shaking when navigating between portfolio items
v1.1.1 – 21 July 2014
- improved: rotating words (now supports multiple instance)
v1.1 – 17 July 2014
- added: captcha to contact form- added: deviantart social icon- added: include retweets option to latest tweets- improved: slider- improved: blog widget- improved: portfolio- improved: restoring page from url hashtag functionality- improved: menu functionality- improved: shortcode generator- improved: theme customizer- updated: font-awesome icons to 4.1- fixed: dropcap firefox style
v1.0 – 18 April 2014
- first release
- jQuery
- jQuery Migrate
- Bootstrap
- Normalize.css
- Animate.css
- Sliding Horizontal Layout by codrops
- NProgress.js
- Fontello
- Uniform
- FlexSlider
- MediaElement.js
- tooltipsetter
- fastclick
- google-code-prettify
- Twitterfetcher
- CSS3 Rotating Words by codrops
- Fancybox
- jQuery Address plugin
- Modernizr
- Isotope
- fitvids.JS
- jQuery validate plugin
- Font Awesome
- HTML5 Shiv
- selectvizr
- Respond
- twitterFetcher
- imagesloaded
- Big Buck Bunny
- Google Webfonts
- Images/Illustrations by Vasili Tkach, Stanley Chow, Marie Bergeron, Ryan Hamrick