WebPro Admin Dashboard Template

WebPro Admin Dashboard Template

This Admin is the first of its kind when it comes to useful ‘Components’. The look and feel is nominal and yet crisp enough that can be used in all kinds of Admin Dashboard templates. I have used many useful plugins and widgets for easy access and usage.


- Bootstrap 3.1- Fully Responsive- Super Easy Customization- Fixed Left Navigation and Fixed Top Navigation- All new Dashboard- Collapsible Left nav- Light Theme / Dark Theme- Working Chat- New Chart components (Chart, Morris, Sparkline, Graph)- Notes- Task- Email- Drag Drop Calendar- UI Elements- General- Pagination- Progress Bars- Labels & Badges- Alerts- Heading- Tooltips- Popovers- Modal- Small Modal- Pagers- Basic Buttons with color and size variation- Label Buttons- Drop Down buttons- Button Groups (horizontal & vertical)- Block Buttons- Vertical Slider with color, value and range- Horizontal Slider with color, value and range- Nestable- grids- Icons- Tabs & Accordions- Calendar- X-Editable- Multiple file upload- Timeline- Portlets (with different colors and styles) as options- Invoice- Tree view- Basic Table- Stripped Table- Table hover States- Table TR with Color- Condenced table + combined prev. classes- Dynamic Table- Data Table- Editable Table- Responsive Table With Expandable details- Default Form Elements- Basic Form Elements- Toggle Switches- Checkboxes and Radios- Input Mask- Date Pickers- Color Pickers- Dropzone Multi-File Upload- Form Wizard- CKEditor- Form Validation States- Basic Form validation- Horizontal Form- Validation Types- Email (Inbox)- Email (Compose)- Email (View/read)- Media Gallery (image and video)- Profile Page- Blank Page- Lock Screen- 404 Error- Login- Register

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