“Luca” is a theme designed for general use. Based on a custom framework that features a page builder, custom widgets and theme settings. The theme is created that way to not overload the site, trying to keep the JS/CSS sources at the minimal for a faster page loading and better SEO results.
| Drag and drop page builderThis beautifull theme comes with an easy to use page Yeah, and being able to edit everything via AJAX, using |
| Unlimited color schemesThat’s right, with just one click you can change the color |
| Page settingsYou decide the structure of each page, the spacing on each |
| Footer managementManage the footer content and design. You can select between |
| Portfolio previewYou may want to edit an item from your portfolio but for |
| Contact form 7Getting in touch with the visitors of your site is a very |
| Intuitive widgetsYou’ll be amazed how easy is to use the widgets included in |
| Beautifull designed elementsThe theme is designed following the latest trends. Unique |
Other features:
- WordPress 3.5+ Ready
- Responsive layout
- Revolutions slider(premium Codecanyon plugin $15)
- Custom powerfull Page Builder.
- One click color scheme change. That’s right, just one click, change the base color and everything else is handled automatically.
- Simple Theme Options panel
- SEO-friendly html structure
- Isotope filterable portfolio
- Different portfolio layouts
- Embed support for most popular media sites.
- Special metaboxes for each post type, post format and page template.
- Support for custom menus and post thumbnails
- Custom image settings.
- Support for Contact Form 7
- Multilevel CSS/Jquery dropdown navigation
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Font Awesome Icons Integration
- Cross-browser compatibility(Tested in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera)
- Translation ready
- Demo content. .XML file included
- Well commented code
- Documentation
Special thanks to:
- Adam Quest for portfolio images: https://www.behance.net/AdamQuest
- Unsplash.com other demo images: http://unsplash.com/
- JQuery library http://jquery.com/
- JQuery UI http://jqueryui.com/
- Tinynav v1.03 http://tinynav.viljamis.com
- Magnific Popup https://github.com/dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup
- Isotope v1.5.19 http://isotope.metafizzy.co
- HTML5 Shiv http://remysharp.com/2009/01/07/html5-enabling-script/
- Aqua-Resizer https://github.com/sy4mil/Aqua-Resizer
1.2 – July 17, 2014:
- .pot localization file update
- Added option to stick the main menu on top of the page
- Added blog page builder module
- Other small bug fixes.
1.1.1 – July 02, 2014:
- Bug fix: Menu not working properly in Safari browser and Apple(tm) devices.
1.1 – June 26, 2014:
- Update for theme plugins
- Fixed Featured Image metabox for blog post
- Added new options in Theme Options, Custom fonts, custom CSS, etc.
- Fixed Revolution Slider demo data
- Other minor theme bugs
1.0.3 – June 22, 2014:
- Added .pot translation file.
1.0.2 – June 18, 2014:
- Update for Revolution Slider. The .zip corrupted.
1.0.1 – June 18, 2014:
- Quick fixes in functions.php
- Added Revolution slider demo data