Wordpress 4.2.2 COMPATIBLE!
Rating: 5 stars
Reason:Design Quality
Comment: Absolutely nice theme!
Rating: 5 stars
Reason: Code Quality
Comment: All work correctly and eazy to use
Rating: 5 stars
Reason: Customer Support
Comment: Everything about support and the theme is great!!!
Rating: 5 stars
Reason: Customizability
Comment: Great theme and great support. Recommended!!
Rating: 5 stars
Reason: Design Quality
Comment: Clean and modern theme as much functionality. Thank you!
Rating: 5 stars
Reason: Customer Support
Comment: Customer support is awesome clear and precise instructions to help solve what so ever problem you may encounter
We are proud to present our premium, real transformer WordPress WooCommerce theme. It will allow you to create structure according to your needs and requirements. We are sured that it will statisfy all your needs that you are requiring and expecting from ecommerce solution.
- Fully responsive 100%.
- Retina Ready. Optimized images, icon font
- Real Transformer which will allow to control every pixel. Unlimited colours, backgrounds, textures, fonts etc.
- Well structured and re-factored code with useful comments. No core files changed
- Fluid grid system base on Bootstrap framework
- Included PSD and HTML version
- One click install including sample data
- Login using Facebook Twitter credentials
- Ajax add to cart, add to wishlist/compare, toolbar paging/sort. You can enable/disable this feature.
- Google fonts
- SEO Friendly Design and Layout Structure. Compatible with all WordPress SEO features
- Cross browser compatibility ((Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 8 +))
- Icon animation (css3) on/off
- Ajax search auto complete
- Product short attributes in hover preview (on/off)
- Quick view option
- Discount labels on sale products on/off
- Mega Menu
- Custom logout, checkout, 404 pages
- Footer popup static/enable/disable modes
- 2 header variants including different sliders type (Flex, Parallax etc.)
- Bestsellers, New, On Sale sliders in different views
- Custom html blocks which can be simply edited
- “New” and “Sale” badges
- social widgets (Facebook, Twitter)
- hide footer option
- right vertical side bar
- product hover choice option (hover or detailed view with the previews)
- Ability set flexslider width (wide/fixed width)
- Flexslider has original navigation animation
- Image slider option for each category
- 3,4,5,6 products per row
- with/without description option
- Setup sidebar (enable/disable). All blocks are sortable. You can enable/disable any block via admin panel
- ajax price filter
- big/small product view
- video option (just insert youtube url)
- choice between cloudzoom, lightbox for big previews
- related product slider turn on/off option
- social bookmarks
- custom html block, tab
- Previous & Next functionality with the previews
May 6, version 1.3.1
- update woocommerce templates- update visual composer plugin- some minor fixes
December 11, version 1.3.0
- added compatibility with wordpress 4.4- update woocommerce templates- update visual composer plugin to 4.9- fixed some minor bugs
November 18, version 1.2.0
- fixed woocommerce variations appearance- update plugin WPBakery Visual Composer to
October 7, version 1.1.9
- Critical update plugin WPBakery Visual Composer 4.7.4
June 26, version 1.1.8
- minor fixes
June 29, version 1.1.7
- Updated plugin files woocommerce- Fixed issue in wishlist- Visual Composer plugin updated to version 4.5.3
May 25, version 1.1.6
- Update plugin WPBakery Visual Composer- Update plugin Newsletter- Update plugin Yith-woocommerce-wishlist
May 9, version 1.1.5
- compatibility with wordpress 4.2.2- update plug js_composer- update plug yith-woocommerce-wishlist
May 1, version 1.1.4
Add compatibility with WordPress 4.2.1Updated pluginsUpdated files WooCommerceFixed problem with drop-down menu in the mobile versionFixed problem with the active main menu on certain pagesFixed display of images when displaying search blogFixed problem on PAYMENT chekout pageFixed conflicts WooCommerce plugin
7 March, version 1.1.3
- Fixed problem with updating the plugin Woocommerce 2.3.5- Fixed issue with updating the plugin YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 2.0.4
23 February, version 1.1.2
- Fixed a bug with Woocommerce variable (Fatal error: Call to undefined method WooCommerce :: attribute_label () in /home/..../public_html/wp-content/themes/buyshop/woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart /variable.php on line 22) - Updated plugins (js_composer, sitepress-multilingual-cms, wpml-media, wpml-string-translation, wpml-translation-management, contact-us-form, newsletter, sitemap, widget-settings-importexport, wordpress-social-login, yith-woocommerce-wishlist) - Updated plugin files Woocommerce - Fixed problem with color change menu with admin panel
18 December, version 1.1.1
- fix issues with display on Checkout page- fix change color tabs active on the page faq- minor CSS fixes
7 November, version 1.1.0
- fix issues with Sidebar position and Sidebar position for responsive layout in theme options- fix issues with wish list- fix issues with lost password- fix display Woocommerce Status order- fix issues when installing themes- fix failed to import shop_order_status and a list of statuses when importing data- Fix the problem move the text to the side and when chucking aside the all devices- fix change color tabs on the page faq in the options theme- updated plugins VisualComposer plugin, Newsletter 3.6.2 -> 3.6.4, Widget Data - Setting Import/Export Plugin 1.4 -> 1.4.1, WordPress Social Login 2.1.6 -> 2.2.2, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 1.1.5 -> 1.1.6- fix issues works the ajax cart with sticky header- fix in the responsive mode, the mega menu- fix issues with removing the products from the basket- fix display active menu in the main menu- fix display background change color and background image in the theme options- Updated files for the new version woocommerce
17 September, version 1.0.24
- added WooCommerce 2.2.3 support- updates for the footer to the normal display mode Variant 2- minor CSS fix
10 September, version 1.0.23
- Visual Composer plugin updated to the new version 4.3.3- fix error message (form-billing.php)
20 August, version 1.0.22
- Added new Theme option - "General styles" - enables alternative icons, labels, etc.;- Added Theme Options sample for "lingerie" layout;- Fixed issue with Custom LayerSlider not showing sometimes;- Fixed styles for new layout;- updated icon fonts;- added "Useful Shortcodes" part in the Documentation with basic information about shortcodes;
19 August, version 1.0.21
- updated to WordPress 3.9.2;- updated plugins: LayerSlider (5.2.0), WPBakery Visual Composer (4.3.2), YITH WooCommerce Wishlist (1.1.5), Newsletter (3.6.2), Widget Data - Setting Import/Export Plugin (1.4);- fixed bug with registration form errors;- fixed errors in shipping address edit form at account page;- added Custom LayerSlider feature to page settings;- fixed cart page styles glitch;- some minor styles fixes and improvements;
8 August, version 1.0.20
- fixed child theme feature;- added sample data for LayerSlider plugin;- main styles moved from ~/buyshop/css/style.css to root file ~/buyshop/style.css;- minor styles and performance fixes;
23 July, version 1.0.19
- Added LayerSlider plugin to the theme installation package
19 July, version 1.0.18
- added listing for "out of stock" products into "wft_product_slider" shortcode, example: [wft_product_slider type="out_of_stock"];- fixed script errors of preset header;- added MegaMenu plugin support, please read Documentation;- fixed bug when product variation images didn't change;- fixed listings layout with setting "Show subcategories" and "Show both";- you can add "parallax" effect to any block, please read Documentation -> Parallax effect;- parallax background now should be set using WPBakery Visual Composer plugin starting from version 4.2.3, please read Documentation -> Parallax effect;- added "Offer countdown" feature for products list on product edit page;- added ability to turn on/off sticky menu in Theme Options -> Header;- added ability to turn on/off search box in sticky menu in Theme Options -> Header;
8 July, version 1.0.17
- theme is now compatible with WooCommerce plugin 2.1.12;- fixed bug when sidebars didn't appear on blog page if page title was not "Blog";- theme is now compatible with Visual Composer plugin 4.2.3 (check Documentation "Bundled Plugins Update" part to know about how to update plugins on already installed themes);- added widgets area "Top Left Panel Area" (there was phone number earlier);- added widgets areas "Bottom Panel Left" and "Bottom Panel Right" - black panel under the footer with payment icons, copyright message and social network icons;- updated sample data (main_data.xml and widget_data.json);- fixed bug with disappearing text on submit button at order details page;- replaced deprecated WooCommerce nonce function with wp_nonce_field;- added cyrillic google fonts support;- fixed coupons form at cart page;
2 July, version 1.0.16
- added ability to turn on/off Product Name, Product Price, Add to Cart button;- fixed Price and Add to cart icon responsive styles;- fixed colors system for team member social icons, gallery items onhover border, mobile menu;- fixed not working Shipping address check box at Checkout page;- fixed Up-sells products block;- moved "Posts per page" setting to Blog page section of Theme options;- fixed scrolling to top after click on product preview additional images thumb;- updated Sample data;- updated Documentation.
17 June, version 1.0.15
- updated to WordPress 3.9.1;- updated to WooCommerce 2.1.11;- fixed Screets Live Chat license issue;- fixed not working Quickview link after Ajax requests;- fixed issue with "Add to cart" button wasn't showing in Quick view fancybox window for products with variations;- change color for "Add to cart" icon using Theme options panel;- fixed product listing preview for products that have only one image;- turn ON/OFF switch for Quick view;- added settings for Quick view window at Theme options panel;- turn ON/OFF switch for product preview "on hover" effect.
6 June, version 1.0.14
- added responsive layout turn on/off feature;- fixed quickview styles.
5 June, version 1.0.13
Initial release
Please, don’t submit questions in the comments section. Our dedicated support can help you only using our support forum. Presale questions are without registration. Our support is available 10.00 – 20.00 GMT + 2 (Monday – Friday). We usually get back to you within 24 hours (except holiday seasons which might take longer).
- Images for the demo are taken from bigstockphoto.com
- LayerSlider – The Parallax Effect Slider (Extended Licence) – http://codecanyon.net/item/layerslider-the-parallax-effect-slider/922100 (Included to the price of template.)
- Facebook Connect and Like Free extension – http://store.belvg.com/free-extensions/facebook-connect-and-like-free.html Please refer to above link for usage terms
* Images from demo are not included in theme files.