Tee Up is an Elegant premium Wordpress theme optimized for Golf Courses. And perfect for any Elegant website (club, hotel, shop…) & It’s the most advanced Wordpdress theme for any Golf Course website, all your needs are in the packages ! It’s easy to install and customize, compatible with all the modern browsers & devices. This theme is go with many premium features, slider & other cool stuff ! Take a look below to the features.
Main Features
- Elegant & Modern Design
- Responsive & Retina ready
- Super easy to setup and customize
- Visual Composer & Revolution Slider Included + Easy Table Addon
- Buddypress Compatible Theme (Member Area) + Option to make it private
- Woocommerce Compatible theme
- Options Panel & Live customizer (Google Fonts Integration + 650 fonts available)
- 6 Custom post types for you website (events, gallery, testimonial, staff, sponsor and FAQ) NEW: + course post type.
- Wordpress 4 + Ready !
- 100% Multi-language (WPML integration, .po and .mo files)
- Fully documented and friendly support
- SEO optimized
- +300 icons
- Shortcodes with page builder
- HTML version included (HTML version)
- Boxed layout option
- Powered by Bootstrap 3.0
- Widgetized footer (+ Custom Widgets Included)
- Unlimited color schemes
- 2 header layouts available (+ text color option)
- Functional Contact Form + Google Map API V3
- Demo .XML file included, and also Slider settings included
- Custom login page
- Weather Widget
- Video gallery
Changelog (yep, this theme is regularly updated!)
July 28th, 2015 - Version 2.0.3- Portuguese translation added by Sandro Godoy (THANKS!)- Minor changes- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedJune 1st, 2015 - Version 2.0- NEW Option for Fixed navigation- NEW Option for date format- NEW Option for headlines decorations- Support improved for WORPRESS 4.2 ++- Security Improved- FIXED Tabs with Visual Composer- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedApril 24th, 2015 - Version 1.7.1- NEW Option for submenu opacity- XSS Vulnerability from add_query_arg() is fixed on Tee up- European date support on events- Minor Changes- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedMarch 7th, 2015 - Version 1.6.5- Translatability improved- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedDecember 1st, 2014 - Version 1.6.2- NEW You can now choose how many gallery images you want to display in a single page- NEW RTL support- UPDATED Navigation for mobile/tablet devices -> New design, new animation…- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedOctober 6th, 2014 - Version 1.6- NEW You can now choose to sort the events by ascending or descending order- NEW end event date option, for long events- Revolution slider, Visual Composer, Easy Table -> UpdatedSeptember 6th, 2014 - Version 1.5- NEW Woocommerce compatibility !- NEW WPML certification, http://wpml.org/documentation/theme-compatibility/- NEW options for the fonts size in the theme panel- NEW option in the theme panel to open the links behind the social icons in a new window- WORDPRESS 4.0 COMPATIBILITY- FIXED Php error in the comment form- Documentation updated- Revolution slider, Visual Composer -> UpdatedAugust 9th, 2014 - Version 1.2.2- NEW IMPORTANT: Users can now subscribe to the EVENT/COURSE, you’ll receive all via email- NEW fixed price for the courses- NEW options to customize the header margins, height (logo + menu)- NEW WPshore BreadCrumbs compatibility (breadcrumb plugin)- FIXED Visual Composer activations - FIXED event card if no options set- FIXED testimonial colored text- Documentation updated- Revolution slider, Visual Composer -> UpdatedJuly 11th, 2014 - Version 1.2.1- FIXED Staff email (mailto)- FIXED Informations option in contact form shortcode- NEW Transposh compatibility (language switcher)- NEW Option to hide events when they are gone- Revolution slider -> UpdatedJune 29th, 2014 - Version 1.2- NEW Course compile custom post type with many options(shortcode, page, single, archive)- NEW compatible with CONTACT FORM 7 plugin- IMPROVED the documentation and the FAQ- ADDED archive page for both events and courses post types- IMPROVED single event page and options (sign up buttons)- FIXED countdown in single event pages works now !- Visual Composer, Easy Table, Envato Toolkit & Revolution slider -> UpdatedJune 9th, 2014 - Version 1.1- NEW weather widget- NEW social icons area into the top bar (header)- EXTERNAL event link button option available - Visual Composer, Easy Table, Envato Toolkit & Revolution slider -> UpdatedMay 28th, 2014 - Version 1.0.8- VIDEO option for the gallery- FIXED links in the slider issue- PRIVATE event option- Visual Composer, Easy Table, Envato Toolkit & Revolution slider -> UpdatedMay 7th, 2014 - Version 1.0.7- NEW Video tutorial in the documentation- NEW options in the panel : logo size and font weight for menu font- Compatibility with Wordpress 3.9 + Improved- Visual Composer, Easy Table, Envato Toolkit & Revolution slider -> UpdatedApril 25th, 2014 - Version 1.0.6- Header text color option added to the options panel- Submenu issue when the mouse is out, is now fixed- Visual composer updated to v.1.2April 20th, 2014 - Version 1.0.5- CSS issues fixed - Boxed layout improved - New Plugin recommended -> WORDPRESS SEO by Yeast- Revolution Slider and Visual Composer updated- New Menu Layout (option in the Options Panel)- Improved Visual Composer Compatibility- New Iphone/Ipad bookmark icons options- Live Customizer ImprovedApril 18th, 2014 - Version 1.0- Release
Credits In the Demo
The other credits are in the documentation.