Organique is a premium WordPress WooCommerce theme for healthy, organic, eco, natural food shop or any similar local business website. It is very easy to setup and use.
Our Customers Say
Very happy with this theme. The customer support was fantastic!
By laurenp
Awesome theme, and brilliant support. Would recommend ProteusThemes.
Thanks very much, and keep up the good work!
By karlbellingham
I don’t usually comment on items I buy, but I have to admit I am very enthusiastic about this theme! It’s so easy to setup and use! It feels like cutting a piece of butter with a very sharp and heated knifeCongrats on the theme! I recommend it!
By web_gab
Great theme and supper support! Thanks a lot. 5*
By ojanneh
Excellent theme with everything we need. Primoz and the team are AWESOME. Cannot fault their support, documentation or theme.
By kerrij
Absolutely recommended theme! A++ customer support, answered all my questions in timely measure. Highly recommended for custom designs!
By noulou92
Hi , I would just like to say thanks to all your team, a great user friendly theme, but the great service post purchase is first class, don’t think i will be looking anywhere else for future themes and content.
Thanks again
Visin hairdressing, Gee Cross
Great theme, perfect for any salon. Client loves it. Very good documentation and easy to use and setup.
By ypclarke
Absolutely stunning theme, highly recommended; 5* – with generosity of help like no other. Coded really well, & would like to see more from this user in the near future – keep supporting!!
By thenewlayout
Do you enjoy our theme? We would be glad to publish what you have to say to others. Just drop us a message from our profile. Here are some more live examples:
Main Features
Responsive & Retina-Ready
Organique looks great on any device, from mobile desktop and beyond. Clean responsive design fits to any screen and we ensured it loads fast too!
WooCommerce Integration
Need and online shop? We’ve got you covered. Popular WooCOmmerce plugin plays nicely with Organique, so you can start selling right away.
Intuitive Page Builder
It default way of building pages too complex for you? Don’t worry, Organique has integrated Page Builder which does all the heavy lifting for you. With its intuitive drag & drop interface building pages becomes a pleasure.
WPML Compatible
WordPress multilingual plugin can be configured in the Organique in matter of minutes. All our themes are 100% translation-ready.
Search Engine Optimized
Our theme is written in semantic & valid HTML5 & CSS3 coding with SEO best-practices for highest search engine ranking.
Popular WordPress Plugins Supported
There are many fantastic WordPress plugins out there and Organique supports them by default. Contact Form 7, Page Builder and WooCommerce to name just a few.
Unlimited Colors and Layouts
You can change the whole color theme and modify almost any element of your website the way you want.
Layered PSDs Included
So you will be able to see design source and change every single part of it just the way you want.
Extensive Documentation
Even though every process of modifying our theme is as simple as possible, we prepared extensive documentation just in case if something goes wrong.
Images Used
The following licensed images used for the demo page comes blurred with the Organique, because of the licenses:
All the other images are either licensed as public domain or used on a demo page and in the zip for download with the permission of Nutrisslim company (for the product images).
Fonts Used
These two fonts are used in the template from the Google Fonts:
- Arvo – for buttons and categories
- Open Sans – for headings and content
Build using Twitter Bootstrap, Grunt and Bower
The theme is build on top of SASS Twitter Bootstrap front-end framework and uses Grunt and Bower tools for best website performance. See this blogpost about Organique and how it performs.
v1.9.7 (2016-02-16)#fixed: updated WooCommerce templates for 2.5.2
v1.9.6 (2016-02-01)# fixed: updated WooCommerce template files for version 2.5.0.
v1.9.5 (2015-12-14)# fixed: the UTF-8 problem in the widget shop categories filter widget
v1.9.4 (2015-11-25)# fixed: Updated WooCommerce template files@ improved: TGMPA updateFiles:M assets/stylesheets/main.cssM bower.jsonM functions.phpM header.phpM inc/filters.phpM languages/en_GB.poM languages/nl_NL.poM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.poM style.cssM woocommerce/single-product/price.php
v1.9.3 (2015-10-16)@ improved: Reimplemented the woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title hook in custom theme overrides.# fixed: Setting for the static/sticky navbar was hidden in customizer.Files:M inc/theme-customizer.phpM inc/woocommerce.phpM languages/en_GB.poM languages/nl_NL.poM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.poM style.cssM woocommerce/content-product.php
v1.9.2 (2015-08-20)# fixed: all woocommerce template files checked and updated@ improved: new XML export file for demo content@ improved: new version of OT: v2.5.5Files:M assets/js/dist/main.min.jsM assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM assets/stylesheets/main.cssM bower.jsonM languages/en_GB.poM languages/nl_NL.poM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.poM style.cssM woocommerce/content-product.phpM woocommerce/content-product_cat.phpM woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php
v1.9.1 (2015-04-28)# fixed: widget Products search# fixed: WooCommerce form-checkout.php template. Problem with payment option selection.# fixed: OT (updated to 2.5.4) and TGM (updated to 2.4.2) vulnerabilityFiles:M Gruntfile.jsM MakefileM assets/lib/components/_contact-forms.scssM assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM assets/stylesheets/main.cssM bower.jsonM inc/helpers.phpM inc/theme-options.phpA languages/en_GB.moM languages/en_GB.poM languages/nl_NL.moM languages/nl_NL.poM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.moM languages/sl_SI.poM package.jsonM style.cssM woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.phpM woocommerce/single-product-reviews.phpM woocommerce/single-product/meta.phpM woocommerce/single-product/review.php
v1.9.0 (2015-03-25)+ added: British English 'translation'# fixed: WooCommerce template compatibility changes# fixed: iPad dropdown issues@ improved: Shortcode Ultimate skin documentation (Documentation)Files:M assets/js/dist/main.min.jsA assets/js/modernizr.custom.95157.jsA assets/js/src/TouchDropdown.jsM assets/js/src/main.jsM assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM assets/stylesheets/main.cssM footer.phpM functions.phpM header.phpM inc/theme-customizer.phpM languages/organique.potA languages/en_GB.poM languages/organique.potM package.jsonM style.css
v1.8.2 (2015-02-16)# fixed: SSL fix for google maps, http:// >> //:# fixed: customer reviews link not working when "Review" tab is not opened# fixed: support for WooCommerce v2.3.0# fixed: typo in Slovenian translation# fixed: required field for URL in commentsFiles:M assets/js/dist/main.min.jsM assets/lib/components/_banners.scssM assets/lib/components/_wp.scssM assets/stylesheets/bootstrap.cssM assets/stylesheets/main.cssM comments.phpM functions.phpM inc/widgets/widget-shop-category-filter.phpD languages/make_translateM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.moM languages/sl_SI.poM style.cssM woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.phpM woocommerce/content-product.phpM woocommerce/content-product_cat.phpM woocommerce/content-single-product.phpM woocommerce/loop/loop-end.phpM woocommerce/loop/loop-start.phpM woocommerce/loop/pagination.phpM woocommerce/single-product-reviews.phpM woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.phpM woocommerce/single-product/meta.phpM woocommerce/single-product/price.phpM woocommerce/single-product/review.phpM woocommerce/single-product/short-description.phpM woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.phpM woocommerce/single-product/title.php
v1.8.1 (2014-11-19)# fixed: link in breadcrumbs to custom post type archives# fixed: better layout for woocommerce checkout page# fixed: added translations for placeholders ("Your comment goes here." and "Search ...")# fixed: changed style for variable product prices (on single product pages)# fixed: automatic organique skin activated for plugin Shortcodes UltimateFiles:M comments.phpM inc/helpers.phpM inc/widgets/widget-testimonials.phpM inc/woocommerce.phpM languages/organique.potM languages/sl_SI.moM languages/sl_SI.poM searchform.phpM style.cssA woocommerce/checkout/form-checkout.php
v1.8.0 (2014-10-22)+ added: support for LayerSlider to be used as full width slider on home page# fixed: styling of the STOCK/OUT OF STOCK display on the single product pageFiles:M assets/lib/components/_products.scssM assets/lib/components/_wp.scssM assets/stylesheets/main.cssM front-template-slider-no-captions.phpM front-template-slider.phpM inc/ot-meta-boxes.phpM inc/theme-customizer.phpM inc/widgets/widget-shop-category-filter.phpM languages/organique.potM style.cssM woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/simple.php
v1.7.1 (2014-10-07)# fixed: Fatal error: Call to undefined function carpress_pagination()Files:M archive.phpM assets/js/admin.jsM inc/tgm-plugin-activation.phpM inc/theme-customizer.phpM index.phpM search.phpM style.css
v1.7.0 (2014-10-06)+ added: Dutch translation# fixed: function name in `inc/helpers.php` from `carpress_pagination` to `organique_pagination`# fixed: right image shown in dropdown cart when we have a variable product and special images associated with each variable (ticket #1283)Files:M assets/stylesheets/main.cssM inc/helpers.phpM inc/template-tags.phpM inc/theme-customizer.phpA languages/nl_NL.moA languages/nl_NL.poM languages/organique.potM style.cssM woocommerce/loop/pagination.php
v1.6.1 (2014-09-22)+ added: child theme example in folder extras/# fixed: 2 strings were not in gettext functions in header.php ("Search for:" and "Enter your search keyword"), now are added# fixed: `the_content()` output for front page templates when using the Revolution Slider@ improved: support for WooCommerce v2.2.x
v1.6.0 (2014-08-21)+ added: option for opening links in new window for widget Title with Icon# fixed: in testimonials if there is no author of the title, comma is not shown# fixed: primary color in customizer for the items :hover in cart
v1.5.0 (2014-07-11)+ added: in customizer to change the gradient for the .banners-big+ added: minified JS served w/o requirejs# fixed: slider on the mobile devices (text and buttons were cut off)# fixed: spelling on the mini cart – there is a mistake ‘PROCCED’ should be ‘PROCEED’# fixed: Placeholder text color in Firefox and IE.# fixed: sidebar - page and blog sidebars were mixed up
v1.4.1 (2014-05-26)# fixed: number input fields in ff >= 29# fixed: textdomain for translations
v1.4.0 (2014-05-05)+ added: front page template w/ slider but without text over it + fully responsive images# fixed: the link to cart in mobile menu# fixed: search form on mobile
v1.3.0 (2014-04-25)+ added: fixed position navbar# fixed: errors if used without woocommerce
v1.2.0 (2014-04-24)+ added: new shop filters widget# fixed: string 'shoping' -> 'shopping'
v1.1.1 (2014-04-17)# fixed: theme can be used without woocommerce# fixed: hardcoded links to single-product.html left in the theme# fixed: listing of the categories in the shop# fixed: cart for mobile
v1.1.0 (2014-04-08)+ added: widget for the team+ added: business front page+ added: front page with slider+ added: customizer bg color for navbar+ added: compatibility with Slider Revolution+ added: widget Title with icon can be linkable+ added: more consistent search when on shop pages+ added: image widget for page builder+ added: google maps widget+ added: alternative text widget for page builder# fixed: default google maps style@ improved: touch experience@ improved: demo content export
v1.0.0 (2014-04-04)first release