Massive Updates in 1.6, Now provides 9 Great Skins!
Venedor is a Premium Responsive Bootstrap Template that is extremely customizable, easy to use and fully responsive. Suitable for every type of store. Great as a starting point for your custom projects.Venedor includes 5 different skins, and its very beautiful on mobile devices. Venedor uses latest version of Bootstrap, 3.1.
Main Features
- Responsive & Retina Ready
- Various Category Banners
- Lots of Userful Custom Blocks
- 5 Homepage Layouts including Full Screen mode
- Revolution Slider($15 value)
- Touch Friendly for all Mobile Devices
- Integration with Cloud Zoom
- Browser Compatibility(IE8+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera)
- $10 value PSD files Included
- “New” and “Sale” Product Labels
- Nice Price Slider
- SEO Friendly
- Mega Menu
- Flexsible Menu functionality
- Change Image on Hover
- Fast Support & Regular Updates
Update History
* Version 1.1/ 04.13.2014
+ Added brown demo version.+ Fixed some small css bugs+ Fixed revolution slider loading issue
* Version 1.2/ 04.16.2014
+Fixed carousels alignmet issue ( Brands carousel - portfolio-single carousel ..)+Fixed some minor css bugs+Added Prettyphoto gallery feature for flickr feed/ portfolio and product page
* Version 1.3/ 04.24.2014
+Added new parallax style homepage version.
* Version 1.4/ 07.25.2014
+ Added blueorange version+ Added blueorange2 version+ Added browngreen version+ Added 13 detailed elements page+ Added 7 Header variants for each versions+ Added 3 Footer variants for each versions+ Added Portfolio Masonry pages- Changed Product zoom plugin- Updated bootstrap 3.2- Updated Font Awesome icons- Updated jquery- Updated revolution slider- Updated retina.js- Rewrited main.js file- Fixed small bugs
* Version 1.5/ 07.30.2014
- Changed sequence slider to reolution slider (For green and green2 version)- Fixed some css bugs