Infine - OnePage Conference & Event WP Theme

Infine - OnePage Conference & Event WP Theme

About Infine

Infine is beautifully designed Comming Soon, Landing and Conference/Camp One page Wordpress theme. Advertise the next big thing right on your web site using colorfull countdown timer. Do you need a video presentation slide? No problem, Infine has prepared slide for it. Even for simple text slide. Infine has prepared beautiful timetable where you can inform visitors who, what, when and where speak will happen.

Flat, modern and clean design.Reasonable use of UI elements and whitespace

100% Fully ResponsiveThere is no limitation in viewing Infine on any popular device. Infine is fully responsive from small smartphone screen to big desktop monitors.

Retina ReadyInfine looks great even on Retina and high-resoultion displays. Every graphic element is sharp and clean. No blurry images anymore!

Prepared Timetable for SpeakersPresent who, what, when and where speaks will happen in nice and clear timetable.

Final CountdownOur Final Countdown guarantees that Infine is looking great on every popular device.

Parallax ScrollingInfine uses javascrpit parallax effect to make site looks beautiful.

BootstrapDeveloper friendly code based on Bootstrap and SaSS, so editing and adding your own content is realy easy.

UX readyWe have created Infine theme with strong focus on User Experience in every detail. Every element isdesigned to work well on any popular device.

Touch FriendlyBrowse easily on you smartphone or tablet. Huge enough buttons, balanced typohraphy and responsivnes gives you desktop like browsing experience.

Visual ComposerInfine integrates the most popupar wordpress page builder on the world – Visual Composer. Building custom pages was never easier!

Update Log

Version 1.0.12
27. April 2016

- Visual Composer plugin update- Support for WordPress 4.5- Demo content update

Version 1.0.11
05. May 2015

- Visual Composer plugin update- TGM update

Version 1.0.10
04. May 2015

- Revolution Slider export update- Revolution Slider plugin update- Visual Composer plugin update- TGM update

Version 1.0.9
03. March 2015

- FIX Countdown

Version 1.0.7
16. October 2014

- Added Revolution Slider 4.3.4- Demo content update- FIX Revolution Slider styles

Version 1.0.6
11. September 2014

- Posts Slideshow - added NEW options- FIX Posts Slideshow Auto Height- FIX Visual Composer - backend editor labels repair

Version 1.0.5
26. August 2014

- Infine Events - added read more button & right column settings- Added menu nesting

Version 1.0.4
07. August 2014

- Font Awesome added- Countdown - added Before-End Slogan field- Infine Events - time format select added- FIX Subscribe List - items management & export- FIX Map - controls- FIX VC icons- FIX sticky footer- FIX footer css style- FIX style.css

Version 1.0.3
03. July 2014

- added partners categories- extended Infine Partners VC element

Version 1.0.2
27. June 2014

- FIX Events Plugin- FIX Testimonials floating

Version 1.0.1
13. June 2014

- FIX scrolling navigation- updated documentation

Special thanks to


Sample photos are not included in the package!

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